Open (Far From) Home

Lucy Holland

wild child🐥cheerful chook beater & co-captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2049 (14)
School was underway again, and Lucy was finding it easier this year to settle into it. After two years of building habits and friendships, building the kind of school life she wanted to have, it felt like slipping into a comfortable pair of gloves. Her dorm was set up just how she wanted it, she knew where her friends were whenever she needed them, and now she not only had Quidditch but a real spot on the team. Everything was coming together, and it put a smile on her face.

That didn't mean she wasn't homesick though, far from it. Over the holidays she had gotten used to Diana and the twins almost always being at home, and she was loving her role as Auntie Lucy. The twins were so cute and squishy, and as they grew up she knew all the ways she was going to teach them to torment their mother. Lovingly, of course. With that in mind, Lucy was taking advantage of the cool early spring sunlight, taking the sunniest spot in the courtyard she could find, and settling in to write a letter home to Diana. She wondered if she could get away with getting the twins lipstick-shaped crayons for their birthday, so when they saw Diana's real lipstick they would know what to do.
Catherine mainly haunted Brightstone Village, but when the new Hogwarts schoolyear started she couldn't help but want to take a peek. She didn't leave the lower grounds, always too scared she would get lost in the corridors. She knew vaguely that that was irrational, but something just kept her from going up there. She had mostly kept herself hidden from view as she floated past happy talking students, remembering a time she had been like this. It felt so long ago, it was hard to even remember it clearly. She saw a young girl sitting and writing a letter and was drawn to her. Catherine often had her head full of romantic ideas, and she was certain this girl was writing something to a boy. She floated over and hovered nearby, watching her. "Is that a love letter?" She asked softly, a tone of longing in her voice.
Despite being in a public place, Lucy hadn't expected anyone to pay attention to her. The person who spoke wasn't any of her friends and she thought it was a bit of a personal question to ask someone you didn't know, but the admonishment died in her throat as she looked up to see the speaker. "Woah..." She breathed, staring through the woman who had spoken. Lucy knew there were all sorts of fantastical things around the castle; she had met two centaurs and spoken to dozens of paintings, but she had never actually spoken with a ghost before. "You're a ghost!"
Catherine blinked a few times at the girl's response before letting out a small huff of irritation. "Well- well yes, but it is quite rude to point that out to a lady." She said, taking out a fan and fanning herself with it, though it didn't as much as stir a hair on her head. She had been dead for centuries but she still didn't like to be reminded of it. "Are you writing to a beau?" She asked, trying to steer the conversation away from her state of being and towards the thing she was actually interested in- the girl's letter.
Lucy winced a little as the woman pointed out her faux pas. "Sorry! You just surprised me." She said quickly, shoulders slumping. She really should be more diplomatic about stuff like this, she had no idea how her mum did it. She blinked at the woman's question, staring blankly. "I don't know anybody called Beau." She paused. "Is Beau someone you remember from your life?" She asked, trying to figure out why this woman would think she had a friend named Beau.
Catherine was a little pacified by the girl's apology. Modern children were very rude and she knew she had to get used to that, but it was difficult sometimes. Catherine shook her head at the girl's misunderstanding, floating closer. Her translucent gown drifting in an invisible breeze. “Oh, no, no, dear,” She said with a gentle laugh that seemed to echo faintly. "I'm not asking about a specific person. It's another word for a romantic interest, a suito... sweetheart." She paused. "A... boyfriend." She said, the term unfamiliar on her tongue. She tried to glance down at the girl's letter, curiosity overcoming her manners for a moment.
Lucy couldn't help gawking at the spectre as she came closer - she knew it was rude, but a ghost was talking to her. She wondered who this woman had been - when she had lived, what it was like. She desperately wanted to ask, but she had already offended the woman once. She listened to the explanation, feeling a little silly as she grasped what the woman had been saying. "Oh... no, I don't have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend." She paused, turning the word Beau over in her head. "A... Geau?" She added, not really sure if that was how the word actually worked. "It's just for my sister, I'm gonna see if she wants to meet up when I go to the village." She added, looking up as the woman got closer. She thought it was a little rude when she tried to read the letter, but maybe those things were different for ghosts. She had been in the middle of asking how the twins were, and telling her sister to pinch their chubby little cheeks for her.
Catherine let out a soft sigh as the girl said she didn't have a sweetheart at all. How dull. Catherine thought young people were supposed to be excited to fall in love. Perhaps this girl just. needed some help. "Why not? Has no one caught your eye?" She asked curiously, looking down at the young girl. Besides the strange blue in her hair, she was a lovely young woman. There was no reason she couldn't find a suitable person. "Surely some young man would love to take you to the yule ball..." She said a little wistfully. She remembered going to balls when she was younger and dancing the night away.

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