Find the Good in a Bad Situation.

Keith Mercer

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Keith let out an exasperated breath. He was tired and worn out from the sudden hectic turn his life had taken. He had to raise an almost nine month old baby, quit his job, take up the family business again, practically move to England, brew ridiculous amounts of potions for his sick Father and still try and find time for himself. It wasn't an easy feat. But at that moment, Keith had an afternoon free and he had decided to visit Bondi. Gabriel rested on Keith's hip and gripped the collar of his shirt, mumbling incoherent gibberish as they walked. Keith was glad he had never bothered with strollers, they were too bulky and he drew too much attention to himself. Attention wasn't something Keith really wanted these days. Keith grinned down at Gabriel and stroked back the small amount of dark hair on his little baby head. Keith loved him so much, it seemed that no matter how difficult and strenuous his life got, he could look at Gabriel and everything would seem brighter and not so scary.

Keith let the sharp aroma of coffee fill his senses, as he reached his destination and pushed open the coffee shops doors. Keith's eyes immediately found the sofa he was seated on when Leah told him she was pregnant with his child. He remembered feeling unsure, but telling Leah he would be there no matter what. He was proud to say he had been true to his word. Probably more so than he would have thought. He raised the baby, almost by himself, but he wouldn't have it any other way. It's not that him and Leah were on bad terms, it was just easier for both of them like this.

Keith ordered a strong coffee and slumped into the armchair he had been seated in how many months before. Gabriel sat on his knee, a loud giggle escaping as Keith bounced him gently up and down. He loved being a Father, there was no better feeling in the world.
A loud, horrendous sound buzzed through the ears of Alexis Marie. It was the alarm clock warning her to wake up because if she didn't she would stay asleep all day. This, admittedly, had become a habit and the cycle had to be broken. Waking up just before her love was coming home only gave her a reason to stay up late when she knew that he couldn't stay awake as long as she, because he had work in the morning. But since being changed into the beast she was all Alexis wanted to do was sleep and spend time with her best friend and Izaak. Perhaps she had become a hypersomniac from the fear of hurting Izaak in the night, the dreams would be clear to this theory of hers and it was certain Sigmund Freud, a philosopher she had read about days prior, would have something to say about that.

Flapping her hand out, aiming towards the instrument making the disruptive noise, Alexis turned the alarm only louder before emitting a loud groan and sitting up sharply. Dumb alarm, she thought, all too tempted to unplug it and throw it in the garbage she fiddled with the cord after turning it off with the greatest annoyance. Okay so she wasn't that annoyed but she knew she was alone in the house and her lover was working and so was her best friend but as she rolled over to his side of the bed, she both inhaled his lingering scent and saw a note folded on the bed-side table.

With a doting smile, she unfolded it and read aloud, "Good morning, beautiful. I couldn't wake you but I love you and I'll see you at lunch." Alexis sighed affectionately as she looked at the scribe of her fiancé before folding the note delicately and pushing up out of the bed tiredly. She trudged down to stairs, greeting an eager puppy as he walked by her side, upset that he had not been fed. "In a minute Kobes," she said, swerving expertly to move around the pup's paw that attempted to get her attention but before anything else happened she needed a coffee.

Looking through the cupboards she found that they were would of coffee. "Great," she grumbled before taking the pet food from another cupboard and pouring it into the Border Collie's bowl. Alexis went back upstairs and changed into a simple outfit, with blue jeans and a white shirt. Now she had to go out to get coffee, it wasn't exactly what she wanted to do but the walk would be good for her. From the lack of sunlight she was beginning to look like a ghost.

Short moments later, Alexis had found a cafe and entered quickly, taking no time to fumble with her money as she ordered a black coffee. She likely paid far too much for it but it mattered not to her, Alexis simply wanted her dark liquid and as she took a long sup she walked forward, to a couch that had the back of it facing the window and as she tilted the cup from her lips down she saw someone that looked familiar. The azure blue eyes struck her and she smiled but gasped as she realized this was not Leah, not Izaak and certainly not Jay. No, it was another Finch and as she saw just how young the face of the Finch was she blurted out loudly, "Gabriel!" It was her godson and her future nephew. Looking up she smiled beamingly at Kieth. "Kieth, what are you doing here? Lee didn't tell me you and Gabriel were coming over, I would've gotten you both something."
Keith took a long sip of his coffee before placing it on the coffee table in front of him. Just as he sat back he heard a somewhat familiar voice calling a very familiar name. Looking up Keith smiled at Alexis Richarde, she was an old student of his, a best friend of Leah and also the godmother of Gabriel. "Well hey Alexis." Keith greeted, somewhat surprised to have bumped into her in a small place like this. That's probably because Leah doesn't know I'm here yet." He chuckled lightly and shook his head, "Besides I wouldn't have expected you to get us anything." He waved his hand dismissively before reaching for his coffee again. Gabriel had stopped giggling and instead stared up at Alexis with wide blue eyes.

"How have you been anyway?" Keith asked conversationally, taking another drink of coffee, feeling it wake him up and ease a significant amount of tension in his bones. He ceased his bouncing of Gabriel and instead let the eight month old sit back against stomach. He was still staring at Alexis with a curious expression, but as Keith gave him a small tickle over his ribcage, he burst into a fit of giggles once more, trying to squirm away from Keith's fingers.

Alexis smiled with warmth at Keith, everything was piecing itself together in her life and she was truly happy. To see Gabriel was an added plus, it was a little hard for her to wrap her head around the fact that Keith had him in another country where she would not be able to visit the little boy unless approved by the ministry of magic in Australia. But to dwell on such thoughts was not a good idea, the memory of it all was strong and negative, it would control her into an anomic state of being. She knew it would.

"I've been well, for the most part," Alexis answered with a nod of her head. "I'm back in Bondi now, engaged actually. So I'll be this little guy's auntie soon enough. Which means I expect you two to visit often," she said sternly, eyeing Keith playfully before grinning brightly at him. "I had to quit university and I'll have to find a wizarding job soon I suppose because I'm not exactly allowed to have a muggle job but all-in-all I suppose it is fine." For some reason feeling talkative, Alexis had slipped out something she should not have because it would lead to questions. Questions she didn't need or want because acceptance was what she needed now. She hadn't noticed her slip up, however so she asked him, "How is all with you? I hope well."

Hearing Gabriel giggle brought a soft smile to Alexis' lips and she asked gently, "May I?" Giving the older man the softest of gazes, she grinned and reached out carefully for Gabriel's small fingers with the hand that was not holding her coffee and gently shook it like a handshake to the small baby.
"That's good to hear." Keith said as Alexis confessed she had been doing well. He wasn't extremely close with the girl, but their conversations whenever they met had flowed easily. She was a kind-spirited person who had a genuine interest in Gabriel. Keith found that he rather enjoyed her company. It took Keith a moment to fit the peices together and he soon realised that Alexis' engagement was to Izaak, Leah's brother. "You and Izaak?" Keith asked, just to be sure. "Congratulations!" He said with a warm smile. From what Leah had told him those two were perfect for each other. "And definitely, I have a lot more time on my hands now that I'm not working at Hogwarts." He admitted, although at that point in time he wasn't exactly sure how truthful the statement was. He didn't know whether he would have to move back to England for a while, or whether he was free to stay in Australia and work from home. He guessed it would be okay to apparate and use the floo network, but even then it got tiresome. He would have to wait and see how his Father managed his illness.

Keith was about to answer Alexis' question, when her statement caught up with him, "Of course you're allowed to work in a muggle job." Keith stated in a soft tone, not wanting said muggles around him to hear Alexis' and his conversation. "I know plenty of witches and wizards that do it." He explained, thinking that perhaps Alexis thought that because she could use magic she wasn't allowed to work with muggles. "You just have to be good at hiding who you are I guess." Keith shrugged, knowing that he would never be able to do it. He could cope with sitting in a coffee shop for an hour or so, but trying to pretend he couldn't use magic on a daily basis. It would be far too difficult for Keith to handle.

"Life is a bit hectic for me at the moment, with Gabriel and running the family business again, but I'm doing pretty good." Keith grinned, propping Gabriel back up on his knee as the infant tried to reach for Keith's coffee on the table in front of him. "By all means." Keith allowed, watching as Gabriel's baby fingers clenched around Alexis' hand. "Would you like to hold him?" Keith asked Alexis with another smile.

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