Open Feeling Invisible

Tyler Lee

Gringotts Worker | Calculating | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2036 (25)
Tyler had mixed feelings about returning to Hogwarts. He was glad he was back for the fourth year, he finally felt like he was far removed from the young firsties and that no one would mistake him for a young student anymore. But he also felt like he hadn't really done that much of note yet. Last year he had won the duelling championship for his year, which had surprised him in a good way. But then sometimes he wondered what the point of it all was, when he was constantly overshadowed by Blake. Often he enjoyed that Blake was his friend, as he had picked him exactly because he had seemed like the type of boy to stand out, which would make Tyler stand out alongside him. But sometimes it was tiring to be his friend. Especially after his Slytherin's win against Beauxbatons, it felt like Blake was getting well known even by older students, while Tyler remained in the background. On top of that, Blake now had a girlfriend, an older girl and the Minister's daughter to boot. Meanwhile Tyler still hadn't even dared to sign his name when he had sent a pink rose, and Sierra hadn't even shown any interest in him. The Slytherin was wandering around the castle aimlessly when he found himself on the seventh floor, near the Gryffindor common room. Annoyed with himself, Tyler sighed. Of course his feet had taken him here, where Sierra was most likely to hang out He really was pathetic. Determined not to be caught hanging around the Gryffindor common room entrance, Tyler walked on until he stopped by a window overlooking the grounds. He rested his forehead against the glass, staring at the small figures down on the great lawn.
Tres was looking forward to her third year. She’d already felt like she’d grown in the last few months, having stood up for a number of people recently, and she hoped this year she would be able to make some stronger friendships. The Slytherin had been checking out where the classrooms were for her new electives that she’d soon be starting, when she came across a boy she remembered from the Valentines dance. He’d actually been quite rude to her last time she spoke to him, so she didn’t expect too much from him now. “Are you trying to spy on someone?” She asked, once she was stood directly behind him that she was basically speaking over his shoulder, joining him in peering out the window. “Please tell me it’s not the same girl you were looking for last year,” Sienna or something like that.
Tyler decided he should return to the dungeons, maybe someone there would want to hang out with him and he would feel a little less sad. He jumped when he suddenly heard a voice from very close behind him, and turned. "What?" He asked, taking in the girl standing there. He recognized her from the ball last year, and frowned. She had been very annoying then too. "No." He said in response to her question. "What sort of idiot tries to spy on people outside from the seventh floor?" He said, gesturing to the window. "And I'm not some sort of creep who spies on people. Weird how your mind went there immediately." He stepped away from her, adjusting his shirt a little. "Do you always bother strangers with stupid questions?" He asked, deciding to ignore her comment about Sierra.
The boy was clearly startled when she appeared behind him, and she giggled, jumping back a little out of the way. Tres shrugged, just seeing the amusing side of it more than anything, and she had to push the thought that he was actually quite cute up close out of her head. The fact he was defending himself so hard made her wonder whether he did have something to hide, so she moved past him and had another look out the window for herself. “You can’t see anything from here,” she confirmed, turning back to face him. “You never told me your name,” she stated. They were in the same house and everything too so it would have been nice to know. “We don’t have to be strangers you know,” she smiled.
Tyler's annoyed expression didn't change as he took the girl in as she started to giggle. He wasn't sure what she was up to, or if she was trying to insult him. He thought it was likely, considering their previous encounter. He rolled his eyes when she actually looked out the window to make sure, and was starting to turn away from her whens he suddenly asked his name. "Well, you never asked me." He said with a small shrug. "I guess we don't have to. I'm Tyler." He said, then looked at her. "What's your name?" She was a year younger than him, and last year he'd definitely thought she was very childish. It seemed a little better now, and he supposed third years were a lot more mature than second years. She seemed nice enough now, but he was still on his guard. He had seen how she could be at the last yule ball.
Tres was tired of arguing. She wanted to do something fun and actually enjoy the year so she didn’t even mention that he was looking at her as long he had a sour lemon in his mouth. “Yes, well, maybe we got off on the wrong foot,” she said, moving a little closer towards him. “Tyler. I wouldn’t have taken you for a Tyler” it was a little surprising, it was so, basic. “I’m Tres.” She smiled, bracing herself for any comments but also wanting to get in there first, “yes as in three. Me and my brother are both called Tres, we’re the third members of our family,” she smiled, hoping that would cover that. The comments she got were always the same, and she never knew why her momma had called them that except to distinguish between their ages. “So, if you’re not spying on anyone, what are you doing?” She asked, curiously.
Tyler sighed. "Well, if we did it wasn't my fault." He told her crossly. He frowned when she commented on his name. "Why not?" He asked, not sure what to make of that comment. It was strange, and Tyler wasn't really sure what to make of the girl. He blinked when she said her name was Tres, but bit his tongue before he could make fun of it. He wasn't really in the mood to argue again. But when she elaborated, he couldn't help it. "That's... weird." He said slowly. "Your parents numbered you?" Not to mention two siblings having the same name. Tyler had no siblings, but he was pretty sure that wasn't normal. He shrugged. "Just... being bored." He said when she asked what he was doing. "Thinking."
Tres ignored Tyler’s lack of responsibility. She was used to people telling her that something wasn’t there fault, so it few straight over her head. She shrugged instead, “I don’t know, just seems a bit plain,” he could have gotten away with a really cool name like Xavier or Azriel if his parents had really put their minds to it. It wasn’t the first time someone had called her name weird either, “No. Momma named us.” There had never been a father in their family. It wasn’t even something that was mentioned. Tres hadn’t exactly given it too much thought, but she just knew that she had never had a dad, and momma had had her and her siblings all by herself. Tyler was starting to bore her too when he said he wasn’t doing anything. Of course it was a lie but if he wasn’t going to even try and be friends then what was she doing. “What are you thinking about?” She asked nosily. “We can always do something to make you unbored too if you want?”
Tyler crossed his arms, frowning. "It's a normal name, unlike yours." He said defensively, not sure why it bothered him what she was saying. "And if she named you after numbers in the order you were born, you were numbered. It's weird." He informed her. He blinked when she asked what he had been thinking about. Why was she so curious? Why did she bother? He eyed her suspiciously. "I was just thinking about how overrated Quidditch is." He said, which was somewhat true. "And why would you want to do that? Don't you have better things to do?" He challenged, still thinking the girl probably had some sort of motive for this, or was just making fun of him.
Tres chuckled, “Alright, you don’t need to defend it to me,” she didn’t know why Tyler was getting cross all the time, but decided to try not and take it personally. “Oh I know, I just mean it was momma that named us, not our parents. The number thing is strange, but I think it suits us don’t you think?” She asked, turning to peer back out the window, “Oh I agree. Each to their own with quidditch but you’ll never find me on a broom.” It was much too dangerous for her to enjoy, and all to be able to brag you’d gotten a ball into the hoop. She pondered over his question, still not turning back to face him, “Because I’m bored too,” she said, honestly and surprising herself. “Look classes haven’t started yet, might as well find someone to do something fun with than waste it stressing over things that haven’t happened yet,” she shrugged. If he was as bored as he said he was maybe he’d stay, otherwise he was more than welcome to go and think by himself.
Tyler shrugged when the girl said she had meant her mother named them, and that the numbers suited them. He didn't know. "I don't know, I don't know any of your siblings." He told her. "Nor do I know you well enough to know if the number 'three' represents you as a person or not." He added with a slight smirk. It really was pretty silly, and he had no clue how the girl couldn't see it. If he had been named something like that, he would have lied about his name for sure. Tyler shrugged. "Flying isn't the issue, really. It's just that it's the only sport you can play here." He sighed. "Kinda sucks. I used to be on the track team. Just running around outside on my own isn't as much fun." Tyler missed winning, missed knowing he had made a good time. The girl's explanation made as much sense as anything she said, and Tyler shrugged again. "Any idea what kind of fun thing you would want to do?" He asked her, as he definitely had no idea.
Technically she was Tres the second, Tres was her brother, but the Slytherin wasn’t going to hold Tyler to those pedantics especially if she wanted to keep him on her good side. She listened as he spoke about different sports, well, lack of them, but the third year had never really bothered about sports at all to have even noticed whether or not they had others available. She turned to face him properly again, walking a little closer with a small smile, “So make a game out of it,” running or anything for that matter could be made more fun by adding a little tense competition to it. She shrugged a little, copying his movements and coming to a stop only when she was stood directly in front of the older boy, her eyebrows very slightly raised, eyes large, just like she’d seen the girls do in all the magazines to make themselves look beautiful and flawless. “We could play a game if you want?” She said, saying whatever came to mind first and hoping she would be able to improvise her way along. Tyler confused her a little bit, but since he was here by himself, she realised it wasn’t so bad to have someone’s undivided attention.
Tyler sighed at the girl's suggestion. As if he hadn't thought about that yet. "Kind of difficult on my own." He said with a shrug. "It's pretty difficult to even time myself without muggle technology." He added with another shrug. He didn't miss much from his muggle school, but definitely that. "And I haven't found anyone to run with yet, or compete against." Blake was way too obsessed with Quidditch to really consider it seriously, and Tyler didn't really know who else to ask. The girl stopped in front of him and then suggested they play a game. Tyler tilted his head to the side, frowning a little in consideration. "What sort of game?" He asked her, wondering what she had in mind. She had been a bit annoying at first, but now he was kind of enjoying how much she seemed to want to be in his company. At least, she hadn't taken the many opportunities to leave him alone yet.
Why were boys so oblivious? Tres listened as Tyler began to explain about games he could play when running, but the third year was just looking the boy up and down as he spoke. “You know, you could always compete against me, if you like,” with that, Tres threw her arms around Tyler’s shoulders, still looking up to his eyes with her big wide innocent orbs as she listened. He was frowning much too much for her liking, and she tilted her head, thinking about what sort of game he’d find interesting, “Do you think I’m pretty?” She asked him directly. She’d followed every direction she could think of to be appealing, and it wasn’t like (as far as Tres knew) either of them had a partner so what was the harm in having a little fun? Tyler was still here talking to her, and it wasn’t like there were many others around. “We could always make a little fun of our own?” She asked, with a sideways smirk.
Tyler blinked at Tres, confused. He was about to ask her if she really wanted to go running with him, when she suddenly threw her arms around his shoulders. He tensed, taking a step back automatically. Her next question made him laugh unthinkingly, in disbelief. "What? I.. I guess." He said, though he extracted himself from her arms after a moment. "What are you doing?" He asked when she said they could make a little fun of their own. "I barely know you." He said, feeling his face heat up. "I mean. You're... fine, not ugly, but..." He shrugged awkwardly. He hadn't even really thought of Tres as a girl until this point, and hadn't expected her to do something like this out of the blue. Maybe he should have noticed her interest, but Tyler hadn't really thought of any girl that way except for Sierra. "Listen, I'm flattered..." He said slowly, not sure how to end that sentence. He shrugged again, running a hand through his hair.
As Tyler tensed up and moved away from her, Tres raised her eyebrows, a little hurt but definitely acting up on it for display. She didn't want Tyler to be unsure that was he had said certainly didn't go down well. "I'm.. fine?" No one had ever called her not ugly before, She wanted to be more than fine. It hadn't mattered to Tres that they didn't know each other very well. No one knew each other well if they hadn't spent much time together but that didn't mean they couldn't. Now she was frowning at him, the anger hitting in more as she realised that Tyler really didn't think she was pretty at all, instead trying to turn the attention back to him. She didn't have much, but she did what she could with what he had and apparently that went unnoticed by some. "You're so.. rude!" she said irritated. Her short statue did little to give intimidation to her words, but she wasn't sticking around to here anymore about how Tyler thought she was ugly. Cross and unable to stand it any more, she turned away quickly, purposely slapping him with her pink hair, before storming off down the corridor.
Tyler knew his answer hadn't been what the girl wanted to hear, but what could he say? Who asked strangers if they were pretty? He didn't get it, and really wished they would've just kept chatting about normal things. He couldn't help a small snort when she called him rude, and he shrugged. "At least I'm not asking strangers weird questions." He countered with another shrug. But the girl was already on her way, and Tyler rubbed at his face where her hair had tickled him. He was glad she was gone, though he wondered if he should have seen her intentions earlier. He had been surprised by her words, and hadn't known how to respond.

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