Faxen needs friends

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Faxen Lowart-Kozlova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Dymetris ❤
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Hey everyone!!

So Faxen here is a new Gryffindor girl. She has endless amounts of energy and is always in to something. However, she doesnt possess a filter. She says whatever is on her mind. Faxen is the second youngest of five children. To find out more about her character, there is a link to her bio in her siggy.

Basically, I need friends for her and maybe an enemy or two. A future romantic interest would be nice though she won't began to feel attraction to boys until she is about 13. Any other ideas for this girl then let me know!
I have a first year, Daniel Harper who is also in Gryffindor, and a second year, Briony Harper who is a Ravenclaw. So, we should RP sometime and see how it goes.
I have a second year raven claw who could be friends with her. He is a bit, well understatement, he is a big book worm and always studies but he likes to make friends and to be around people. He is kind and sweet and wouldnt think twice about helping someone. Or i have a fourth year Gryffindor who could be like a role model for her. Alexia is a bubbly girl and also has endless energy. She may be a bit low at the moment how ever because her dad has just died but she would still be kind and such.
Kali could be a friend. I don't know what house she'll be in yet but it won't b Slytherin. She is very bouncy and giggly and trust easily. She would find the lack of filter funny and would know not to be offended by anything she said.
Leah: Awesome! Daniel will be a good one to rp with since he's in her house. Maybe her best guy friend? Maybe in the future the friendship could even develop into romance?

Laura: I think that Alexia would be a great role model for Faxen!! I love that idea.

Kali: I can see them being best friends easily. Especially if she doesn't get offended by Faxen :D
Any of you wanna start up an rp?
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