Open Feeding the Owls

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had never felt so contented in her life. Everything was perfect, Xinyi was perfect, spending time with her sister was perfect, not having exams had been perfect. Truly Rosie was just happy. She was smiling easily, there was always a skip in her step, and she could be often heard humming a cheery tune. She was keeping busy, as always, but with the weather pretty wet that day she had decided to do something indoors. Rosie'd bought a bunch of owl snacks and headed to the owlery and was trying her best to give all the school owls a snack. she doubted a lot of the kids who used them ever remembered to bring the owls a treat and so she was doing it.
Monday Weeks definitely heard it from his mom after she found out he was a prefect. The letters she sent were not exactly proud so much as they were just getting on to him for lying, and then congratulating him. If his mother could send a howler, no doubt she would have. Monday had another letter to his mother to send out, so he headed to the owlery to get it done. It wasn't like he had a pet of his own. He opted out of one. So, he was happy to use the school's. He did have some treats though, so that he could give the owls incentives. Once he walked through the door, he saw Aurora. No. This was Rosie. Maybe. It looked like she was just feeding the owls. He attached the letter to one of them and gave it a couple of treats. "You must be an animal lover, or you are sending out 20 something letters," Monday joked, albeit a little awkwardly.
Rosie was enjoying dealing with the owls. She had always liked animals, but at school there was just more time for animals, especially not for her, given how much else she did have to do. Rosie glanced up as the door opened, and smiled at the person who walked in. She knew who this was. Monday. An odd name, but he seemed pretty fine. Someone that Aurora was friendly with. "Animal lover, and these school owls probably don't get many treats," She replied with a warm smile. "Are you sending a letter?"
Monday honestly felt relieved when she said that she was an animal lover and not sending off a hundred letters. He would have to question her sanity if that was the case. Not that he could talk, could he? "That is really thoughtful of you, Rosie." Monday made sure to let her know that he knew which one he was talking to. They looked similar, almost identical, but not completely alike. At first glance, maybe, but looking closer, he knew. He nodded as the owl finished the treats and went off on its way. "Yeah, just sending mother a letter. I just waited a little bit to let her cool off. Glad she doesn't know how to do magic and send howlers."
Rosie gave a little modest shrug at the compliment. "Everyone deserves a treat sometimes," she replied as if it just made absolute perfect sense to do what she was doing. She glanced at the owl that he'd been with fly away. "Oh no, what happened?" she asked immediately. Rosie own mother knew how to send Howlers, but she and Aurora had never done anything to merit being sent one, and she was always thankful. Howlers seemed awful.
Monday laughed softly at the thought of everyone receiving a treat - mainly people. If it works with owls and dogs, it might work with humans. If they could treat themselves that is. Right, he didn't really tell anyone what was going on with his homelife. Monday averted his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets. He was clearly guilty. "I kept a secret from her and she found out." Monday shifted a bit as he explained further. "I didn't tell mom I was a prefect. I didn't want her to expect or demand the same thing from my sisters. So, I am definitely wrong for it."
Rosie couldn't really understand why he wouldn't want his mother to know about his achievements. The logic was fairly sound, but surely his mother wouldn't do that. "Surely, she wouldn't do that though?" Rosie asked, knowing that there had been no pressure for either her or Aurora to get one, and even less so on her when she didn't get one. "I'm sure she'd have just wanted to celebrate with you, in your achievements," Rosie replied. Sure that his mother was proud of him, and then clearly annoyed at not being told.
Well, his mother might not actually do that. Did Monday overthink it and made a mountain out of a mole hill? And gave himself more trouble? Welp. The epiphany of it washed over his face as he averted his eyes. "Yeah, you are right. I have no idea what I was thinking. Or not thinking. That might have been the point." Monday shook his head. Overthinking really gave him a lot of issues - this one being one of them. He criticized so much too, though he was toning it down for his essays. "I know Aurora made prefect. I do have to ask, does that affect you in any way? Just curious." Monday was not sure how Rosie might have felt when Aurora was chosen over her, or just not chosen period. Or, was she relieved not to have the burden?
Rosie shrugged, "Sometimes our brains can be quite unkind to us," she assured, not wanting him to feel too bad about what he had done in overthinking or underthinking a situation. At the question she laughed lightly and then gave it a moment of thought. "it doesn't affect me negatively," she said, "I'm happy and proud of her. Me though, I already run two clubs and the idea of giving someone into trouble makes me want to cry, so, anyone but me would've been the better choice," she said. And it was clear in her tone that she meant it, she was unbothered by not being picked. Held no ill-will towards her sister who had been picked.

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