Finance Trouble

Troxa Matthias

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Troxa Matthias could hardly believe that his little girl, Victoria, would be starting school next year. It was quite the feat. Troxa did enjoy his time at the school, since he became prefect and Head Boy. But, then he managed to get Auden pregnant during school. Their daughter looked just like her, so it was often painful to bare. Troxa did not know what happened, but he at least managed to see Victoria all the time. Victoria was the thread that was holding the former Slytherin together. Right now, he needed to sort out his finances. He did not want to really do it himself because he was really bad at math. He needed to know how much he needed to save up for Victoria, to ensure she had everything she needed. Considering Troxa worked in the Russian ministry, albeit remotely half the time. He moved back to New Zealand so that Victoria could attend the same school that he did.

The former head boy walked into the accounting office, spoke to the secretary that he had an appointment today with a woman named Everleigh. He waited for a few moments, until he was called back into the office, and upon entry, his golden eyes landed on a gorgeous brunette. A red tint came over his face as he realized that she was the same age, but unfamiliar. Still, he was expecting someone older, with much more wrinkles. That was what he was prepared for! Yet, here he was. “Um, Miss Gannon?” Troxa cleared his throat, his Russian accent still weighing heavily upon his words.

Everleigh had basically no meetings today. As the junior in the company, she was the one who had all the grunt work. All the files no one wanted to touch with a ten foot pole. She had considered being a lawyer like her parents, like her brother, but it hadn't worked out that way. Theo and Quinten hadn't helped, telling her she'd never make it. They wondered why she didn't like to talk to them. Shaking her head as she headed back into her office from her break, Everleigh sighed. She'd never much liked school, it had been annoying knowing that so many of her friends were going into law and she wasn't. Amounting to nothing they'd said. So much for that friendship. It wasn't like Everleigh was really all that worried about it either, which is probably what bothered her the most out of all of this. She simply couldn't muster up enough care for it to matter. She supposed it hadn't really mattered in a long time.

It was only a small time later before she was notified that she had her last appointment for the day. Walk ins were common, but Everleigh hated taking them. They never had all the needed information anyway and whilst today was only going to be a consultation, Everleigh hoped he'd heeded advice and brought everything he would need. She looked up as someone cleared their throat and raised an eyebrow. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but the man before her was not it in the slightest. She cleared her throat and stood up, walking around her desk to shake the mans hand. "Mr Matthias, I assume?" She gestured to one of the chairs at the desk. "Thank you for being so punctual, my last meeting was an absolute nightmare, were you waiting long?"

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