
Isabella Chaos

infamous | fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand, 14 1/4", Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
1/2009 (44)
After all the drama at the Yule Ball and the shame she felt for not doing better in her classes, Isabella Chaos was more than happy to leave the school for a few weeks to visit her home back in Italy. Her parents were now living in New Zealand for some odd reason, but by Isabella's request, they decided to spend the holidays back in their home in Italy. As if to make everything better, Bella found out that Wendy would be going back to her mother's house for the holidays, the perfect holiday present she could ever ask for from the stupid brat.

It wasn't hard to find the small brunette girl bopping around her house full of energy and talking away with her best friend and caretaker, Pammy. Even her mother, who was very pregnant at 7 months with twins, couldn't help but catch on to this contagious good mood Isabella had been in. Christmas had been a successful day but Isabella was most excited for her upcoming 13th birthday. She had been waiting for this day ever since she started her second year of school. She felt as if she had been 12 forever!
Not much of an RP or anything, just a placeholder.:p
After meeting an odd girl, named Abigail Lurken, who he now knew was his cousin, Rosaline, Avrille and Abigail went out into Sofia, Bulgaria, and Aiden of course opted to stay at his home in Bulgaria and write to Isabella. He quickly grabbed his quill, ink and some parchment, he only hoped that she would write back, because if she didn't, it would be a very long few days.

Dearest Isabella,

How are you? Enjoying your break? I hope so. Did you have a lovely Christmas? I'm sorry I haven't been able to write you sooner, something has happened that have adjusted my plans in Bulgaria by a lot. Hopefully that will get back to normal. Even so I had had a chance to get you a Christmas present, your birthday present will have to wait until we get back to school, I already have it, I would just prefer to see your face.

In case you do not get this until your birthday I would like to wish you a very happy birthday, and a happy Christmas.


Aiden Lorka

Aiden smirked to himself, wondering if Isabella would get the joke he used when he wrote love. Inside the envelope he put in pair of earrings, encased in a small velvet box. Then he sent it off with his owl carefully.

[sorry that was lame]
Isabella had been in her room trying on a new dress that Pammy had gotten her for Christmas when her mom came waddling in with a letter for her. Isabella curiously opened it up and a smile erupted on her face when she saw it was Aiden who wrote to her. Out of the envelope fell a small velvet box but she refrained from opening it until she had finished reading the letter. As soon as she was done she opened the box and squealed lightly in happiness. She re-read the letter a few more times first out of sheer happiness because he had actually written to her, and secondly to try and interpret what had happened in Bulgaria, but re-reading the letter didn't make her any closer to find out so she finally sat down to write back.
Dear Aiden,
Thanks for writing! I am doing just fine and I had a great Christmas! How has your break been so far? What happened in Bulgaria that made your plans change? Is it bad? I hope things are okay for you.
Anyway I want to say thank you so much for the earrings, they're amazing!! I have your Christmas and birthday presents as well but I'll just wait until I see you in person too.
Since I wasn't able to say it before, happy Christmas and have a happy birthday!

Hope to hear from you soon,
Isabella Chaos
Bella had considered sending Aiden his present just like he had done with hers but for some reason decided against it. It wasn't too long before they had to go back to school so he could wait a while. She also made sure not to write 'love Isabella Chaos' because she knew where that word had gotten her in the first place.

Deciding not to dwell on that, she got up off her desk and went downstairs to look for her family owl. After the leg was tied to her leg and she told it where to go, the owl took off and Isabella bit her lip in happiness feeling like her break just couldn't get any better.
Dear Bella,

I found out my Grandfather is in New Zealand, and that I have a cousin, she has the oddest eyes I've ever seen. Get this, they're violet. Apparently she yelled at a man named Asparuh because he mentioned her dead parents, foolish really. But she has gone back to HNZ so I think the rest of the break will be fine.

I just hope my Grandfather doesn't make too much of a hassle, he wants to meet Joceline and talk to me about attending Durmstrang with my adoptive cousin, Avrille, next year.

It's no problem, I wasn't sure you would like them. As you probably remember, I'm helpless at shopping. And I picked these out my self. Anything interesting happening over there? How far along is your Mom now? Are you in Italy or New Zealand?

Missing you,

Aiden Lorka

A cousin with violet eyes? And she goes to New Zealand? Her name wouldn't happen to be Abbey would it? Because if so, that's my roommate! Crazy! Her eyes are weird but they're really pretty, intriguing. Why were things weird around each other? She's nice enough, pretty shy actually but nice. I don't want to hear more plans of you going to Durmstrang! Why do they keep wanting to send you there? Last year was torture enough. =/

Well for shopping for the earrings for yourself you did great hehe. I'm in Italy right now, I missed it. Nothing too interesting here, Wendy didn't come, she went to visit her mom in New Zealand, so I was ecstatic about that! My mom's about 7 months pregnant, she's due in February. It's weird thinking of there being babies at this house. I won't be here when they arrive, in fact I won't even see them until they're about 5 months old! Weird.

I miss you too,
Isabella Chaos

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