Finally Flight

Signy Forstrom

giggly | hard worker | farmer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2" Rigid Beech Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2031 (18)
Signy had done very little exploring in the immediate day after being sorted, mostly just because she wanted to spend time with Andi and she wanted them to do a little exploring together, but today as the time neared Lunch Signy was the one place she wanted to see first. The quidditch pitch, she had always enjoyed watching quidditch but she hadn't had a chance yet to fly yet. Signy wanted to fly, or at the very least she wanted to be able to see the pitch, so that was what she wanted to do. Signy had spent the morning looking at the books in the library, the blonde had her hair tied back into a loose ponytail, and tugged her brand new Hufflepuff jumper that her father had sent her. It was a snug fit, a lovely fitting jumper. Signy loved it so much and she loved being a hufflepuff, she missed being with Andi but she loved hufflepuff.

The hufflepuff girl finally arrived at the pitch and her eyes widened as she looked at the place, it was incredible, she had never stood on the pitch of a quidditch pitch. She loved the way that it looked, she hadn't thought about trying out, but looking at the way the pitch was thinking about how she could play, she could be on the team. Signy hurried off the pitch and managed to find the broom cupboard and was able to get a room. The hufflepuff held it a little awkwardly in her hand as she returned to the pitch, Signy had never ridden a broom before and she wanted to start immediately, the only issue was that she didn't know how. She put the broom on the ground at her feet, tucking the loose strands of her blonde fringe from her eyes, staring down at the broom as if it would just suddenly start working and doing what she needed it to do.

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