Firmly Held Convictions

Lydia Warrick

Moutohora Macaws Keeper; Felix & baby warrick <3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9" Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
If there was one thing which had come from the most recent brush with authority for Lydia was that she had no strength in her own convictions about things, no matter how she tried it was just impossibly hard for her to believe in anything as strongly as she'd watched the leader of the wild patch believe in it. The teen hadn't known how strongly a person could believe in a thing, she'd never seen anyone stand so firmly on ground she hadn't thought could exist specifically in front of Professor Styx who ultimately terrified her, but it was something that made her feel like she needed to at least work on it, just unsure of where she might begin, in her mind the wild patch was supposed to just be where they sat around and discussed plants but it had been made truly wild in the plans which she'd noticed. Already though more had been done in the small time with this person in charge than previously, and it was what she was currently dealing with.

It was the tail end of Lydia's turn to mind the plants to see how they were doing in the little allotted section of the garden for the wild patch, where vegetables and herbs grew and were able to be given to the house-elves to then use. The girl had been more than happy to do that, and she was happy to just get her hands dirty and just get entirely stuck in. She had finished up, but instead of heading back to the school, she'd stayed in the garden at the bench just outside of the little area with a box of flowers beside her, she had been working on flower crowns at all odd occasions and she really enjoyed making them. It was fun to her to be able to do such a thing and so she did it, it helped her mind think about what they'd done, what they were doing, and she felt at ease as her fingers knotted the flowers together like they'd been shown to create a fair attempt at a flower crown, thinking back to the protest and what she had experienced at that.
Felix had heard rumblings around the school about the Wild Patch club's protest at he forbidden forest. Ever since Orwell took over thw club got a lot more attention and Felix had thought of it as a good thing for a club that never seemed all that popular. But when half the club ended up in the headmistress' office maybe he thought too soon. Felix uad never been a big club person himself but Wild patch had been something he'd considered ever since his first year when he fell in love with the Hogwarts garden.

Despite not joining the club the Ravenclaw had found it hard to stay away from the garden. He loved the scenery but he also liked that it was very often quiet if not empty. Felix made his way through the grounds and over to the bench by the garden where he had often spent hours on end writing or read or just starting into the sky. As he got closer to the bench he realised that this time the garden was not empty, he saw a girl sat on the bench, it looked like she was making flower crowns. Felix smiled to himself as he recognised her as the Hufflepuff keeper and then and there decided to approach her. "I don't suppose you could make me one of those?" He asked smiling at her. It wad the first thing he thought of that wasn't hi or lovely day and he wasn't sure how the girl would take such a request.
Lydia found making flower crowns a good way to relax, and if it helped the club in any small way she was happy to, and it really was a nice simple way to spend what was a lovely day. Her fingers were still dirty with mud stuck in her nails, and she was dressed in old comfortable clothes that she didn't mind getting dirty. She had thought a lot about the suggestion of taking off her shoes and socks for it, and eventually after dirtying her trainers enough she had removed them, and they still currently sat beside her on the bench, since she hadn't yet put them back on her feet, considering that her feet were as dirty as her hands. Instead of lingering on that she couldn't help but feel pleased about it, she couldn't help but feel like in doing that, in having the dirt on her hands and feet that she really was making a small difference, even if it didn't appear so to her.

At the voice the hufflepuff teen looked up and saw that a boy from her year stood in front of her, she just grinned at him, looking down at the flower crown in her hands and just smiled, "You can have this one," she told him with a bright smile since she wasn't making this for herself and really the wild patch seemed to be making crowns just as a way of making money when people wanted to donate to get one. She just liked making them, she liked the way they looked on people's heads and she like the fact that everyone actually seemed to enjoy them, "It's almost done," she told him as she took a few more flowers and began to work them into the crown, "Why don't you sit down? Then I can finish this and you can have it," Lydia glanced back down at the crown she was making with a small smile, "I'm Lydia, I'd shake your hand but my hands are a little dirty,"
Felix grinned as the girl told him she could have the one she was making. He paid extra attend to it since it would soon be on his head. Felix's attention soon drifted off to the girl making the flower crown. Her shoes were tucked under the bench and her hands and feet were covered in dirt. She had clearly been out here a while and had no problem getting her hands dirty. Felix tended to like people like that so he already had a good feeling about her. She extended an invitation for him to join her on the bench and he was happy to oblige. "Of course, I'm just gonna take a shot in the dark here, are youin Wild patch club?" It was a strange question to ask someone he had just met but he had heard that flower crowns were all the range with the club and she had been in the garden doing a little more than making a flower crown.

Felic took a seat on the bench while the girl introduced herself as Lydia. It was nice to put a name tovthe face he had seen guarding the enemy hoops invthe last Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw match. "I'm Felix and a little dirt never hurt anyone," Felix held out his hand to shake hers despite her comment that hers were too dirty. What was too dirty, it was a bit of mud what harm would it do to shake her hand. "Do you make a lot of these?" He asked motioning his head towards the box of flowers at her side.
The hufflepuff teen nodded at his question it was fairly obvious she imagined that she was a part of the club, since they were the ones who make the crowns to then give out to people who wanted them, she wasn't sure what purpose it served but they were cast with magic so that the flowers would stay fresh and they looked nice, and in all the time they'd been doing them she'd gotten a whole load better, which was exactly what she needed, "Yeah, I am, it's good fun a little different this year than other years but good," she told him with a nod, she did enjoy doing the different parts of the club even if they weren't seen as being particularly normal or a little more out there than most things were when it came to clubs. She was paying more attention to the flower crown she was making than him, but couldn't help but just smile as he introduced himself, glancing up at him with a content expression clearly liking the fact he didn't mind a little dirt.

"It really doesn't," she agreed taking his hand and shaking it light, "It's nice to meet you Felix," the girl added before she took her hand back and focused much more on the crown, pushing, and twisting the flowers into place, keeping with the style she'd clearly set out to do, the teen felt a little more under pressure to get this done well for Felix, "I make quite a few, only really just got good at them," she told him, looking up from her work and meeting his gaze with a confident smile, "The club make a lot, we give them out, some times people donate which goes towards getting seeds but we don't ask for anything in return, that way anyone can get one rather than only those with money," she told him, as she went into the box and picked out a few more flowers, "I think it's pretty nice, plus everyone loves a good flower crown,"
Felix was glad when Lydia took his hand and shook it. After which she turned her attention back to the flower that she was now making for him. It seemed that all her attention was firmly on the crown in her hands, she seemed to be taking more care now that the person who would be wearing it was sat beside her on the bench. Felix seemed to rather enjoy watching her weaving the flowers together into a crown. "Yeah I have noticed that the is err...different, this year," The big difference in the club was noticeable since Orwell became the leader and Felix had a feeling that the protest at the forbidden forest would not be the last under his leadership.

"It's nice to meet you too Lydia," Felix smiled at her as he settled into watch her make his flower crown. So far this semester Felix had seen more flower crowns on peoples heads than he had in his first three years at the school. That just showed how active the Wild patch club had become under their new leadership. Felix smiled as she told him about how the club gave out the crowns to anyone who wanted them, it was very generous, he hoped they got enough in donations to compensate them for all the time and effort they put into making the crowns. "Well its settled then, I can't have you putting all this effort into making me a crown for nothing, besides I do have a soft spot for you guys, any club that does something like stage a protest in front of the forest and has half the club sent to the headmistresses office has some real guts between them,"
Lydia nodded at his comment, the leader of the club certainly had made things very different for them, it had been a nice change though, the wild patch club prior had barely met and they didn't have any events which some of the other clubs usually managed to have. The teen had thought the protest was a little extreme but she couldn't help but agree with the principle of it, she couldn't help but feel proud that they'd took a stand no matter how small that stand really was, and Lydia couldn't help but admit but they were being talked about, people knew what had happened, people had found out, and their message was mixed up in the middle. But, with Felix sitting beside her she just wove the flowers intertwining them as she finished the initial crown shape, as in it being round, not she just wanted to decorate it slightly.

As he began speaking, Lydia chuckled lightly and shook her head, "You don't need to," she muttered, she didn't want him to feel like he had to, she had offered to give this to him rather than him asking her for one really, well, he had asked but she didn't want to make him feel like he had to, this wasn't the formal stall, or flower crown events which they held, instead it was just Lydia sitting making a crown. As he continued she couldn't help but smile at it, it was nice to know that they had support, "You should join us," she told him, although standing in front of the headmistress had been scary, she couldn't help but feel proud that she'd been there for that, "I think the leader has more planned for the following semester, and we've been supplying the school with fresh produce grown on Hogwarts grounds," she couldn't help at that moment than laugh at herself, she couldn't believe what she was saying, "I'm pretty sure we'll get into more trouble next semester," she grinned at Felix half nervous half excited at the prospect.
Felix had always been an admirer of the Wild patch club but he had never considered joining. He really wasn't a club person but somehow the club seemed more appealing when Lydia suggested he join. Maybe he was coming around tongroups, or maybe it was just the influence of a pretty girl, who was to say for sure. The Ravenclaw smiled when she tried to turn down his donation but Felix wouldn't take no for answer, "Your putting so much work into it that can't all be for nothing, don't worry we're not talking big donation, I'm by no means rolling in galleons, it would just be a little somethingso I don't feel I've used you as slave labour, you wouldn't want me to feel guilty would you?" He asked putting on his best innocent smile.

When Lydia mentioned thatvthe leader had more planned for the next semester it made Felix a little nervous. Surely he wouldn't join a club so hell bent on getting in trouble, even if it was for good causes. Lydia seemed to start laughing to herself as she mentioned that they had been supplying the school with fresh produce from the grounds. It seemed like an odd thing to laugh at. "Well I hope you guys don't get in too much trouble, it would be a shame if you were stuck in Detention the rest of the year," He said smiling, he couldn't help see a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of what was coming up for her club.
Lydia smiled at him, but she obviously wouldn't push it too much, if Felix wanted to donate she wasn't going to stand in his way of him doing that, plus anything to help there cause was something the teen was pretty happy about, "I like doing it though," but it wasn't a push towards getting him to not give money just admission that she actually really enjoyed it, and she had been growing steadily better at it. She didn't have as much issues with it as she did with other things and it just wasn't the same, she was close to finishing the crown for him and then she might just start on another, it was so easy to do, something to fill the time, something for her hands to do, "It's fun, flower crowns are nice," she told him as she added a few more flowers just listening as he spoke.

They'd likely get into less trouble, everyone was focusing on getting into less trouble, which suited Lydia just fine really. She didn't have to worry too much about it, but whatever he had planned she was sure it was going to be new and different, "It would be, I mean I might miss out on quidditch, you play too right?" she agreed, "I don't know how anyone can believe in things so strongly, like he believes in it so much, he believes in all of us," Lydia shook her head and then finished up the crown, "Done," she announced but without even saying anything just put it on to Felix's head and then smiled at him, "Suits you perfectly," she pulling her hands away slightly before then adjusting the crown a little, just so that it would sit on his head without falling off, "It looks really great," she was smiling, holding back little bits of laughter, people always looked great with flower crowns but she didn't in the small time knowing him feel like Felix was much of a flower guy, which was why she was smiling and laughing so much. Lydia noticed that one of the flowers had come loose a little, "Hold steady," she told him, before reaching out and very delicately so as to not pull his hair fixed the little flower, "I don't have a mirror to show you how you look, you'll have to just take my word for it,"
Felix smiled as Lydia admitted that she liked making flower crowns, that maybe the case but it didn't change how much effort she had put into making one for him, especially as he had just popped up out of no where and asked for one. Lydia had been more than happy to finish the one she was making for him. He wasn't sure if it would even suit him or not but he figured it had been a good conversation starter nonetheless. There was something about the way she talked about flower crowns that made him smile, she seemed so happy when she talked about them and so relaxed when she was pressing flowers into the crown. Though he had only just met the girl there was something about her that put him at ease.

Lydia went on to say that getting into trouble for her would mean that she would be unable to play Quidditch. That really would be a shame, he had seen her play and she would certainly be a loss to her team if she were to be suspended. She also asked if he played, the way she said it was almost as if she was assuming he did. "Oh no, no," Felix said shaking his head gently. "At least not yet, I thought about trying out in my first year, if they let me of course, but then again weren't you a first year when you made the team? I thought about but I wasn't confident enough in my flying, I've got better since so maybe next year who knows," It was true, Felix was getting more and more confident in his flying to the point that maybe he was ready to try out for the Quidditch team at the next opportunity. Maybe next year he would be lining up against Lydia. As he was lost in fantasy land, Lydia had finished his crown and without a word placed it on his head. She seemed to see the sight of it funny so he figured he'd play along. "What's wrong, don't I pull it off? I thought for sure I'd rock the flower look," He said with as grin.
Lydia hadn't even thought about her joining the team as strange, she had been in it from first year, but it had been because of her brother's encouragement that she'd taken the plunge and decided to just go for it in first year, "My brother taught me to fly before school and he was captain of the Gryffindor team when we were in first year, he encouraged me to try-out. You should try out, and if you want any pointers I'm pretty good," she told him grinning slightly, she obviously didn't think of herself as amazing but she definitely thought of herself as good enough to give a few pointers if she needed to. The girl just shrugged, she had never lack confidence when it came to the sport of quidditch, having played it since she was about five it was no different to her that speaking or writing. She knew the struggle her brother had gone through to teach her to fly and she would make the most of it, although the girl was sure that her brother would approve of the wild patch antics.

Putting the flower crown on the boy's head she just felt herself smile, holding back the laughter as she fixed it, "You pull it off," she told him meeting his gaze and just smiling broadly at him, though still containing the laughter, "Just didn't expect you to be much of a flower guy," she said to him, as she controlled her own laughter, not really moving her gaze away from him, "Let me turn it a little, get the right flowers sitting at the front," she told him, before she moved it slightly, "See now that's perfect, you look magical," Lydia couldn't help the large smile, she couldn't help but really enjoy this company, Felix was easy to talk to, there was little complexity in this, "Do you want to help make one?" she asked him, "It's okay if you aren't good at it, I can help," she added holding out the flowers to him, "Unless you had somewhere else to go," The hufflepuff suddenly felt a little nervous she didn't know if Felix would stick around now he had the crown and she didn't want to force him to stay just because she was going to be continuing to make flower crowns.
Felix wasn't a flower man but the construction of the flower crown had provided a good excuse to come over and talk to a girl that had caught his eye a few months prior. He had admired her exploits on the Quidditch pitch since their first year but recently he had seen her in another light and now he was finally sat next to her, her hands adjusting the flower crown that she had placed on her head and a big smile on her face, his too. "You know I might just take you up on that, although would you be willing to help train up someone to play against you?" He asked with a coy smile. On that thought, did she know what house he was in? How could she as he hadn't told her but at the very least she would know he wasn't in Hufflepuff, they were in the same classes after all.

As Lydia adjusted the crown on his head he couldn't help but think she was holding back a laugh, and he couldn't blame her. The crown no doubt looked ridiculous on his head but it didn't matter, it had served its purpose and if it made her smile then it was staying put. "I'm really not a flower guy, but I figured I'd try something new," She wasn't done however as Lydia moved to adjust the crown again. "That better? Magical you say, well you know I am a wizard," He grinned and winked. Once she was happy with the one on his head Lydia turned her attention to the box of flowers and asked if Felix wanted to help make one, Felix smiled a little. "Yeah, lets see what these bad boys can do," He said waving his hands in front of her. Then she suddenly asked if he had somewhere to be and it was almost as if there was a little flicker in her eyes like she was expecting him to get up and dash now that he had the flower crown. "Not a chance, you need to show me how to make one of these things," He smiled touching the tip of his flower crown gently so it didn't move.
Lydia just smiled at him and nodded, "Of course, I mean, I don't know if my captain would much like it," Lydia reasoned but she still shrugged knowing at really at the end of the day he wouldn't really mind, what did it matter if she gave a few pointers to someone in the other team, it wasn't like it changed anything about the team, and Lydia was all about helping people when they needed it. It was why the teen showed no sign of not wanting to help Felix out, "You name the time and I'll be there," the girl just smile, she didn't know which house he was in, but she knew he wasn't in Hufflepuff with her, "You're a Ravenclaw, or is it Gryffindor?" she asked, thinking about it, since she couldn't remember which he was in from the two, but she was almost certain it was Ravenclaw, the house though didn't matter, her brother had been a Gryffindor and her oldest cousin had been a Slytherin their family wasn't strictly one thing and given the lack of background magical knowledge in her family, they didn't care about where a person ended up, and nor did she.

Adjusting the crown on his head was easy enough to do, and with it sitting better she smiled at him easily, still finding it a little funny that he was wearing a crown on his head but it seemed almost right to have that, and Lydia was enjoying being able to share the flower crown and her time with someone. It didn't matter that she was sat outside, her hands dirty, barefoot from having spent time in the garden, he didn't seem to mind and making the flower crowns was just a good way to spend an afternoon and given his interest she could gladly say that she had made a friend along the way too, "Trying something new is always good," she agreed and couldn't help but laugh at what he said, "A wizard?" she feigned shock but just laughed at it. Seeing that he actually wanted to learn to make a crown and indicated that she had to show him how, she pulled out a bunch of flowers and put them on his lap before doing the same to hers, "I'll go slowly, so just watch my hands," she told him with an encouraging smile before very slowly beginning the crown, pausing after a few steps to see how he was doing.
Felix was surprised when Lydia continued to insist that she would help him, I guess that was the Hufflepuff spirit that everyone talked about. "Well I look forward to taking you up on that," He said with a smile. Whether he would or not would remain to be seen but he very much appriciated the offer, especially as if it led to him making the team then he would playing against her next season, that would certainly be interesting if he saw more of her. He hoped he would, he felt like he had made a friend in Lydia though it would be strange to play against a friend though he suspected he wouldn't be the first student to do so.

"What makes you think I'm not a Slytherin?" He said with a sly grin, she seemed to have decided he was either a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw, she had narrowed it down and was pretty close to guessing but he wanted to throw her off a little, or at least understand what made her think she was in this house or that house but not Slytherin. "Nah I'm kidding of course, I'm in Ravenclaw, I think we've had a bunch of classes together since we started if I'm not mistaken, we've just never actually met until now, better late than never huh," He grinned at her curious to see what she would think of his little comment. Lydia then dumped a pile of flowers on his lap and did the same on her own and began to make another crown and instructed her to watch her. "Ok, just don't too fast or you'll lose me," He smiled watching her hands work.
At his question about being a slytherin, she laughed lightly and shook her head, "In my experience, Slytherin's don't really want flower crowns," she shrugged at him, there were no Slytherins in the Wild Patch, and there was definitely a lower amount of Slytherin students who took the crowns from them and his wanting one had been a suggestion to her that he hadn't been one of them. The teen just smiled as he then admitted he was a Ravenclaw and truthfully though they'd had classes together before she'd never spoken to him before, "I've seen you in classes, yeah, but it is better late than never," the teen agreed with a small smile, glad to have now met him, she really liked him already and they'd really just met, but things with him were simple in a way that she wasn't too used to, Lydia didn't have many friends and she was definitely enjoying this time they were spending together now, it was easy and she couldn't help but look at him with a smile on her face, happy to have run into him and been able to help him get his own flower crown.

Teaching someone how to make a flower crown wasn't really a simple task, there were a lot of steps involved and it really required the person to pay attention to the other's hands. Lydia smiled at him and just nodded, no going to fast, "I'll go as slowly as I can, " she told him, as she slowed down, showing him how it would be made, or the beginning and then doing it again, slowly showing him how to do it, and feeling like a little guidance might help she reached out and took his hands, slightly guiding them into what they needed to do to be able to make the crown, "It's easy enough really," she glanced back up at him with a shy grin but clearly very happy to be showing him, she motioned for him to try it without her help.
Felix was keen to get this right so he followed Lydia's instructions to the letter and watched her fingers intently as she constructed her own flower crown and he did his best to follow her every move. It wasn't easy and it was clear that she could see that as she stopped working on her own crown and gave him her full attention. She took hold of his hands guiding him through the motions herself. Felix smiled as he felt a tingle in his finger tips as the Hufflepuff girl touched them. She seemed to know flower crowns so well that she was able to make one even with someone else's hands. He couldn't help but admire her skill even if he was a little embarrassed that she was having to guide him in such a way.

After a few moments, and the various flowers had begun to take something resembling a shape she finally relinquished control back to his hands and allowed him to continue without her hands guiding his. As she went back to her own he couldn't help but miss the feel of her hands on his, but he tried not to think about it too much as he wanted to focus as much as possible on the crown he was making, he very much wanted to impress this girl and if this was the way to do it then so be it. "Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it," He said looking from his crown to hers not entirely sure she would agree with him.
It didn't take much more instruction with her hands guiding his when he finally managed to begin figuring it out, and so she took her hands away from his and had a moment of actually missing it, it wasn't like with Jean and the Yuleball where they'd held hands to dance and it had just been normal, this was different, she liked the way it had felt, she hadn't really wanted to remove her hands from his, but she felt the blush reach her cheeks and she was pretty glad that he was very occupied with what he was doing with the flower crown and this would give her the ability to wipe the blush from her cheeks before he looked at her, "You are getting the hang of it," she agreed with a small smile, noting that he was indeed getting the hang of it, she liked making flower crown, it was so simple and so fun, they just had so much fun with it, and she couldn't help but enjoy that the flowers really lasted, and that because they were all making them that no two were the same.

She looked at him, as she stopped making her own, just ensuring that his was really going well, hers was a little better but purely because this was her tenth of something flower crown that month versus his first. She just smiled at him, "You are really getting the hang of this," she agreed, "It took me forever to get remotely good at it." she complimented with a small smile, she hadn't been that good at it to begin with but had gotten better at it with the right amount of time. She smiled at him before continuing with her own, she thought it was good for stress release, the repetitive motion included in making them and the concentration it required. Lydia knew that this probably wasn't what he'd intended to do with his day but it was working out fine really, "Soon you'll be making flower crowns in no time whatsoever," the teen said smiling at him.
Felix was glad he had something to occupy his hands so he wouldn't dwell too much on how empty they felt since Lydia had removed her hands from his. But at least he felt like he was doing a little better on his crown and he could almost tell what it was supposed to be as he folded more flowers into the crown. He hadn't yet looked up at Lydia since she removed her hands, he didn't want his face to betray him and show just how much he wished her hands were still there. Felix had known this girl maybe an hour. What was going on?

Felix smiled as Lydia seemed to agree that he was getting the hang of it, somewhere along the linebit had become more important to impress Lydia than getting the crown right but the more he thought about ot the more the two seemed intertwined. "Thanks, it is kind of relaxing though I'm not sure I'd want to wear one made by me," He smiled and instinctively touched the edge of the flower crown on his head. He may not wear the crown again but he knew he would keep his crown for a long time to come.
It was easier to just concentrate on what she was doing and what she was helping him with, it was really very simple and the teen was very much having a good time, she found flower crown making to be such a simple pleasure in life and she loved being able to do it and helping him make his, and she could tell by glancing at his hands that he really was doing quite well at it, while it wasn't the most complicated thing to do it was still good and she definitely liked being able to do it. Helping him out wasn't too bad either, making flower crowns was an incredibly simple way of passing the time and she couldn't help but feel happy that this was what was happening. Flower crowns and friends was the perfect combination of things and she was incredibly pleased for it, and at his words she just shrugged, giving him a small smile.

"You'll get better at them, and in the mean time, I'll gladly wear it," the teen said with a small smile, looking up at him, she didn't mind wearing any kind of strange but good crown, she knew what it was like to ultimately start of the beginning of learning how to make the crowns and anything she could do to help was something she would happily do. It wasn't too tricky to just keep practicing until he got good at it, much like she kept making them getting steadily better with each time, "It's pretty relaxing, although once this is finished, we could go get some food? Garden work makes me pretty hungry," she offered with a small smile.
Felix smiled as Lydia told him that she would gladly wear the crown he had made. He didn't think he had done a very job but at the very least it was recognisable as what it was supposed to be. Felix wondered how many more crowns he would come to make if he continued to see the girl. He hoped he would and for that many reason he hoped there would be a few more flower crowns in his future. Felix smiled to himself as he took a few more petals and wove them onto the crown, he felt like he was near completing it but he wasn't so sure if Lydia would share his optimism.

"Yeah your right, I'll get better I'll just have to make a few more, though I do feel bad that the one I'm wearing will be so much better than what you end up with," He smiled at her again as he instinctively touched the side of his crown as he had every time he mentioned it since putting it on. The crown felt strange on his head, he was used to wearing hats and was a particular fan of beanies but the crown felt different, as if it was a little more than decorative head wear, like it carried some meaning to it too. "You know what, I haven't really thought much about it myself but I am kinda hungry, there only one question though, your table or mine," Felix flashed the girl a cheeky grin as he held her gaze for a moment before turning his attention back to the flower crown.
The girl smiled at him and then just shook her head, "I don't mind at all," she told him easily, since she really didn't mind wearing a newer crown that wasn't going to be quite as good as the one she'd made, since she had practice and experience against his newness to this, and she had to admit that he was still doing better than others, "You are doing better in this one that the first one I ever made, it broke apart so easily, I had to get someone else to show me how to do it," she told him with a grin, knowing that given time he really would get better at this than he was currently, that he would enjoy it and find it good, though she didn't imagine that Felix would really spend too much of his time making crowns, it wasn't a particularly normal thing. The teen just smiled at him as she looked at the crown on his head and just found it again almost funny that he was wearing this crown.

Lydia had been working hard in the gardens prior to this and was looking forward to being able to getting something to eat, and she definitely didn't mind being joined by someone whom she had just met who had turned out to be quite good company. Lydia smiled at him as she finished off her flower crown, it was a little different from the one sitting on Felix's head, it was a little barer and had less flowers on it, but it was a crown and it looked nice, she couldn't wait to see it on someone's head, she wore the crowns she made all of the time, it always felt weird on her head but she liked it, she almost missed it when it wasn't on her head. At his words she was glad that he was opting to join her and she just smiled, "Mine, and then if we ever have lunch together again yours," she told him with a little grin, implying that they'd be spending more time together, as she then focused like him on the crown in front of her, finishing it off, and adding little bits and pieces.
Felix shook his head in disbelief as she said he had done better than she did on her first attempt. "No way, I find it hard to believe that these clumsy hands," He raised hands and wiggled his fingers. "Could have made a better first attempt than you," He smiled, whether she was being serious or just humouring him it didn't really matter, he appreciated the comment all the same. He couldn't help but smile around Lydia, even sat making flower crowns which was something he wouldn't normally do, he was enjoying himself.

He hadn't really been sure how long he and Lydia had been sat in the garden but he did know the girl had been out here a lot longer than he had so it wasn't much of a surprise when she turned the conversation to gettibg some food, he was hungry so he couldn't imagine how she felt. "Ok deal, yours this time, mine next," He smiled hoping that this would not be the only time they slent together. He watched as she put the finishing touches on the crown and when she was done he lept to his feet. "Come on then, I don't know about you but I'm so hungry I could eat my crown," He grinned examining the crown in his hands.

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