Finally Getting To It

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest · tall
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2051 (12)
Hello, been waiting for a certain application to be approved before posting this, but as I now have the approval I am now fully open to plotting and threading with Miles!


Miles Flynn . Gryffindor . First Year . Werewolf​
So, surprise, I decided to do something I have always wanted to do and that is to apply with a character as a werewolf. Unfortunately for Miles, he's that character :teehee: He was bitten a few months before coming to Hogwarts, so it's all still rather new to him, and he's still struggling a little to get to terms with everything and how it's going to effect his life. Him being turned is also the reason his parents are getting a divorce for all that extra d r a m a, but the background behind how it all happened is something he, nor his parents, are going to ever tell anyone (super surprise, it was his dad who bit him and that was why his parents are divorcing). On the surface, he was bitten by an unknown werewolf and his parents are super divorcing for completely separate reasons :/ Just how it is nothing weird to see here. As for him being a werewolf, it's not exactly something he's keeping a secret. He won't go out of his way to actually tell anyone about it, but he won't deny it if you outright ask him as he doesn't want to try and lie about it

Miles himself hasn't changed much. He's a friendly and outgoing boy on the surface, always up for some fun, loves quidditch and wants to try and make friends. Though under the surface he is worried about his 'condition' and what people might think of him if they find out he's a werewolf. He's scared people might look down on him or not want to be friends just because he happens to wolf out every full moon. He's also worried that he might end up accidentally hurting someone, so don't be surprised if he suddenly starts pulling away close to the full moon. Deep down, he just wants to be accepted and doesn't want anything to change from how it always was. He's a good kid, always going out of his way to try and make someone happy and more than willing to sacrifice his own happiness if it means someone else can be happy instead. He's also a mediator, hating to see anyone arguing so will butt in if he thinks he can help. So, he's a people pleaser to put it bluntly.

I'm looking for everything with him! Friends, enemies, all the quidditch related things, and all the drama you can possibly throw at me.

He is also the eldest sibling of an unknown amount, and while I may plan to bring some of the Flynn kids on myself, I am open if anyone is looking to join a family with some drama attached. I'm only a PM away and up for any and all discussions!​
Hi Vicky! I love that development for him (sorry Miles) and that you are getting to do something you always wanted! I could suggest we do something with Mania and him, since they did meet before the school started could be fun to have them catch up and see where it goes? Especially since they ended in the same house and all!
So I do have a bit of a magical creatures nut here... :r

Peregrine is also the eldest sibling (of 2) and has the whole 'you have to be the grown up' thing going on so I think they actually have quite a bit in common. She's got absolutely no fear of werewolves though she could possibly potentially also alienate Miles by being fascinated by the whole thing. Idk I think they could get along great (with some potential friction here and there cause that's just the way the world works).
Hi Vicky! I love that development for him (sorry Miles) and that you are getting to do something you always wanted! I could suggest we do something with Mania and him, since they did meet before the school started could be fun to have them catch up and see where it goes? Especially since they ended in the same house and all!
Honestly I'm super excited, but yes! He and Mania have already met and I got the vibe that they got along quite well so I am more than happy to throw them together again. Especially seeing as they have both ended up in Gryffindor.

So I do have a bit of a magical creatures nut here... :r

Peregrine is also the eldest sibling (of 2) and has the whole 'you have to be the grown up' thing going on so I think they actually have quite a bit in common. She's got absolutely no fear of werewolves though she could possibly potentially also alienate Miles by being fascinated by the whole thing. Idk I think they could get along great (with some potential friction here and there cause that's just the way the world works).
Oooh interesting interesting I am listening. They could absolutely bond over the fact they're the eldest if younger siblings and have that 'must look out for your siblings' vibe. Miles would probably be willing to put up with the fascination at first, but would probably find it a little irritating after a while if/when she did find out about it :teehee: But yes, I can totally see the two of them getting on quite well (of course with the natural friction here and there)
Honestly I'm super excited, but yes! He and Mania have already met and I got the vibe that they got along quite well so I am more than happy to throw them together again. Especially seeing as they have both ended up in Gryffindor.
Honestly? I think Mania thinks Miles is pretty cool so we def will throw them together!! I can start something for them tomorrow? <3
Omg yes!!! Finley will be so supportive if he ever finds out!
If you want a bit of conflict, I have Hēmi, another first year. Despite being a pretty chill dude, I can imagine him freaking out at finding out someone's an actual werewolf. So potentially, we could have them be friends/friendly acquaintances and then some drama when Hēmi finds out. I can imagine Hēmi getting over it eventually (his sister would probably give him a stern talking to) but it could give Miles an opportunity for werewolf angst if you want. Time frame on that is a bit loose, but let me know what you think.
also adding onto here that Theo is defs in support of Miles whenever he finds out!! hehehe
Mania + Miles

Here here, I started a thread for them feel free to reply whenever! :wub:
If you want a bit of conflict, I have Hēmi, another first year. Despite being a pretty chill dude, I can imagine him freaking out at finding out someone's an actual werewolf. So potentially, we could have them be friends/friendly acquaintances and then some drama when Hēmi finds out. I can imagine Hēmi getting over it eventually (his sister would probably give him a stern talking to) but it could give Miles an opportunity for werewolf angst if you want. Time frame on that is a bit loose, but let me know what you think.

Omg yes I would love a bit of conflict and angst. Honestly, I think it would just make Miles more upset and depressed than anything else but I'm all for that idea. I did want some friends/acquaintances he did get along with at first to suddenly turn into a more angsty relationship once they found out about his condition. Of course, when Hēmi got over it, Miles would forgive him in an instant though because he is not one to hold grudges (and would admittedly understand) =))
Omg yes I would love a bit of conflict and angst. Honestly, I think it would just make Miles more upset and depressed than anything else but I'm all for that idea. I did want some friends/acquaintances he did get along with at first to suddenly turn into a more angsty relationship once they found out about his condition. Of course, when Hēmi got over it, Miles would forgive him in an instant though because he is not one to hold grudges (and would admittedly understand) =))
Sweet! Sounds like a plan then. I can start a thread up for them if you want?
Sweet! Sounds like a plan then. I can start a thread up for them if you want?
If you could that would be super helpful and I would super appreciate it!!
I have 2 people that could really be interesting with Miles.

First I'll offer my student werewolf, Dante Styx. He's been a werewolf since his first/second year (I don't remember). He can definitely help him in the howling cavern during the bad nights.

The second would be Rowan Chase. He's a first year Gryffindor who's dad suffers from the same infliction! If anyone would notice the symptoms, it would be him and he'd be sympathetic. Or he doesn't notice and would still want to be besties with him.
Hey Vicky.
oooh i have sugestions.
for miles. i can offer Ivy. some potential plots are
1) quidditch related. they can practice together if you would like. someone to mentor him.
which could turn into
2) big sister. I know they are a few years different. but ivy could be a friend for him. both of her parents and her adopted-sister are werewolves. so she is pretty used to counting the moon phases. and while she is less affected than her siblings (and obviously less than her parents) she does feel tired and lethargic at the full moon, and energetic at the new. so there is a good chance if they hung around a bit then she would work out his timings. and be there for him. making sure to keep an eye out and intercept if he was having any problems.

i also have briar who works in the ministry in the department of magical creatures. she was also leader of werewolf support services before she moved up the ladder and as no one took that position she also look after werewolves and i am happy for them to have letters going with whatever os needed. and if he needs somewhere for full moons when not at school he would be welcome to use their farm.
I have 2 people that could really be interesting with Miles.

First I'll offer my student werewolf, Dante Styx. He's been a werewolf since his first/second year (I don't remember). He can definitely help him in the howling cavern during the bad nights.

The second would be Rowan Chase. He's a first year Gryffindor who's dad suffers from the same infliction! If anyone would notice the symptoms, it would be him and he'd be sympathetic. Or he doesn't notice and would still want to be besties with him.

Dante: Yes 100 times yess Miles would be surprised that there's another werewolf at school with him, and also immediately attached when he does find out because the one thing he is afraid of is being alone and not having anyone at school who actually understands what he's going through. So he might end up being a bit like an annoying puppy who won't leave you alone as a warning :teehee:

Rowan: Miles is always up for more friends, especially those who would sympathize and wouldn't start judging him for it and would also get what it's like. So I can absolutely see them hanging out and becoming friends, though Miles might pull away just a little when Rowan figures it out, just out of the initial worry. But he'd quickly get over it XD

Hey Vicky.
oooh i have sugestions.
for miles. i can offer Ivy. some potential plots are
1) quidditch related. they can practice together if you would like. someone to mentor him.
which could turn into
2) big sister. I know they are a few years different. but ivy could be a friend for him. both of her parents and her adopted-sister are werewolves. so she is pretty used to counting the moon phases. and while she is less affected than her siblings (and obviously less than her parents) she does feel tired and lethargic at the full moon, and energetic at the new. so there is a good chance if they hung around a bit then she would work out his timings. and be there for him. making sure to keep an eye out and intercept if he was having any problems.

i also have briar who works in the ministry in the department of magical creatures. she was also leader of werewolf support services before she moved up the ladder and as no one took that position she also look after werewolves and i am happy for them to have letters going with whatever os needed. and if he needs somewhere for full moons when not at school he would be welcome to use their farm.

Ivy: I'm absolutely down for a quidditch related relationship at first. Miles will not be someone to turn down some quidditch mentoring. And when she finally does work it out, he would appreciate having someone else who has werewolves in the family and understands everything and willing to be an ear if he does have problems or just wants to vent about something. So that's absolutely possible.

As for Briar, he will be with his dad on the full moons when he's home and has somewhere he can be so that's not a problem. But I'll know who he needs to get into touch with if he ends up having any problems.

Dante: Yes 100 times yess Miles would be surprised that there's another werewolf at school with him, and also immediately attached when he does find out because the one thing he is afraid of is being alone and not having anyone at school who actually understands what he's going through. So he might end up being a bit like an annoying puppy who won't leave you alone as a warning :teehee:

Rowan: Miles is always up for more friends, especially those who would sympathize and wouldn't start judging him for it and would also get what it's like. So I can absolutely see them hanging out and becoming friends, though Miles might pull away just a little when Rowan figures it out, just out of the initial worry. But he'd quickly get over it XD
Ngl Dante might get annoyed by it, but I can start it in the howling cavern. Dante turns into a pale wolf so it will be cute to see him with someone younger xD

So, as long as Rowan doesn't try to throw sticks at him and try to play fetch? I know he would not do that (he might do that to his twin though). I can put that on my list as well since like that, it is easier for me to keep up with.
Ngl Dante might get annoyed by it, but I can start it in the howling cavern. Dante turns into a pale wolf so it will be cute to see him with someone younger xD

So, as long as Rowan doesn't try to throw sticks at him and try to play fetch? I know he would not do that (he might do that to his twin though). I can put that on my list as well since like that, it is easier for me to keep up with.
Miles would probably notice if he was being annoying and would probably back off and feel incredibly guilty about it =)) But that would be amazing, works for me!

Look, honestly, if he did start throwing sticks to try and play fetch, that would probably only make him laugh more than anything. Would take zero offense to it :teehee:
(slowly getting caught up) I'll start a thread for Miles and Peregrine once I'm not mid-travel! :lol:
et voila, hope it's okay, let me know if you want me to change anything!
sorry this took me a bit, but here!

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