Fifth Years: Lesson One

Angel was feeling tired already this semester, not a good sign for how many weeks they still had left. Maybe he'd caught something from one of the girls. Or Josephine. Not that he'd ever say anything about that, but she did work in the school sick bay...

Leaning against one of the benches, Angel looked up as his first new fifth years began arriving, pushing his sleeves up and giving them a casual wave as they entered. “Howdy, folks,” he said with a grin, “Welcome to fifth year herbology, I’m Professor Castillo. Hope you got a good rest over the holiday break, it’s gonna be a long year,” Angel said with a sigh. With several OWL years under his belt now, Angel had found most of his students were more than prepared to tackle these lessons without much prep than him. He'd never been that organized as a student, that was for sure.

As you're no doubt aware, this is your OWL year, and I’ll do my best to teach you everything you need to know, though it’s important you remember to revise everything else you’ve learnt so far, because funnily enough that is important,” Angel said, resting his palm over his heart to impart how sincere he was. Though if they’d already forgotten their previous four years of classes, there wasn’t much he could do for them at this point. But confidence was key, he didn’t need any OWL related breakdowns in his class yet.

“This year, we’ll be covering how to plant, grow, and cultivate a number of plants like bouncing bulb and puffapods. These handy plants are pretty essential to the Herbology community, Potions, and all the wizarding kind. A lot of are quite pretty, too,” Angel said, twirling his hand as he spoke, looking over his notes. “But let's take advantage of this first week and ease into things and keep things short,” Angel said, hoping to avoid setting himself any grading this semester until he absolutely had to. “Just remember you need at least an A to make it into sixth year classes and you're free to go,” Angel said, dismissing the class with a wave.

Post attendance and check out the Class Policy for info on grades and upper year prerequisites
Veronica was glad to be moving on from Professor Carter, she didn’t know what it was but there was something about the man she didn’t like. She hoped Professor Castillo would be an improvement. The professor started the lesson by telling them it was going to be a long year which didn’t endear her to him. Veronica took notes as he told them what they were covering over the semester, bouncing bulbs and puffapods, they were supposedly essential plants but they sounded pretty boring. Once the lesson was over Veronica packed up the notes she had made then made her way out of the greenhouse.
The good thing was that Aura was a pretty big fan of her Head of House, so attending his class wasn’t as much of a chore as it could have been. She listened carefully as Professor Castillo talked, taking notes as she needed to so that she would remember what they learned more clearly, mostly because she was word learner she had to go over books and texts multiple times and rewrite everyting so she could understand it in her own words. As the professor mentioned bouncing bulbs and puffapods, Aurora’s mind raced through the properties she already knew, considering how best to prepare. The first week of the class at least sounded mildly managable, she was excited to see how things would go further along, but she liked where they were for now, and once the class was dismissed, she headed out quickly, making sure she had everything she needed.​
Herbology had shifted from being taught by one head of house to another, and he was interested to see how a Slytherin taught this subject as opposed to a Hufflepuff. Teddy took notes on the lecture but he hadn't needed to make many as it had just been an easy introduction lesson. At the end of it, he packed up and left the greenhouse.
Callie walked into the herbology greenhouse and took a spot in the room. Her gaze moved to professor and she knew of this professor, had known of him for a while, but she was curious to see what kind of method of teaching he would have. Callie took her quill and had it in her hand as the man went over what they would be covering. Callie made sure to get some of that down but then the lesson was wrapped up and Callie packed up her things and then headed out of the room.
Enoch was dreading herbology, he did not want to be stuck in a classroom with his head of house. He just didn’t want to have to try and being in that class would mean he’d have to at least pretend to be interested. He took a spot, opting to sit close to the back and had some notes in front of him as well as a book. He didn’t take his quill the professor was telling them a little about what they’d be doing but not too much. Instead he was just glad when the lesson wasn’t too long and he was able to quickly pack up his things and leave the room.
Friday walked into the herbology classroom and took her spot near the back of the room. She looked at the professor as the man got started, nodding to what he was saying, but not really listening to it. The professor was telling them about what they would be doing with the semester. She very much doubted that she would be able to get the A to continue with the class and almost felt like just giving up. There was no point in it. She then packed up her things and headed out of the room.
Herbology was a fun enough class, Lucy thought. She didn't know if she'd be taking it if her parents hadn't insisted on it, but that was that. She was ready to take notes and get ahead as much as she could but it seemed like a lot of professors were going a bit slow at first. That wasn't strange or anything, just Lucy felt eager to get into the depths of things. She was a bit nervous about the idea of having to remember things they'd learnt up until now - some of it her brain had just decided wasn't important information anymore - but at least she still kept her old notebooks so hopefully it wouldn't be too bad. The lesson finished after a while, Lucy packing away her things and feeling determined to get good grades. She wasn't completely sold she'd done her best the previous term so she was feeling the urge to prove herself.
Ten was looking forward to Herbology, however she was distraught that Professor Carter would no longer be teaching them. At least she would still be able to see him when she helped hm out in the greenhouse, but it felt very unfamiliar to see Professor Castillo at the head of the room instead. She decided she'd get the best grades. Not just for herself and her future, but as a thank you to the former Hufflepuff, too. Scooting in near to Veronica, Ten did her best to make some notes even if that didn't really come naturally to her. Things were changing yet again, and right now there was very little that had Ten feeling grounded, so to speak. At the end of the lesson she packed up her things and went in search of her favourite professor, just in case he needed any help with anything while she was here.

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