Fifth Years: Lesson Five

Professor Kalif Styx dreaded this lesson, not because of the material but because of how loud it might get. It was going to be hell for him, though likely not for the fifth years. He stood in front of his desk, arms across his chest with one of his gloved hands holding his wand. Once the fifth years entered and settled in their seats, Styx waved his wand toward the door to close it. "As you may realize, you will be vanishing again, but with a more difficult animal than mice. I'll conjure these because honestly, collecting this many would take far too long for me to accomplish." Styx paused for a moment, and then continued, "I will be conjuring this animal for you to vanish. Conjuring is the subject for sixth years, if you pass the OWL to continue to the next level. I'll demonstrate."

With a subtle wave of his wand once he uncrossed his arms, he conjured a mallard. It walked along the floor and started to flap its wings. He intoned the spell after tapping the air, and the duck vanished, as if it never existed. "You will need to concentrate as these are larger creatures, obviously. You will not need to be on top of your duck, but it might help if you are close to it. So, stand up." Styx conjured enough mallards for the students to practice on them, and soon, the ducks started to run around the room, some attempting to take flight as well. Once the students were out of their seats, he used his wand to move the desks to the side so that there was less room for the ducks to hide. "Once you have vanished your duck, you are free to leave. There's no homework."

Assignment: RP the lesson.
Alicia couldn't believe the first semester of her first year here was almost over. It had gone by pretty fast, and her homesickness for Beauxbaton had slowly faded over the past few weeks. She heard a lot of her classmates buzzing about the upcoming yule ball, and she was honestly pretty excited for it, even if she didn't have anyone to go with.

The Gryffindor headed into the Transfiguration classroom where Professor Styx was waiting. He told them they would be vanishing again, this time it seemed like the animal was even more complex. The professor demonstrated vanishing a duck, making it look easy. Alicia watched closely, hoping she would get it done half as quickly. When it was their turn to practice, it took Alicia a little while to manage it but eventually she made the duck vanish. She felt a pang of pity for the bird, even if the professor had just conjured it and she had probably just sent it back to where it came from. She was glad there was no homework and she left the classroom after managing the spell.
Mikael entered the classroom, wondering what they would be trying to vanish this time. They’d already gotten to vanishing living beings so obviously they should stick to that, but anything larger or smarter than a mouse would require tremendous effort. When the professor mentioned they’d be vanishing larger animals—mallards—he may have been a little bit amused. Kael watched the demonstration closely. This was definitely going to need a lot more focus, which would be hard considering the duck didn’t seem likely to stay put.

When the professor conjured mallards for each of the students, Mikael took a moment to admire the magic that must take. Conjuring was no easy feat after all. He stood up, watching as his assigned duck waddled across the room, its wings flapping wildly. The classroom quickly devolved into chaos that Kael didn’t want to be in longer than he had to. He took his time cataloguing the duck and watching it. No need to do this more times than strictly necessary. With a deep breath, he aimed his wand and three taps into the air. "Evanesco," he said clearly. The duck vanished into nothingness. Satisfied, Mikael quickly packed his stuff and left the chaos.
Hinata entered the classroom, quite an uneasy about the day's lesson. She already knew that it was going to be bigger than a snail and most likely a living thing, but the question of what it would be had her tightly gripping her wand. The fact that the professor was going to be conjuring the animals instead of having them brought to class meant that it was probably going to be be a lot more difficult. Her jaw dropped when a duck appeared before them, and was promptly vanished. When the ducks started appearing, courtesy of the professor, and running around the room, Hinata hesitated. It didn't help that the duck that she got kept waddling past her, quacking loudly. She'd tried to shush it a few times as she chased it around but it wasn't helping the duck or her nerves. Hinata really, really, really, really did not want to have to do this several times. Mostly because she didn't want to cause the conjured duck more pain via splinching - she wasn't even sure if it could feel pain but she wasn't taking any chances. And also partly because it was a bit embarrassing having to chase the duck around. She had to steel her nerves - quite a feat - as she took a breath and focused on her waddling duck. "Evanesco," she said with her wand raised, tapping the air as she stood focused. She watched as the duck vanished from existence and she blinked in surprise. Had she actually done it? Hinata looked around, half-expecting to see the duck still lingering somewhere. But no, it had vanished completely. She sighed in relief, heading over to her things so she can leave.
The blonde had been keeping up with all the stuff needed for classes. The weeks were flewing by and June was just in control in what she did, she felt like that was how it was. Next to her classes she had been thinking of a way to get more into the picture with some 'social' activities which she wanted to discuss with her head of house. And use her talent for studying and just being awesome to make sure Slytherin was gonna win the housecup this year. Although some of the first years seemed even more brainless than some in their house at this moment. So far she didn't had to take away housepoints and that was good.

June made her way to class and made her way to the front of the classroom finding her usual spot and making herself ready for class. The professor would conjure the animal they needed to vanish. And June only hoped it would be an cute one and not dirty one. But she hated most of the animals, so chance was low that she liked it. But she liked to watch how the professor conjured the animals, since it was something they would be learning in their sixth year he told them. As June saw the animal she sighted. But she quickly made herself ready and stood op, ready to conjure this stupid animal as soon as possible. She took the closest one and got an bit closer, but slowly and not too close so that it was running away. Taking her wand from behind her bag and concentrated on what she wanted to happen. Tapping her wand into to air '' Evanesco.'' the blonde mentioned. And saw how the duck tried to escape but before he could he was vanished in front of her eyes. June watched and noticed it was really gone. Smiling bright and putting her wand back. Ofcourse she managed to do so. It had been a more difficult and larger animal perhaps, but June knew what to do and concentrated well, performing the spell. She left the room with her stuff with an big grin on her face.
Bailey listened attentively as Professor Styx introduced the task of vanishing a conjured mallard. The room buzzed with anticipation, and she felt a spark of determination to master this more challenging spell. She knew it would require intense concentration, but the thought of successfully vanishing a larger creature intrigued her. Watching Professor Styx's demonstration, Bailey studied the fluidity of his movements and the way the mallard seemed to disappear seamlessly. As the ducks began to flutter around the room, she moved cautiously toward one, aware of the importance of focus and precision for a successful spell.

Standing close to her chosen mallard, Bailey raised her wand and took a deep breath, recalling the incantation and the visualization needed. She could feel the challenge in trying to keep the energetic creature within her line of sight, especially with its unpredictable movements. With a steady hand, she concentrated on her intent, the wand’s tip guiding her spell. Her first few attempts were shaky, but she adjusted her stance and tried again, feeling a growing confidence in her abilities. The task proved more demanding than vanishing a mouse, but it also felt more rewarding. Once she eventually managed to fully vanish the duck she gathered up her things and left the classroom.

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