Fifth Years: Lesson Three

Good afternoon, fifth years!” Angel greeted from his usual spot reclining at his desk as the class settled in. “Hope you’re ready for a little hard work today, we’re going to be getting very hands on,” he said, slowly drawing himself onto his feet and wiggling his fingers, motioning the class to join him by the far greenhouse wall were a line of today’s plants were set up to be potted.

We’ll be looking at Bouncing Bulbs today, note the distinctive purple bulb,” Angel said, beckoning the class a little closer. “Now these plants are at least partially sentient, they tend to uh, attack, when they feel threatened so watch yourself. These younger bulbs are small enough to be handled while they’re growing and a quick knockback jinx or shield charm can keep them at bay, but you’ll need to be very careful once these get bigger.” Moving the bulbs into the greenhouse in the first place had been quite a mission in itself, and Angel had already repaired one broken window today. He’d known there was a chance the kids could get hurt today, but Angel didn’t consider the plant much more dangerous than letting the students play Quidditch, so they’d be fine. Besides, what better way to remember a plant than having it beat it into you.

They’re calm now, but be prepared once you get your hands on them you’re gonna need to keep that grip. Watch me,” Angel said, flexing his own gloved hands a few times before grasping the bulb firmly. The bulb flinched as Angel moved forward before springing to life, roiling in his grasp as he tried to wrestle it into its new pot. “The secret is quick, strong move-” Angel was cut off with a grunt as the bulb made a sudden move towards him, managing a stinging glancing blow before he finally slammed the bulb into the dirt, quickly burying it and packing the dirt tightly. “Quick, strong movements,” He finished with a sigh of relief, panting, before straightening up and smiling at the class. “No sweat, right?” Stepping back and brushing some loose hair away from his eyes delicately, Angel motioned to the class. “Your turn!” He said, dusting the dirt off his hands before stepping back several feet to stay clear of the ensuing carnage as the students got started.

RP the lesson and repotting your bulb, have fun, they’re feisty.
In the end, Savannah had decided to go to the dance and it had been the right choice to make. She had really enjoyed being able to go to the dance, and enjoyed being able to have some fun. She knew this and all the semesters beyond this were going to be difficult, were going to be challenging, so having a bit of time before hand was going to be good. She had a good time, and hadn’t because of it fallen at all behind, really she felt like she was miles ahead of everyone else in the year anyway, so one night wasn’t going to affect her much. She was getting her notes and book together and then headed out of the dorm room to class.

Savannah walked into the herbology greenhouse and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced towards the professor at the front of the room and nodded as the professor said they’d be doing something a little more hands on. She listened and took a couple of notes about bouncing bulbs as the professor talked about them. She wasn’t looking forward to dealing with it as the professor demonstrated what they were to do, but they didn’t have a choice. Savannah reached for the bulb and it immediately tried to fly out of her hand. She frowned at it, holding the grip on it but it was hard, she at least had quidditch to help her as she managed to get it into the new pot, slamming it somewhat harshly into the dirt. With that she was able to put dirt compactly around it and then head out of the room.
Cassius Styx entered the greenhouse, and settled in his spot. He listened as Professor Castillo explained the task, his expression turning skeptical at the mention of the plants being semi-sentient and potentially dangerous. As Professor Castillo demonstrated how to handle the bulbs, Cass observed with a critical eye. The professor's technique seemed effective, though Cassius noted the brief struggle and the bulb's aggressive reaction. He raised an eyebrow at the professor's nonchalant demeanor afterward. When it was time for the students to begin, Cass approached the table of Bouncing Bulbs with caution. He selected one of the bigger bulbs - as he wanted to prove it to himself.

He pulled on his dragonhide gloves, ensuring his hands were protected, and then took a deep breath, preparing himself mentally. With a quick, precise movement, Cass grabbed the bulb, anticipating its reaction. True to Professor Castillo's warning, the bulb twitched and writhed in his grip, trying to escape. Cass maintained his hold, his muscles tensed as he wrestled the bulb into the pot. It tried to fight back though. He swiftly packed the dirt tightly around it, making sure it was firmly planted. He stepped back, wiping sweat from his brow and feeling a surge of satisfaction at his success. When Professor Castillo called an end to the practical session, Cass removed his gloves and left the greenhouse.
Valentine’s celebrations had happened and Ruto was quite happy with herself after participating in them. She didn’t have a date or a significant other, however was beginning to appreciate the importance of love, and helping deliver the roses was actually quite fun. It gave her an excuse to be prancing about outside, and definitely gave her something to keep her mind off the fact that she didn’t have anyone to share the day with. It was time for classes now however, and so Roo packed her belongings in her backpack and headed to them.

Roo's next class was Herbology. She followed all of her classmates there, wondering what the professor had in store for them. Today they would be dealing with repotting bouncing bulbs, which the professor warned them could be quite feisty. As Roo attempted to handle the creature, it smacked her hand away, almost causing her to fall over backwards with its force. "Oww!!" she exclaimed, rubbing her hand with her other one. That was definitely going to bruise. Roo did not have the physical strength for this, and so resorted to asking the professor for help so that she could do it, despite also being very embarrassed by it. She was very thankful for the class to finally be over.

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