Fifth Years: Lesson 1

Professor Killian Borisyuk had everything resized because of what he was, and what the other professor was. Large desk, large chair... And that was it. He dressed rather casually, with the exception of a set of robes that hardly covered his shoulders. Right, it was time for the fifth years to start arriving, so he strolled into the History of Magic classroom from his office, with his tattooed hands stuffed into the pockets of his robes. The door closed as he walked over to the desk, and turned around to face the students. Much like everyone else in the school, Killian looked down at the students with his cold, green eyes. They were the youngest of his class. He knew that this year was the one that would mean the most because of the OWLs. Killian finally started to speak, his Russian accent fairly heavy on his words, "Good morning, fifth years. It is time to forget about the holidays and not waste time."

Killian remembered that his height might cause some issues to look up at him the entire time, so he sat down in the chair and clasped his tattooed hands over his abdomen. "My name is Professor Borisyuk. If you have issues pronouncing my name, Professor Killian will do. I will be your professor from now until your final year, should you stick around after the OWLs." Killian didn't want to stress onto the students about the rules or the OWLs. They likely knew how important it was, so there was no need to waste time. After all, he had things to do as well. Killian also had some things to organized and potions to brew, but all of that was more personal and not something he was going to share with the class or those around him. He was a private man.

"This year, you will have an easier course. I will be going over the original founders of Hogwarts, and the history of the TriWizard Tournaments. The two are connected because of the activities of the schools, and this school also participated in the past. So, that is just a taste of what you will be learning." Killian looked down at his watch, and much like his other years, he always let the students out early on their first lesson. "Just to answer a couple of questions that might have run through your mind, I am part-giant. I am eleven feet nine inches tall. The piercings are real, and I have too many tattoos to count because I'm covered. Anyway, I'll let you all go for the day. If you have any questions, you can ask." Killian gestured toward the door and it opened to let the students go.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Of course Teddy had noticed Professor Borisyuk before, he was not exactly a hard man to miss. Teddy took his seat and looked at him for longer this time, way up at him, as he spoke. He was eleven feet nine inches tall apparently, that explained the furniture, although Teddy wasn't sure that they needed to know that he was tattooed all over. Overall, it was an easy introduction lesson and by the end Teddy had no questions, at least no questions that he was brave enough to ask the man. He was curious to know how often he hit his chin on doorframes in a day, but he looked like he wasn't as affable as Professor Moncrieffe was to silly questions like that. Once dismissed, Teddy packed up his belongings and made a quick exit from the classroom.
Callie walked into the history of magic classroom and was surprised by the professor that was this professor. She knew of him, but up until this point had never actually been in his class, of course. Callie nodded along to what he said, his introduction to himself and then to what they would be covering within the semester. It all seemed pretty interesting. SHe was pretty happy with it. Callie took the time to get down what they’d be covering and then nodded as he answered some obvious questions before heading out of the room.
Enoch walked into the history of magic classroom and took a seat near the back of the room. He noticed the professor but had been at the school long enough to both know this man and to not care about his size. He opened his parchment and began just taking small notes from the important bits of what the professor was saying about what they’d be covering within this semester of the class. He didn’t care that much about the material, he didn’t really think learning about the founders was a that great use of his time. The teen was glad then that the lesson was wrapped up and he packed up his things and left the room.
Professor Borisyuk was a surprisingly large figure, seeing him behind the desk when Millie made her way into his classroom was quite shocking. She refocused and went over to settle into her seat. She liked history of magic and wouldn’t let her shock at seeing the professor get in the way of that. Professor Borisyuk introduced himself but he didn’t take too long doing so and quickly moved into their subject for the semester, the founders of the original Hogwarts and the history of the tri-wizard tournment. She didn’t take any notes because she suspected there would be a lot of notes coming in the subsequent lessons. She listened to Professor Borisyuk answer some of the questions they might have had about his size, turns out he was a part giant which made sense given how tall he was. Once he was done and the lesson was over Millie packed up and made her way out of the classroom.
Professor Borisyuk got into thing quickly and Veronica appreciated that he didn’t want to beat around the bush with long winded introductions. History of magic was boring enough without the professor making it worse. After quickly telling the class who he was Professor Borisyuk began to discuss the top of their next few lessons, the four founders of Hogwarts Scotland and the Tri-wizard tournament. Veronica didn’t bother taking notes as she would be able to copy Millie’s later. Once the lesson was over, and Professor Borisyuk had given them some information to answer questions some of them might have had (not her), Veronica packed up and made her way out of the classroom.

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