Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
It had been a relatively uneventful holiday break for Lysander. Not bad, as it was the best being able to see his father and aunts again, but certainly uneventful. He'd spent too much time at home or with family, instead of out and about with his friends, and by now he was beginning to grow a little stir crazy. Even hanging out at the Menagerie wasn't cutting it anymore. The boy had decided to take a trip away from the harbour he lived near and into the village, hoping to run into friends he knew, or just other magical children in general to make his holiday a little more fun. His owl flew after him as he headed towards the park, though kept to itself as it was generally want to do. Lysander found a shaded tree to dump his bag under, before rummaging through it to pull out the fanged frisbee he'd found lying forgotten at the bottom of his toybox. It looked awesome, and he mentally kicked himself for not trying to take it with him to Hogwarts. He turned around and gave it his best Captain America shield-throw in any old direction, only then wondering if it was going to fly its way back as a boomerang would or not. Instead it snarled aggressively as it cleaved through the air, landing in the grass a few feet away, the blades trimmed down by its descent in a patch reminiscent of a freshly mowed lawn. Ouch! No wonder the school didn't allow them on the grounds. He had to pack it in his luggage now. He gave it another toss through the air without really checking where he was aiming, too lost in the possibilities it held. A free terrible haircut for anyone who was nasty to him, among many.​
Hortensia had managed to convince mummy that both she and Missy deserved treats for being on their best behaviour all weekend. Now they were both in possession of a bright pink and white lolly each, which the future best witch of the school was currently enjoying as they took a walk through the park. It was pleasant but soon they would be flying back to England, the cold dreary rain that waited for them back in Europe wasn't exactly exciting. Wanting to take in as much as she could before they were going home, Hortensia was happily licking her sweet and watching the others in the park. She'd learnt so many interesting things already and she was quite sure that she would never actually run out of things to do when she was here properly in September. Her eyes caught sight of something sharp whizzing a short distance away, and with a little gasp she looked to see where it had come from. There was a boy there, tall with brown hair who seemed to be playing by himself. Was he lonely? Where was his friends? The thing whizzed back through the air with such speeds that she was worried for a moment that it would hurt him, but he seemed fine, instead picking it up and throwing it out once more with incredible strength. She hadn't even realised she was staring at him until her mum called her name, although she couldn't bring herself to pull her eyes away.
The fanged frisbee was a lot of fun, and Lysander was far too into imagining that he was some sort of Avenger with a deadly throwing disk to immediately notice the small girl staring at him across the park. It wasn't until one of his throws curved the snarling disk away, planting it into the ground a few safe meters from where she was watching him that he realised he had an audience. He froze and shot a glance over his shoulder to check if anyone else was behind him that she could have been looking at instead, only to see he was the only one there. "Hey! He called out, waving his hand to get her attention, in case she was just staring off into space rather than him. "Could you throw that back?" He asked, pointing to where the frisbee was firmly lodged into the ground. Honestly with the free lawn trimming he was unintentionally giving the park, he had a few opinions about the village and whether it should be paying him for his efforts. Fun labour didn't mean free labour.​
Hortensia was watching with intrigue as the boy continued to throw out the frisbee, and for a moment she looked back to her mum when she called her name, but at the same time the frisbee came flying in her direction and landed a short distance away. Swatting away the woman who kept trying to get her to move on, eventually she just continued walking in the hopes that her daughter would catch up. Hortensia however was still fixed on the boy, who was now.. waving at her? It was a good job he was a distance away so that he couldn't see the blush in cheeks, and kicking into action. Handing her lolly to Missy, she jumped over towards the frisbee, doing her best to both act confidently around something so sharp, hiding the fact she had no idea to actually hold something like this, and casually enough that it didn't make him think he'd asked too much of her. Carefully she bent down to pull the thing out of the ground, both hands precariously touching it although she didn't think she was going to be able to throw it without taking out a few people en route. "This looks really dangerous," she called out, feeling a little silly in front of him since he was able to handle it, but not wanting to risk pricking anybody but also not wanting to show herself up. She swallowed reluctantly, taking a deep breath and doing her best to throw it like she would a normal frisbee through the air, watching quietly scared to see if it would reach its intended target. It was no where near as elegant as the boys throw had been, although she had to admit it was fun to watch him try and catch it.
Lysander kicked at a clump of grass while he waited for the small girl to retrieve his frisbee, and raised his head when she called out to him. "Nah, it's fine! It's just a frisbee!" He called back reassuringly. Teeth or not, it was still a toy, and he was pretty sure it couldn't do too much damage. He took a few steps backwards as she readied herself to throw it, to give himself more distance to catch with, and raised his arms once it was tossed his way. He...really hadn't put any thought into how he was going to catch a fanged, snarling frisbee until it was already flying in his direction, and there definitely wasn't any time left to start thinking. He wasn't about to run scared from a toy, and instinctively he dived toward it to catch it, clapping his hands on the top and underside to stop it in its tracks without risking a finger. His heartbeat quickened in the few seconds it took, but as he inspected the green disk in his hands, he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks! That was a good throw!" He yelled over to the girl, raising the frisbee to show that it was fine, and that everything was still intact. He'd told her it wasn't dangerous.​
As the Frisbee flew through the air, she clapped both hands to her mouth. The boy darted after it, looking pretty confident in his decision, although Hortensia couldn't help but imagine the scene that would unfold if she already managed to hurt him. She watched with baited breath as he managed to catch it at the top and bottom, avoiding the sharp bits, and eventually she relaxed enough to smile and lower her hands. Her cheeks blushed again when he said she'd thrown it quite well, although was sure he was probably just saying that to make her feel better. Then again, it worked. "Are you.. playing with someone else?" she asked, glancing around to see if he really was just throwing a frisbee on his own and hoping that it would just come back to him. It wasn't like it was a boomerang after all. She glanced over her shoulder and spotted that her mum had got talking to another woman who had about four different doggos with her, so no doubt she and her sister would be distracted for a few minutes. Looking back at the boy, she felt a little sad that he was by himself, although she couldn't be sure until he told her. Maybe she shouldn't have been so worried about getting hurt, after all he didn't seem to be, even though Hortensia was quite sure she'd seen some blades of glass fly away when it had stuck in the dirt.
Lysander chuckled awkwardly as the little girl pointed out the fact he was very much playing alone in the park. It sounded a lot worse to hear than it was. The frisbee really wasn't a one-player item. "Well, I'm playing with you!" He joked with a small laugh. One throw totally counted as them playing together now. "But no, I'm not really playing, I'm just...I'm just testing it to make sure it works." He explained. "It's a prank toy from the joke shop, so I needed to see what it could do before I try and use it." He made a show of inspecting the frisbee by turning it over in his hands to peer at either side. "Hm, yep, it works!" The boy remarked triumphantly. Miss Amy would never sell him some faulty toy, he was pretty sure, so he didn't actually have his doubts. It was perfect. Perfect for mayhem.​
A smile appeared on Hortensias face when he said he was playing with her rather than by himself. While that hadn’t exactly been true to begin with, maybe he’d brought it out purposely to make new friends, although she couldn’t think why. Someone like him was bound to be popular. He was tall, brunette, cute smile and funny and besides he was keen to run around outside which Hortensia knew made him and interesting person too. She watched to see if he was about to throw it back, hands at the ready to copy him and catch it with both if he did. “There’s a joke shop?” Her eyes lit up. She’d been there for a few days but she knew she’d not seen everything. Mummy was much too keen on going to the boring shops multiple times rather than anything exciting. “What are you going to do with it?” She asked, still on edge in case it came flying her way again.

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