fashionable group & some people with predjudiced parents.

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
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12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Ok, so I have Sara here
You see, she's right over there.....Oh for god's sake LOOK!
<---- Did you see her?

Well, Sara recently got some news. Her father has inherited his family fortune (He's a muggle btw) and she has now got the funds to buy whatever she wants.
Now, Sara is very into fashion and is loving that aspect of her new life. So, I want a few fashion-concious girls/boys to be kind of her friends. Unfortunately she already has a base group of friends, but if any of them are willing to be in this that's ok.
So, what I need is a few people who are into fashion, you know the type. Possibly not an airhead (Hope I'm not offending anyone) as Sara is driven crazt by them, but a bit of randomness is good

SECONDLY: I need maybe a few kids, who aren't predjudiced against muggleborns, but who's parents or family are. That would be interesting because Sara hates when people are predjudiced, but can understand it if people just don't understand that type of people, so it could be fun for Sara and____ to be trying to stay friends, despite ____'s parents ideas.

So, if you want to know some more about SARA her CD and Bio are in links in her siggie......You can't see it?
.....Well it's right there! How can you miss it!

Ugh it's right here---------------------------------
Did you see it?....Oh for god's sake!​
Well I have Grace Raven, I believe they have met :) Anyway, Grace’s parents hate muggles. To the point of raising Grace on their island off the coast of Italy, Grace, being raised in an environment like that is quite scared of muggles and slightly scared of muggle borns and half bloods but she is too polite to use the term ‘mudblood’ she is also very very rich but she is also very innocent and a little slow, not in the academic side, in the socialising side of life, she finds it easier to talk to people far older than herself which causes problems when in groups of kids and does not understand some jokes and other things like that. She is also very in tune with elegance and fashion, she must always look nice and has been known to randomly give out her jewellery to strangers so they look better, and she is too giving to be a rich person. Grace is also adopted but doesn’t know, she thinks she is a pureblood xD

So thats Gracie up there, she could help Sara control her money since it seems that Sara is quite the spender ;)
You've got that right, Sara has no head for material things, being a bit of a dreamer.

Yes I think Grace would be good, seeing as they have already met and are kind of in the same friend group. So, how shall we go about this?
At the moment they have a group thread going at the yule ball don't they?
Yeah its going so fast, Im tempted to make Gracie sick and have to leave xD but I won’t, she is too polite for that stuff :p
Anyway maybe they could bump into each other at Brightstone or something and Sara can be throwing money around or something and Grace can give her a small lady-like lecture of how to handle and spend money properly and Sara can be like o_O xD Considering the girl telling her how to care for money is the same girl that gives random people expensive jewellery xD
Yeah, that sound good. Sara would most probably get angry, behave childishly and stamp her foot. (Yeah, she's based on me, so that's exactly what she would do :p )

Still, I think once she calms down she'll see Grace's point. So, who shall start this?
Yeah sure, but I apologise, Im going camping for three days so HNZ time is at a zero, but right now Im open so do you want to start it somewhere now? :)
Ok. I shall start it- Brightstone, "Rambling" You'll see it on the portal once it's done.
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