Fancy This

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
It has been quite the Professor's meeting for Misha, he had not expected her of all people to be at it, though he had never known what she did for a living or what her family name was, it had never been important to them, it had always been just a thing in the background that neither needed to know about the other, though now he was curious. So after standing in stunned silence he decided he only thing he could do was go see her in her office. From the meeting he had been pretty sure that she hadn't noticed him, or at least gave no indication about it, and nor did this actually change anything about them yet. It had been just a casual thing, but now they were working together Misha wasn't sure if that would mean it ended or continued perhaps more seriously, and really with her surname he wasn't sure it was the best move. But in saying all that the charms professor did like her, their casual dates had always been fun. The man at the very least was going to go say hello, and at the very least they could have a mutual laugh over it.

Once he arrived at her door, after making sure it was the right one, he knocked loudly, leaning against the door frame until it was opened. The man was feeling pretty good about things really, he couldn't stop smiling and he couldn't see how this wouldn't be fun. Even if she was related to the other Styx which was likely with a surname like that. The charms professor didn't think that anyone else could have such a surname and not be a part of that family. The man's smile faded into a smirk as she opened the door to him, and Misha easily met her gaze and without a pause said, "Come here often?" it wasjust an easily ridiculously way to begin things while also having probably helped break the ice. Misha felt pretty proud of himself really, and he thought she might enjoy it too.
Patricia was feeling on top of the World at the minute as she relaxed back into her office after her first Professor’s Meeting. She still felt she had to pinch herself to come to terms that she was here and as Professor. She had always wanted to teach but felt like she would have been too young and under experienced to step up to the position as soon as she graduated. She had even been voted most likely to return to teach in her final year and here she was. She had decided not to hang back after the Professor’s Meeting, she had hoped it wouldn’t put a bad light on her and make people think that she was anti-social but she had her first lessons coming up and she wanted to make sure she was prepared. Everyone seemed lovely on first glance and she was sure she wouldn’t take long until she got to know everyone, well the ones that she didn’t know already – like the other History of Magic Professor, Professor Kaelen who had been a year below her in School and well, her father, which admittedly was a little strange but not as strange as when she was the student and he was the Professor.

Surrounded by pieces of parchment, Patricia started to read over her lesson plans and with quill in hand she was ready to make any adjustments and some extra notes that would help her deliver a better lesson. She hadn’t been back in the office long before she heard a knock at the door. Patricia looked up at it with an odd look. She wasn’t expecting anyone to visit her and she wasn’t sure why anyone would be visiting her to start with. Not wanting to be rude and ignore the knock she got up from her seat and made her way to the door. Making sure she looked presentable she opened the door and glanced up slightly at the person in front of her. Her eyes widened in surprise, laced with confusion as she took in who was standing in front of her. Matching his smirk as he questioned how often she came here she replied, “It’s been a while but I plan on hanging around – it’s not a bad spot.” She couldn’t believe Misha was here, of course they never knew what the other one did, but what were the chances they were both did the same thing. “Want to come in?” she asked, opening the door slightly further. She expected they were going to have a few things to talk about.
It had been a surprise to say the least that she had turned up at the school, sure their few dates had not really lead to anything that just a very casual sort of thing, and while it had been a very enjoyable thing he hadn't thought much beyond what they were doing in the then moments, but there was no way to avoid her when at the school, when they taught and would interact in the same place. So, Misha being proactive for once in his life decided to face it head on, and really because why not, he liked Patricia, she was a nice person, they got along and he definitely liked that she was a teacher like him, it wasn't that whatever she did before, whatever that had been was less important or valued to him, just for the ease at which he could speak to her was nice. He had been so busy, so had she and this was just the perfect way for them to actually try. The man was smiling easily as she greeted him, noting her look of surprise when she realised who he was, and it almost made him chuckle, he couldn't help but enjoy that surprise that she held.

"We never did talk about our professional lives," Misha admitted as he walked into the room that was now her office, and he couldn't help but glance around the place with a little curiosity as to how she had arranged it, "I have to admit, I have a few questions," Misha motioned to the room with a grin, as if to indicate it was about all of this happening. Of course he was sure due to the fact that he was also at the school she too would have questions for him, and so he figured that since this was a shift from how they'd normally been with each other, it would serve him well to introduce himself to her, so with a rather excitable grin he held out his hand to her, "Professor Misha Haden, charms from when they can't cast a spell till when they graduate," he hoped that would serve as a rather good introduction to himself that would then be reflected, a good starting point given they were suddenly thrust into this environment together and he didn't want to just pretend like it didn't happen or not continue whatever it was. Even if wasn't anything serious or really exclusive, that didn't matter, it was still something he didn't necessarily want to give up, "I've been a teacher here for most of my adult life," he then added with a little shrug before leaving it open to her. This was a good place to start, the questions could come after.
Once past the initial shock of seeing Misha standing at her door her face relaxed into a soft smile. In fact, her whole body just relaxed, she had become very comfortable around Misha over the time they had been going on dates. Closing the door behind Misha as he entered her office, Patricia followed him in and made her way to her desk and propped herself on the front of her desk so she could still talk to Misha and not be separated by a desk. Patricia nodded softly and hummed in agreement, remaining quiet as Misha pointed out that they hadn’t discussed their professional lives. He made a very good point, they hadn’t discussed their professional lives, or a whole lot of their personal, like family and whatnot. They had decided this pretty early on, after all their first date was only meant to be a blind date and neither of them was fully invested going into it. That’s why they decided not to divulge so much information to someone they may possibly never meet again. Even though it turned out that they would in fact meet again, they never felt the need to discuss more personal or professional things as they already had a good thing going without needing, so there was no need to spoil a good thing.

“And I have answers!” Patricia replied, inviting Misha to ask away at whatever questions he had. It was a bit silly to try and not mention their Professional lives now when it was so clear what they both did. Patricia couldn’t contain her smile when Misha held his hand out to introduce himself to her. It seemed so silly that two adults who knew each other were doing introductions but it was quite fitting considering their current situation. Taking his hand, Patricia reflected his actions. “Nice to meet you Professor Haden.” she said with a soft handshake. “Professor Patricia Styx, History of Magic but just for the younger years.” It was impressive that Misha had the entire Charms course to himself, Charms was a lot more magic centred whereas History of Magic was mainly just facts. “Well teaching has always been an ultimate goal for me, but I was a Healer from the day and hour I graduated basically, until just a few weeks ago before I started here.” Patricia had been lucky to be steadily employed since she graduated and while she loved being a Healer she had always hoped to one day become a Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand.
The charms professor couldn't honestly think of any questions that really needed to be asked at this point, she was here and he was happy to see her, but of course since they were sort of something it probably served well to figure it out here at the school. It was almost funny to him that he was thinking and being a little worried about dating in school when he had never been ever as a student, but he didn't want to just forget about what he thought he could have with her because it probably wasn't the norm. They hadn't ever been anything official, he hadn't wanted that, neither of them had, but their way of doing things was complicated slightly now by the fact they'd be working more closely together, and he had always enjoyed all the time they spent together, "Okay maybe just the one, how do you feel about breakfast foods at random times of the day?" the man settled on with a smirk on his face, he knew it wouldn't be the most conventional way of doing things and there were going to be plenty of questions floating in his head in the weeks to come about who she was, the surname styx for one, but he didn't care about that really, he liked her for her, for who she was not what her name was.

The man let a whistle of approval out when she said she'd been a healer, "A healer and now you're a professor, wow, man, what a step down," he joked easily, it was just a different career path and boy was he happy she had made such a choice. It was was so interesting that she'd been a healer though now her strange schedule made more sense, "So any ailments I should come straight to you then, good, good," he was smirking easily, smiling as if making a mental note about visiting her rather than a nurse when he was unwell, "Teaching is good, I've always wanted to teach," Misha added more seriously since it had always been a passion of his, he loved both charms and teaching, "These kids can be horrible sometimes but there's just such a reward to be had from when their faces just light up in understanding, or they are just doing really well," the man had been teaching for a number of years and he was so proud of those he had taught, so happy to teach more and more students, he wouldn't really give it up for anything. Misha kept his gaze on her with a little smile, "I think I should show you around, I am an expert in all things Hogwarts, having been here so long I'm practically just a bit of furniture,"

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