Father and Daughters

Heather Vetrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
French class was easy, it was of Heather's favorite class not just because she wanted to know what her older siblings were talking about but also because she was fluent. She sat on the chair and took the quill and start writing an essay in English, in the 30 minutes, she gave it to her tutor who used to be a Professor in Beauxbaton. The tutor of Heather's was impressed of her writing, well of course. She was good at it, but not at Spanish, she hated Spanish. She was fluent but a lot of time she didn't know what to write when she was given a task by the tutor. The blond haired girl smiled as she sat quietly waiting to be dismissed. Not too long, the house elf came in and informed that the class right after French would be canceled because the tutor had a small accident when he was on the way to England. Perhaps he bumped on a deatheater? Perhaps not.

The third oldest of the Huberta's siblings smiled at the tutor before leaving the room and head to the living room. She sat on the couch all alone in the huge mansion and took a deep breath before lie herself on it. She would never do that when her family was around especially when her older sister was there. Living in the mansion felt great because of the luxurious design of it but deep inside each member who live there, there was an emptiness. Everyone had their own business and they had no time for each other so they had to be all alone, everyday. A house elf came and placed a tea in front of Heather. "Where's Caroline?" She asked hoping that she was free but the house elf shook her head, Heather then ask her to go and she did the exact same thing.
Caroline was learning Spanish today morning, it was her favorite language after English. She did very well at French too for she was an all rounder and did very well at anything that she was given, no wonder she was her father's favorite. Her lesson today was simple she was to read a short story in Spanish to her tutor and explain to him the moral and the language use and like always she was her tutor was happy. With a smile she waved goodbye to him and asked the house elf to put all her books in place. Just then her personal maid, Helen came into her room with a cup of tea. "I don't feel like tea" she told the maid as she turned around ordering the maid to brush her hair. She usually kept her hair open and like it that way. She only tied them up when there was something formal and today there was nothing of that sort. She and Heather had the house to themselves and they did not expect father until twilight so she was in happy spirits.

"Get me some thing to eat for lunch. Maybe a pizza with extra cheese and garlic bread" she told the maid and then dismissed her. She walked down the staircase and into the living room only to find Heather on the couch and her posture was not something Caroline often saw. She was not sitting upright but lieing on it. "Hello there twin sister" Caroline greeted as she climbed down the last few stairs and went to sit beside Heather. "I suppose you heard that English was cancelled" she said with a smile as Helen brought her some chilled water and she sipped it. "How can you possibly have tea at noon?"she asked Heather.
<COLOR color="#000">Andrew was annoyed. Works at ministry were not as good as he thought. Today was actually worse, he had to deal with a lot of non-pure bloods, something that Andrew had thoroughly hated. Added to that, he's office mates are too jittery about summer, he finds it irritating, what's so good about summer anyway? It's too hot and it's hard to work. Andrew doesn't care about summer at all.

Arriving at the house, he felt quite refreshed. Seeing his mansion always brings a certain amount of pride to him, his manor is one of the largest in the place after all. That makes him proud, it feed his ego. But the key word there was "quite", he's irritation hadn't dissipated at all. It worsen when he entered the house and found his daughters in the couch. One of them was doing something that Andrew doesn't approve at all. Heather was lying on the couch. It's very unlady like, something that his daughters shouldn't do. feeling his temper risen, he called the girls' attention.

"What are you doing here? What happened to you class?"
Andrew asked, annoyance visible in his tone. He's not one to hide his feelings after all, when he's mad, he's mad. No one can stop that. "You did not skip classes, did you?" He added, venom dripping on his every words. He hated it when his children neglect their studies. They have to be the best, only the best, nothing less. Waiting for an answer, he gestured for a house elf to get his things, glaring at it as it approach him. "Move faster, you useless thing.." He said, as he walked into one of the couch and sat there, waiting for an explanation from the girls.​
Caroline was waiting for Heather's reply as she sipped some lemonade that the maid brought her. She wasn't expecting father, not until evening and almost jumped at his presence. Quickly reminding her mind that they were doing nothing wrong she gave her father one of her best smiles and said "Greetings father. I hope work was pleasent." She walked ahead and gave her father a hug, her hands wrapped around his waist. She knew that always calmed him and he wouldn't shake her off for she was his favorite.

"No father, we are not skipping English" she told her father with a smile and looked at Heather. "Our tutor had an accident, we have no more lessons for the day and its lunch time" she explained politely. The maid asked her father if he wanted any lunch or what he would like.
As Andrew saw his favorite daughter's smile, his anger lessen a little, but it did not disappear at all. He was still very much annoyed. "That's a nonsense question Caroline, work at the ministry was never pleasant, it is polluted with mudbloods and traitors.." He said irritatedly as he remembered his work hours today. Releasing himself from his daughter's hug, he listened as she explained the reason for not having their classes, it seemed that the tutor had an unfortunate accident.

"That's rubbish, I hired him to teach you, not to injure himself in order to have an excuse to leave, I'll find a replacement.." He added, looking at the maid who had offered some foods to him. He glared at it, as he doesn't like it when he's being interrupted.

"What's for luch?" Andrew asked, as he wasn't really sure of what he would like. "Give me the best , I don't like anything less..." He added as he gestured for the maid to move away from them.

Whne the maid was out of sight, he continued to reprimand his daughter who had happened to be lying down on the couch. "Where are your manners Heather? What came into your mind for you to do that?" He said, in his tone, it was more like a statement rather than a question. " I demand an explanation, and do make sure to satisfy me..." He added as he tapped his feet, being impatient while waiting for his daughter's explanation.​
After a few minutes of lying down on the couch, Caroline came and greeted Heather. The girl quickly stood up thinking that she was her father, Andrew. If it was father, he would probably be mad looking at Heather lying like a beggar. "Please sister, Hayley can have her cocoa everytime she want, why can't I have tea anytime I want?" She lied down on the couch again and stretched her arms, she was pretty tired of classes, she didn't want more.

Heather quickly stood up right after she heard her father in the room, as usual, he was annoyed of work and he wasn't in his best mood. She looked at him and kept quiet not knowing what to say. "Welcome home father" She said softly as she listened to her father who complained about blood traitors. Heather agreed with him with those disgusting blood traitors and mudblood, she dislike each of them. The girl's eyes were wide open not believing what she heard. `Father's going to replace the tutor!?`
She thought not knowing what to say. She couldn't disagree with her father after all her father did whatever he please and no one could stop him.

Feeling jealous, Heather stared at her twin sister, Caroline who was hugging father. She didn't dare to even touch him. `Ohh yeah right, Caroline's the youngest...` She thought, looking at her sister obviously with her eyes filled with anger and jealousy. "I... Apologize father. I am not feeling very well today" She wasn't lying, Heather had a high fever the night before but she still had to attend her classes.

Heather was very different with Caroline, since Caroline was the youngest she became father's favorite daughter. She could melt his heart with her own way, while Heather couldn't. She had been trying hard to be like her father, a prejudiced, no Heather wasn't a blood traitor, she mind playing with muggleborns or muggles but yet her father never realize that, or perhaps he did realize that but he didn't want her to know? The blond haired girl looked at her twin sister who was smiling at father. `How could he like her more than me!?` Questions began coming up to her mind.

OOCOut of Character:
Caroline and Andrew's PB reminds me of Narnia :wub:
Andrew listened to his daughter's somewhat short explanation. She had stated that she was not feeling really well, Andrew being a father who doesn't like anything that is imperfect and not best, had decided to reprimand his daughter once more.

"Your explanation did not satisfy me at all, that's nonsense, That's not a good excuse for your manners Heather, how many times should I remind you that anytime, anywhere, act properly..." Andrew said strictly,he doesn't like his daughter's answer for his question. He had always been hard on the girl, he had his motives actually. He's a perfectionist, anything that doesn't fit his standard should be get rid, that includes improper manners and improper way of speaking.

"If you are feeling sick you could have called someone who'll be able to get rid of that sickness... That is not an excuse Heather, you could have stayed in your room rather than lie in that couch in a very improper way.."
He said, emphasizing on every words that came from him, if one isn't familiar with Andrew, one would say that he was verbally abusing his daughters. "Are you using the things that you have learned? It seems that you don't really understand anything at all, your tutors seem incompetent" Andrew added irritatedly. His temper rising up once again. "What do you say Caroline, which tutor should we replace? Give me a straight answer.." He said firmly, he knows that Caroline wouldn't lie to him, she would be too afraid to do so.

OOCOut of Character:
You're right, now that you mention it, I've been saving to watch the third installment of the movie xD
Heather kept quiet as she listen to her father talking, she couldn't talk back, she wasn't scared but she didn't want her father to hate her. What would Hayley and Casper do in this kind of situation? The girl nodded her head and apologized to her father for not being `perfect` "I'm sorry, I won't do the same mistake twice, father." She said and looked down. `What's so perfect about Caroline? Why is father asking her opinion?` She thought as she looked at her twin sister sharply not believing that her father asked the youngest in the family for an opinion.

This was one of the reason why Heather cried every night in her bed without anyone knowing. Caroline was the youngest, the princess of the family. Casper? The only son her father had, and Hayley was the one who was been given responsibilities and the oldest. And Heather? She was nobody, no matter how hard she tried to impress her father, in her mind she could never do it. She didn't take her eyes off Caroline, she was too jealous, too angry.

OOCOut of Character:

The book is better than the movie D:
<COLOR color="#000">Andrew's irritation lessened a little when Heather had promised that she won't commit the smae mistake again. But he will not show it, never will he show a single weakness of his to his children. "You better not, if you do I'll never forgive you..Never break that vow" He said harshly, as he looked intently at his daughter. Never will he give a chance to those people who committed the same mistake twice.

Seeing Heather's reaction when he asked Caroline's opinion about the tutors, Andrew cannot help but to get annoyed once again. He hated being questioned in his actions. Everything that he did is correct, that is his perspective in life. "Do you have anything to say Heather?" He asked deeply, annoyance visible in his face as he waited impatiently for Heather to answer his question. He noted that this day, his irritation had been too focused on the girl, but he did not mind it, he can do what he wants to do after all, he's the king of the house.

"Spit it out Heather, you know how much I hate waiting.." He added, crossing his arms on his chest, as he looked at his daughter's reaction. He knows that he might be scaring his own child, but he did not care, he needs to put them into place, he needs to always remind them that he's the superior in and out of their house, he's the father after all, no one can defy him.

OOCOut of Character:
you're definitely right, I've read all the Narnia series and it's way better, not even all are included in the movies.. haha.. but still I want to see it.. haha.. :)
Caroline watched as the exhanged between her father and Heather continued. "Replace the English tutor" she told his father when he asked her opinion. She too was a little surprised because she hadn't expected her father to ask her opinion in matters. Although she didn't like Heather at most times, she did love her twin sister and getting her lectured by their father wasn't a pleasent sight.

"Father, if I may interrupt" she said carefully hoping she could turn the topic to more important subject than Heather's health. "Heather and I have been wondering lately where you have decided to place us for school. September is not to far and one of my tutors adviced us that we should get a head start on things like History and such so we can stand first without any competition" she said in her pleasing musical voice. She had stated her question but at the same time she had told her father of what he wanted most, their excellence in everything. She looked aside to Heather's face and gave her twin a smile, in a nice way.

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