Fire brigade

James Adams

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
James was in an irrational mood, he knew that perfectly well. For some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about celebrating the end of exams this semester, despite them not even being external or that important. But he couldn't shake the urge, so he decided to carry out his plan anyway. So he had purchases some boxes of wizarding fireworks, and he planned to set them off under control on the lawn. After all, he didn't think he was breaking any school rules, and at six o'clock on a Sunday evening, there weren't exactly going to be many people around, were there? Using the hover charm he had learnt that semester in Charms, James left the common room and headed down the stairs, hoping that not too many people would notice the obviously decorated boxes.
Archie had his hand intertwined with Orwell's as he strolled in the direction of the castle. He had just tagged along on one of Orwell's routine visits to the wild patch, and while he enjoyed tagging along because loved the outdoors and spending time with his best friend, checking up on plants was something he would never enjoy. It just bored him, plain and simple. Archie very much wanted to hurry up and arrive at his dorm so he could catch a good night's sleep but before he could even take another step further across the great lawn a curious sight of hovering boxes and a Gryffindor prefect caught his eye. He turned on his feet and sped up his walking, dragging Orwell with him so he could catch up to the prefect. "What are ya doing?" Archie asked, walking alongside his housemate as he eyed the boxes of what looked like fireworks up and down.
Charlotte was very glad that exams were over but as the days passed by, she found herself getting extremely bored. There was no more studying or classes and she had already explored almost every place she was allowed to go which left her with nothing to do. Sighing, she wondered around the corridors of Hogwarts looking for something to do until she spotted an older boy carrying a large box of something interesting. Instantly, Charlotte became curious. "What's that!?" she exclaimed, gesturing to the box in his arms as she made her way over to the boy. He looked like he was up to something and Charlotte couldn't wait to find out what it was. "Can I help? What are we doing? Where did you get that box from? What's in it?" She couldn't help but ask everything that was on her mind and hoped that the boy wasn't uncomfortable with her intruding on what he was doing. After all, if it was something that was going to cause trouble, Charlotte couldn't wait to start.
Orwell had his hand in Archie's as they walked in the direction of the castle, he had been tending to the gardens, perhaps it was a little late to be doing such a thing but he liked doing it when the school was quiet and few interruptions. Archie had tagged along with him, and the currently green haired boy enjoyed the company of his best friend in this. He looked at him as he began to drag them over to something that had apparently caught Archie's attention, "Archie, I don't know if I can afford to get into more trouble," he muttered quietly to him but it wasn't a thing he actually thought would stop Archie and he would of course stick with his best friend. He looked to the other, older boy and what was a box of something that he'd never seen before, Orwell moved to stand a little behind Archie as he spoke to the other boy asking about the fireworks, and then Orwell glanced to the girl who arrived too, he looked between the people and the box in question.
James grimaced slightly as more and more people arrived as he made his way down to the lawn where he had planned to set off the fireworks. He may not have been breaking any rules that he was aware of, but if there were lots of people around, a single misexplosion or something going wrong and there would likely be injuries. He had thought maybe they'd watch from the castle's windows instead, but he realised that he should have learnt by now that events such as these always attracted trouble makers and spectators. So as he kept up his steady pace with the boxes floating in front of him, he deigned to answer the questions being thrown at him. "I'm setting off some fireworks, of course. A bit of post-exam de-stressing if you get what I mean. And no, I don't think it'd be wise to stand too close. Health and safety you know, and I'm a prefect and all..."
Desi could spot fireworks from a mile away and that a prefect was holding them was even more intriguing. The boy trailed behind the prefect until they got outside. As James tried to get everyone to back off, Desi moved closer to the group. "We all know how to do a good shield charm" he exclaimed, though he wasn't exactly sure how good his was. "On with the fireworks!" he added loudly, eager to see the show.
It was a beautiful evening to spend walking around the Hogwarts grounds. It was nice to spend time in solitude every once in a while. Maddie loved spending time with people and having adventures with her friends but sometimes it was good to spend some time on your own, to take some time out and to really think about things. The semester and come to an end and it was an incredible start to Maddie's first year at Hogwarts, she had met many amazing people... and some people who she would rather not see again. Classes weren't too bad, but she supposed she could have tried harder. Maddie found studying hard so she tried to put it off as much as possible. But this next semester she couldn't really do that, she did well in her exams but there was always room for improvement.

Soon a group of people gathered on the lawn, they all seemed to be following an older boy who had some kind of box with him. Curiosity got the better of Maddie and she walked towards the group wondering what was about to happen. When she got closer she realised her best friend Charlotte was there, Maddie gave her a wave and stood next to her and whispered "what's going on? Seems to be a good crowd." Maddie caught glimpses of conversation, the word fireworks was batted about a lot. Wizarding fireworks were far more interesting that ordinary muggle fireworks. This could be a spectacular sight so Maddie decided to hang around.
Hemi was instantly drawn to the group at the mention of fireworks. A prefect was planning the whole display and that was enough for Hemi to be sure that this was authorised by the teachers, not that it would make any difference to him of it wasn't! "Oh wow, fireworks! Can I light one? Please, please, please? I won't screw it up!"
"If the little first year gets to light one, I want to light one too" Desi called out, cutting a glance at the younger boy. No way was he going to miss out on that kind of action.
As they reached the lawn, James glanced over his shoulder at the large crowd now present. Calling out over them was difficult, so he mutter Sonorous and spoke to them loudly and clearly. "This must be managed, ok? There won't be anyone other than me lighting these fireworks, and I insist on a minimum distance from them. Is that understood? Otherwise they'll suddenly vanish without a trace."
Charlotte had never seen fireworks set off with her own eyes before. As she listened to everyone's conversation, she became more and more excited about the plan. "I don't know but it looks like we're going to see fireworks!" Charlotte whispered back to Maddie who had arrived with the big crowd. She was a bit disappointed that they weren't able to set off fireworks themselves and crossed her arms in frustration when the prefect started to become stubborn about it. "But why? You're not that much older than us!" she whinged to the older boy. She had always liked to think of herself as mature and responsible despite her age. She really did not feel like just witnessing it today and wanted to be able to join in on the fun. Standing back and watching it all unfold was going to be boring.
The confirmation that the boxes did indeed contain fireworks and the growing crowd of students caused Archie to jump in excitement. Not only at the fact they would be lighting fireworks on school grounds, but at the prospect of getting caught because doing something knowingly against the rules was half the fun of breaking the rules. He knew that getting in trouble again, especially after the forbidden forest protest, would not turn out in his favor and it was a stupid idea to want to break the rules. But the catch was he wanted to break the rules. In the Gryffindor's mind, lighting fireworks was worth any consequences he might face. "Are you sure you can't make an exception and let me help light some of the fireworks?" Archie asked after the younger students insisted on lighting them and after the prefect said he would be the only one lighting any fireworks. "I promise I won't be stupid." He added, thinking it would change the prefect's mind on the subject but he had a feeling the older Gryffindor wouldn't budge and would force him to watch the fireworks from afar instead of taking part and being in the middle of all the fun.
Orwell didn't know what fireworks were, having never seen them or really heard about them aside from the books he'd read but this was different seeing them in the flesh was surely going to be different. However there appeared to be a discord between the boy with the box of fireworks and all the other people who had subsequently arrived, the teen looked at the boy who addressed them saying that they had to keep a safe distance and that he could be the only one to do whatever was necessary, however, Orwell shook his head slightly, where was this boys supreme authority on this, he didn't think the youngest students should be handling them if they were dangerous, but then couldn't they just use spells all from a safe distance, "Are you trained to use them?" he called out to the boy, since he wasn't going to take orders from someone if he didn't see some form of proof that he was best equipped to be the one dealing with them, what made him more knowledgable than any of the rest of the students in this matter, "What makes you better able to light these without damage to others than any of the other students," the green haired teen asked loudly.
With her feline companion in tow, Esmè Lancaster strode slowly across the Great Lawn, leaving the rippling waters of the Lake behind her. Before she could make it back to the comfort of the castle her attention was caught by a small crowd gathering on the grass nearby. Curious, she strayed closer to the group, coming up behind the boy whom held a box of what were apparently fireworks aloft in the air. It took barely a moment to recognise his voice and register just exactly who it was. James Adams. The mewling little prefect who'd attempted to duel her earlier in the school year. With it cut too short, she never did get a chance to teach him a lesson, but there was always time. Especially if such a lesson left him with no eyebrows and a singed uniform. Once the green-haired boy had finished questioning James' capabilities, the Slytherin quietly drew her wand and pointed the tip at the floating box. "He's not." She stated. "Incendio."
Willow didn't spend much time outdoors anymore. Most of her time was taken up with trying to decide on a career and making sure that other students didn't make fools of themselves. She needed some fresh air though and hadn't been able to have any in her dorm. Being outside was the obvious choice and so Willow headed outside to spends some time with nature. Heading towards the lake, she spotted a group of younger students all surrounding what looked to be another student holding a box. James Adams to be precise. She headed towards them only to realise that it was a box of fire works and someone was about to light them. Her eyes widened and she rushed to put a stop to it. "No! Don't!" She was too late.
"Yea! What the green haired guy said" Desi said loudly. He hoped this might make the boy cave. There were too many against him. Before that could happen, a girl had lit them all. Desi's jaw dropped, in awe of her nerve. "Yes!"he pumped his fist, holding up his hand to high five the nearest person.
James was just about to reply to the Ravenclaw boy enquiring whether he had the expertise to set off the fireworks safely when he caught sight of Esme Lancaster pushing her way through the crowd. He groaned inwardly at what was soon to be a scene of carnage, he was sure. Still, with his wand still pointing at his throat, he spoke up over the talking. "I have no qualifications, no. But I am able to control the effects. If I do something, nobody gets in trouble, but if somebody else lights -" James was unable to finish his sentence, as Esme had decided to set off the whole set without even unpacking them first. However he was unable to do much other than cast a frantic shield charm in desperation, hoping the others were either far enough away, or at least quick enough with a wand, that casualties would be limited. Or not. The explosion was huge, and even with his shield, James was thrown off his feet, and he suspected that he'd have burns on his body as well.

OOCOut of Character:
You can of course be either near enough or not near enough to be hurt by the explosion :p

With the news spreading, and not to mention, a group of students gathering in the lawns only made Vulcan Zhefarovich more curious. He rushed outside to the lawns, but he skid to a stop when he saw an explosion. 'Whoa, that was cool,' thought Vulcan as he walked to see that there was a Gryffindor prefect on the ground, and recognized him to be the one that argued with Esme once in the dueling club. Vulcan did not know who all was injured because of the entire ordeal, but fire loving Vulcan was disappointed that he did not get to start anything like this. This prefect was taking away all the fun. His eyes turned to see Esme there, and a smile crossed his lips. He wondered what happened, before he stepped to the prefect, before giving him a light kick. "You alive? Damn, I'm sure that Logan might have some tips for handling burns."
Professor Kingsley had been enjoying some fresh air outside when she'd noticed a big commotion. Before she could even arrive at the scene, there was a large explosion and then the woman was running to the group. She heard the tail end of Vulcan's comment. "10 points from Gryffindor, Vulcan. Now, someone tell me what happened?" she yelled as she doused the flames with an Aguamenti spell and then kneeled beside the Gryffindor prefect who appeared the most injured at the moment.
Orwell could not have predicted what happened, the moment the fireworks were let off he let out a squeal of fear and buried himself into Archie, only when it seemed over did he lean out, noticing the head of Gryffindor house with the Gryffindor prefect who seemed to be the worse off of the people. He leaned slightly away from Archie, before noticing that they might need his help, he had plants growing in his garden for exactly this, "Wait on me," he told Archie before dashing off back to the gardens wasting no time in finding what he wanted and gathering it to take back, he smiled at Archie before heading towards the professor approaching her with some caution, "Professor, I have some aloe vera plant from the Wild Patch gardens, if the burns aren't too severe," he was holding out the plant leaves which he had gathered from the garden, assuming the professor would know how to use it if she did need it. After all the trouble he'd been in perhaps it was good that he could at least try to help out.
Archie did not register what was happening immediately, but his mind managed to connect the dots fast enough for his instincts to kick in and for him to half turn towards Orwell and hold his arm above their faces to shield them from the blast. He waited a moment and turned back around when he thought the worst was over and realized the worst was far from over; Professor Kingsley had shown up and the Gryffindor prefect who brought the fireworks had caught the worst of the explosion. Archie frowned, and moved to hold his arms over his body to comfort himself and it was at the sudden shot of pain up his arm that caused him to wince and suck in a breath that he realized he had been burned. He turned towards Orwell who asked him to wait before leaving the lawn. Archie did not want to wait for his friend to come back or even leave his side but he reluctantly obliged until Orwell returned. "I don't know what to do, Brock." He whispered as he followed his friend towards Professor Kingsley, choosing not to make eye contact with her and instead continuing to stare at the burn on his arm. He internally cursed himself for letting his insistent need to be at the center of everything take over, because he now knew that if he hadn't dragged Orwell into this mess they would not need to worry about the consequences of being caught in someone else's decision to carry fireworks around the school when they were already in hot water from the protest.
Skye was elated that exams were over for the semester and was eager to get outside and enjoy her freedombwhile it lasted. She wasn't outside long when she heard an explosion, it sounded like fireworks. That couldn't be right though, fireworks at Hogwarts? The redhead made her way over to the commotion and found a group of students, some injured and some not all being scolded by Professor Kingsley, Skye was disappointed to see that so many students were Gryffindors, this would cost her dear. She also noticed among the crowd Willow. Skye's stomach performed a backflip and she blushed slightly as she always did when the saw the Ravenclaw. "Looks like I missed the party," Skye announced as she approached the group.
Esmè looked on in awe as her rival disappeared behind a shower of multicoloured sparks, enjoying the somewhat beautiful outcome and admiring the bright, fiery arms that spiraled through the air. She'd stepped back as soon as she casted the spell, but even from a distance she could feel the heat from stray fireworks as they whizzed by, fading by the time they really reached her. Once the spectacle had settled and the smoke started to clear, she noticed that Vulcan had appeared on the scene, as if summoned by the enchanting light show. It wasn't surprising, anything fire related and he was there. The Slytherin flashed him a not-so-innocent smile, glad that he was around to witness James' humiliation in front of everyone.

The shape of Professor Kingsley's approaching figure in the distance spoiled the moment, and wand still in hand, the Lancaster girl subtly aimed a confundus spell at the fallen prefect, hoping to confuse him by the time she reached them. She diverted her eyes from the boy before seeing if it made contact, instead hiding her wand as the professor joined the gathering. Esmè kept quiet and acted as if she were just another spectator to the whole scenario, her eyes daring anyone else to try and put the blame on her. James had brought this on himself.
Professor Kingsley gave a dirty look to the girl who declared the area a 'party.' "Skye, be helpful and go get a nurse" she stated. She'd accepted the aloe from Orwell with a smile to the teen. It would be helpful, though she wasn't sure if it would help James. She wasn't very good at healing spells either. "If someone doesn't start talking, I'm sending you all to your Heads of House, and you'll all be held responsible for this. I'm sure they won't be happy to see you this close to the holidays." The woman split the aloe plant in half to reach its medicinal part. "If you're burned, form a line" she added wearily, trying to keep an eye on them all. It was too bad there were no other professors around.
Desi moved towards the line. He'd fallen over with the explosion, and when he'd managed to get up, it was his hands that were burned. They were hurting a lot and any relief would be great. The boy held them out, palms up, relief filling him as the aloe hit them. The Gryffindor kept his mouth shut though. He wasn't a tattle-tale. Anyway, he was mad that James wouldn't have let him light any of the fireworks.

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