Finnish Introduction!

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Katariina Vanhanen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Straight 14 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hi there!

I just wanted to introduce my newest character; Katariina Vanhanen. Don't be fooled if you're seeing her in orange or blue! - I am currently in the process of her application as a member of the ministry. What I am looking for though are some characters that she can roleplay with, as she is not a student..!

The facts:

She's an ex-Durmstrang
She loves animals and activly support their rights.
She's good at creating things.
She loved Herbology and Potions.

I am looking to find some friends, either Finnish characters or ex-Durmstrangs, who would share her interests. Let me know down below!! Thanks
Update: Katy will be moving to Obsidian Harbour, and as she doesnt know any english, would like to set up an initial meeting with an adult character who is willing to show her the basics. It would also be good to befriend this person, and have them as a line of support for future events.

Let me know if youre interested!!
So, I was supposed to PM you but, I completely forgot xD figured posting here was as good as.

I have Celestyn Helkovaara, who was born and raised in New Zealand, until he moved to live with his mother in New Zealand, at 17, he's never really integrated very well, he's still got an accent when he speaks english, and is one of the most anti-social people, he's just very lazy, he'll only go out if he has to, and mostly for work. He's been living in the same place for about two years and still hasn't unpacked most of his boxes. He never went to magical school and was taught at home, he's 28, so a little older but might be a good sort of home like friend for her.

Other than that, I have Tybalt Archer whose a healer in training at st.Mungo's, he'd always appreciate a friend, and he's a friend person. he's also about 19/20 so slightly closer in age too.

Let me know what you think.
Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back! I think both would be perfect - Though maybe Tybalt a little more so :p
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