Fifth Years, Lesson Two

"Good morning fifth years. I hope your week has been nice so far." He greeted with his usual cheery tone, "Most of you will have noticed, that on each table there is a quiz. A sort of revision quiz, and you'll get one each week. So, that's why you need to be prepared." He knew that the quiz was fairly simple. It held nothing new, and was mostly stuff that they would've, or at least should've done in first year. "Now, begin!"
  • What does Wingardium Leviosa do?
  • What is the pronunciation for the summoning charm?
  • What is the pronunciation for the weaker form of the Banishing Charm?
  • What does Lumos do?
  • What is the incantation for the disarming spell?

"Now, that's over with, on to the fun stuff. Today we will be learning, or revising the Impediment Jinx. If you take Care of Magical Creatures you'll already know what it is, but for those who don't," Misha paused, looking over his class to be sure they were still paying attention, before he continued, "The Impediment Jinx or Curse stops an object or slows it down for a period of time, depending on the strength of the object or being. Now, today, class, we are going to be venturing outside, so be thankful that Charms for you guys, is in the second semester."

With a beckoning of his hand Misha led his students out of the classroom and into the gardens, spying a rather ugly little creature. Waving his wand towards it, he stated, "You see that? That's a gnome. They're rather pesky little creatures and in a tight spot can be quite a hindrance." His dark eyes fell on one that began to run toward him, as he had produced a handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. "They're suckers for these beans; I want you to use Impedimenta on them before they can get to you." He pointed out the gnomes gnashing teeth as it still scurried towards him, and with a wave of his wand he stated, "Impedimenta!" A flash of red light barrelled into the gnomes chest, seeming to put it in slow motion.

Misha produced a box of the beans and handed each of his students a few, continuing, "Now, when you have successfully completed this spell on a gnome you may leave to enjoy your day; remember to be careful around your fellow students and that gnomes will bite. Nothing fatal, of course, but rather painful."

Misha stood in the gardens as the students dispersed through them, looking around to help them when needed and on the watch for any mischievous gnomes. While happily munching on spare bertie botts. Eventually once he felt the class was sufficiently good at the charm, he dismissed them.

RP the lesson (attendance post is fine). Do the quiz for extra credit.
Fraser walked into the charms classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He was made immediately nervous by a quiz, he didn’t think he should have to do that kind of thing at all. He tried his best with it, it wasn’t too complicated, though he just had to hope that he got the correct spells spelt for each of them. Then the professor let them wrap up and go outside. He listened to the explanation the man gave and then just focused on making sure that he was doing the spell right. He practice it until it felt more comfortable to do. Eventually the lesson was wrapped up and he headed back inside.
It was week two of the lessons and so far things went all well. The blonde knew it was important the ending of the year and she had taken on some more responsibilities. One idea to host study sessions would have to come later. She had to see how Slytherin would do, with idiots who tried to be funny and lose housepoints. And if they thought it was funny to try and irritate her they were at the wrong adress. Since June had the professor at her side. And she was always the perfect student, as she tried to be in their eyes. And she was in case of studying, sometimes not so much in social skills. But everyone was different, and than the people didn't had to be so idiotic in her eyes.

The blonde made her way into class and found her usual spot in the front. Giving Misha an smile and making sure she was ready for class. An quiz was on her desk and June was ready for that. She liked having them and showing how good she was and this was an chance to show Misha. She was one of the first who was done and moved on to the next as Misha moved on with explaining. June knew the jinx already since she took every class including that stupid one. But it was an usefull jinx. June made her way outside following Misha and noticing an stupid gnome as he already pointed them out. This was stupid, why did they always had to use stupid creatures or animals. But June figured she would focus on how much she wanted to slow it and she was confident she would. So took her wand not wanting it to bite her. They could have that stupid beans. When it was her turn she took the beans and as that gnome came running at her she was too quick for him with casting the The Impediment Jinx/curse on him. Smiling as she succeeded and looking over to Misha if he had seen. When the lesson was over she left and went inside again.

June Davenport
Slytherin Fifth Year
  • What does Wingardium Leviosa do? It is a charm which makes objects fly, levitate them.
  • What is the pronunciation for the summoning charm? Accio
  • What is the pronunciation for the weaker form of the Banishing Charm? The weaker form of the banishing charm would be the repelling charm.
  • What does Lumos do? It makes the point of your wand light up, so you can see in the dark.
  • What is the incantation for the disarming spell? Expelliarmus

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