Fifth Years: Lesson 1

Professor Killian Borisyuk had everything resized because of what he was, and what the other professor was. Large desk, large chair... And that was it. He dressed rather casually, with the exception of a set of robes that hardly covered his shoulders. Right, it was time for the fifth years to start arriving, so he strolled into the History of Magic classroom from his office, with his tattooed hands stuffed into the pockets of his robes. The door closed as he walked over to the desk, and turned around to face the students. Much like everyone else in the school, Killian looked down at the students with his cold, green eyes. They were the youngest of his class. He knew that this year was the one that would mean the most because of the OWLs. Killian finally started to speak, his Russian accent fairly heavy on his words, "Good morning, fifth years. It is time to forget about the holidays and not waste time."

Killian remembered that his height might cause some issues to look up at him the entire time, so he sat down in the chair and clasped his tattooed hands over his abdomen. "My name is Professor Borisyuk. If you have issues pronouncing my name, Professor Killian will do. I will be your professor from now until your final year, should you stick around after the OWLs." Killian didn't want to stress onto the students about the rules or the OWLs. They likely knew how important it was, so there was no need to waste time. After all, he had things to do as well. Killian also had some things to organized and potions to brew, but all of that was more personal and not something he was going to share with the class or those around him. He was a private man.

"This year, you will have an easier course. I will be going over the original founders of Hogwarts, and the history of the TriWizard Tournaments. The two are connected because of the activities of the schools, and this school also participated in the past. So, that is just a taste of what you will be learning." Killian looked down at his watch, and much like his other years, he always let the students out early on their first lesson. "Just to answer a couple of questions that might have run through your mind, I am part-giant. I am eleven feet nine inches tall. The piercings are real, and I have too many tattoos to count because I'm covered. Anyway, I'll let you all go for the day. If you have any questions, you can ask." Killian gestured toward the door and it opened to let the students go.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
This was the most important year so far, and Horror Zhefarovich did not care for it too much. He was not given the prefect badge, which he did not expect, nor really wanted. He was not a good role model because of his lack of sympathy. Horror had a full list of classes this semester. He did drop a couple already, but he kept those that he wanted to continue on with. Horror felt that his classes that he had left were still important, but the moment that ceased, he would end up dropping it too. The fifth year Slytherin got ready for his class, and briefly wondered if he would end up with Astraea. He got up and left the Slytherin dorms to head out for the day.

Horror made the quick walk from the dungeons and to the History of Magic classroom. He found his seat near the back, since they would probably need it since the professor was a half-giant. And Russian. The professor introduced himself to the class, and already, he seemed laid back. The professor let them know what they would be learning this year. It was easier, which meant they would be covering the original founders of Hogwarts, and then the Triwizard tournaments. The latter seemed a lot more interesting. He got up and left the classroom once they were free to.

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