Open Fighting Sleep

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest · tall
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2051 (12)
The day after the full moon was always the hardest. Miles was exhausted as he dragged himself back to the castle, eyelids heavy with sleep and stomach rumbling for a mountain of food. He had hoped that eating something would help wake him up enough for the day ahead. Unfortunately, it had quite done the opposite, and now he was just feeling incredibly drowsy and irritable in equal measure. Extra unfortunately was that he had potions homework which needed doing, which was supposed to be handed in for the next lesson. Of course, he could just not do it, but he'd probably just end up getting into trouble, and it really wasn't worth the effort of losing house points.

He found himself in the library, his textbook open in front of him and some clean parchment just under his arm ready to write on. However, Miles hadn't gotten very far. The second he had sat down, he ended up resting his chin in his hand and closing his eyes. Five minutes, that is what he had told himself. Five minutes to rest his eyes and he'd actually do the homework. That had been ten minutes ago and now he was far too comfortable to open his eyes, softly snoring into his palm and ignorant to the world around him.
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Huw was looking through the shelves for a particular book to help with his homework at. He walked down the isle reading the spines of the books until he found the one he was looking for. It was right near a boy who was sleeping and he knew he was sleeping because he was snoring into his hands. Huw hesitated, glancing at him briefly. He didn’t want to disturb him as it looked like the guy needed the rest. But Huw also needed this book and it was the library after all.

Reaching out carefully, Huw slowly tried to slide the textbook free from the shelf as quietly as possible, but it slipped from his grip and landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Oops, sorry," Huw winced as the sound echoed through the quiet library. He crouched down to grab the book, and looked up to check if the noise had disturbed the sleeping boy.
Eyes closed and lost in a rather peaceful sleep, Miles had no idea how long he had actually been asleep for. Long enough that he had started to get comfortable and unlikely to open his eyes anytime soon. That was, until a rather loud crashing sound nearby jolted him back away. Miles snorted as he came to, instantly straightening up and caught rather unaware by the sudden wake-up call. "I wasn't asleep!" The words were out of his mouth before he had really thought about it, brain taking a moment to actually remember he hadn't accidentally fallen asleep in class and wasn't about to get told off by a Professor.

Only once he had remembered that fact did his shoulders relax, groaning loudly as he dragged his hands down his face. Then, dropped his hands, he looked at the boy who had woken him up. "Could you be a little more careful with that?" Inwardly, he cringed at the snappy words out of his mouth, but he wasn't going to apologize.
Huw gave the other boy a skeptical look then he straightened up after reaching down, the book he dropped now in his hands. He was almost certain the boy had been asleep but he didn't feel it was his place to call him out on it directly on that. "If you say so," He replied with a shrug while a bit thrown by the comment about being more careful. "Sorry, I was trying to be careful." He replied a little more on the defensive side than he intended. It had been an accident after all. "Maybe you should go back to your common room, you look tired." Huw suggested not unkindly because they really did look tired.
Miles really did not enjoy being woken up, and especially not when he was already dead on his feet from a complete lack of sleep after a full moon. It got him in a bad mood, already feeling more irritable than usual this time of the month. "Well, try harder," he huffed, still feeling a little guilty about what he was saying. But, he couldn't help it, he was tired and grouchy and just wanted the day off go and curl up in his bed. And then, the suggestion he went back to his common room. "I look tired? What gave it away?" And now came the sarcastic moment of his general bad mood. "But, I can't, I have homework that needs doing." Realistically, he knew he should have done this sooner, but he'd been struggling to get into the right headspace for it. Now, he just didn't have any time left and didn't want to have to explain why he hadn't gotten the work done in time.

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