Fashion Research and Design Club Meeting!

Caysi nodded and said " That would be great, I have a paper with me and it says all the categories I came up with , if you have more ideas then you can tell me."
Formal  Normal  School  Summer  Winter  Fall  Spring  Medival Times  Sport  Nightgowns  PJ's
Hilary thought hard trying to remember all her ideas "I think we should each design some outfits in different categories (seasonal, out and about, clubbing....etc) and then wear them for a photoshoot for the yearbook. I'm also on yearbook commitee so I could have that arranged. But instead of these being just normal plain clothes ((( I know Kiera already has tons)))) they should be *different*, by how they are influenced." Not sure if that had really made sense she decided to be quiet and see if they had any questions.
(((((Okay WTH my comp posted that like 7 times!!!!))))
"I think we should go *into the mind* of different groups too try to find why they would dress the way they do." Hilary replied.....hoping it didn't sound like she was trying to take over.
"I was thinking of more thinking about WHY people would dress in different ways" trying to clear that up "but getting in a guest speaker of some kind was my next idea. Having two people who had different styles have a debate about why..." and just to make it official she said "and now I think I'm done!"
Caysi smiled and said " Yeah that would be good ill keep that in thought...and in my notes.....any one else have idea's?".
(((I gtg to drama but I'll be on a bit later))) Hilary sat back and waited to see what other ideas the group would come up with.
Caysi smiled to she her friend and said " Hey Zoe it's ok you have any idea's for the club?". she said with a smile.
((( LOL i have to find more room for my clothes...)))

Caysi smiled and said " Anyone ave any ideas".
(((lol when both my brothers moved out I moved into one room and my clothes into the other (as well as my old room) I have like three rooms of clothes and I'm ALWAYS lending them out))))

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