Closed Fancy Grown Up Dinner

Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene had be squirreling away what ever he could to be able to take Renata out for dinner. To celebrate her graduation and for them to also just figure out what was next for them. He knew it was important and wanted her to feel loved and appreciated. Needed her to feel loved and appreciated. Eugene had bought a bouquet of flowers and gotten a reservation at a nice restaurant. Not the fanciest place, but nice. A place where he could enjoy her company and they'd eat well, but where he wouldn't feel out of place, or spend all of his money. He was waiting for her, had told where he was bringing her, not wanting Renata to feel nervous or anxious about it. He was just now early and waiting for her to arrive.
Renata was a little scared, she had to admit, but she was mostly excited. She had been keeping busy with things like Heta Omega and quidditch all through seventh year, and she'd almost felt a little like a child compared to Eugene with him having graduated while she was still a school. But she'd also graduated now, and she felt like she could actually properly be with him and see where they went from there. She was nervous, but definitely hopeful. And she'd been thinking about what she could do to make things work, too. But more importantly now, she wanted to celebrate. She'd dressed up nicely and felt a wave of joy course through her when her eyes met Eugene's. She was happy to know that her heart still very much fluttered seeing him, and the smile that crossed her face threatened to hurt her cheeks and yet Renata didn't care. She jogged to cross the last bit of distance, not an elegant jog, especially not in heels, but she couldn't help herself. "Hey," she breathed, leaning in for a kiss. It had been too long since their last one, after all.
Eugene really wasn't waiting long at all, and he spotted it, as she jogged the last of the distance towards him. He grinned eagerly, standing up straight and stepping towards her, moving to wrap his arms around her and pull her into a hug, but leaned in for the kiss too. He kissed her, having missed her so deeply, the company she gave him, her brightness, her smile, her joy. Eugene had missed everything about her, and them. "Gods, I missed you,"
Renata didn't really want to let go. She wouldn't have admitted it, but in moments of stress she had worried that maybe Eugene would find someone older and cooler who could have made him happier while she was at school. But she trusted him, and loved him, and all those hints of doubts faded with a kiss. She'd been a fool to ever let herself worry, she realized. Eventually she did break apart, but her smile didn't fade. "I missed you too, so so so much," she replied, feeling lighter than air. Renata found herself staring at him in a little awe, barely able to work out what to say until she finally got herself together. "So! Tell me all about America, are you still enjoying it over there?"
Having Renata in his arms again was the best feeling. To just have her back, to be able to kiss her and know they wouldn't have to be apart much more, beyond what a normal couple would be. He kissed her with all the passion he had for her, all the love he had for her. When he leaned back, his expression was one of love. His eyes fixated on hers, looking over every feature of her face. "Yes, but let's go inside first?" he suggested, he wanted to tell her more about his time in America, of living with Charlie, and wanted to hear about her last year of school, but thought it would be nice to actually sit down and do so.
Renata blushed, giggling a bit at her own excitement. "Sorry, got carried away!" She moved a hand to take his in her own. It was a simple gesture, but one she'd missed - after all, she hadn't been able to walk hand in hand with her patrol partner in the last year, it hadn't been the same. It was hard for her to walk straight ahead when her eyes just wanted to look at Eugene, almost as though if she stopped looking at him he might disappear.
Eugene happily squeezed her hand and held the door open for her to go inside. "Me too," he said, he knew if he hadn't made them go in he'd have happily remained out there, kissing her and just being close to her. He had had a good year and missed her, but he hadn't been aware of how much he had missed her. Charlie was the best friend he could ask for, but Renata felt like his other half. He guided her in to the place and they were shown to the table he had booked. Eugene let go of her hand, to hold out her chair for her with a wide smile.
Renata almost felt a bit like she was in a dream, squeezing Eugene's hand back and following him as though she was walking on air. Sure, when it came to the practical side of things, it might be a bit less joyous, but Renata was going to make the most of the feeling. She beamed taking her seat, feeling almost a bit like some kind of royalty. Even if she was just a fairly average eighteen year old girl. Nerves came back as they both sat down, but she reached her hand across the table to take Eugene's once again, now she could do so quite freely without having to worry about how it looked at school or anything like that.
Eugene led her into the restaurant and helped her to sit down and then moved to sit down in front of her. He was sat for all of about a minute before he was shifting, moving his seat and table settings so that he could sit right next to her. Be able to put his arm around her and lean in good and close. He had been too far from her for the whole last year, that sitting across from her was not enough. "There," he said warmly. "Now, tell me about your year,"
Renata was a little surprised to see Eugene get up almost right away, but giggled when he moved around to be next to her. She leaned into him, feeling incredibly comfortable and not really caring that they were in a public place. "Much better," she said with a light laugh, sighing happily as she rested her head on his shoulder. "It was okay," she replied, weighing it up it had been an okay year. Her NEWTs had been...poor, if she was honest, but she'd been distracted with other things. "We didn't win the house cup, but we won the Quidditch Cup! I'm really happy Felix, Leo and I got to win it for our last year on the team together." Sure, it had been mostly Felix who had scored the win, but still. "I am happy to be out now though. I will miss the girls but I am sure I can meet up with them sometime. We're free now!"
Eugene was glad to be sitting right next to her, to be able to get good and close to her. He liked the feel of her head upon his shoulder as she then talked about her school year. He felt proud that Hufflepuff team had won the quidditch cup. "I'm so proud of you," he said in response to that, knowing that quidditch was something that meant a lot to her. "Yeah, once you're out of school it's more difficult to see everyone, but you aren't restricted by the school, and can easily avoid those you didn't always like," he said with a smile. "I'm happy for you to be out too. I missed you like crazy this year,"
Renata smiled, taking deep breaths and enjoying the closeness. It was making up for a lot of lost time, and a lot of time spent under school restrictions. "I missed you too," she muttered, closing her eyes and sighing happily. "Are you enjoying it over in America?" she asked, figuring she probably had to broach the topic as much as she was enjoying just having peace. "Is it where you want to stay?"
Eugene smiled easily, letting himself just be happy in her presence. To enjoy and make up for all the time they'd lost over the last year. A year was not long, but it felt like a lifetime now. "I am," he said as she broached the topic they did need to discuss. But he gave a little shrug. "It's one of the best places for my music, but, I can play anywhere, I can practice and do open mic nights anywhere," he told her, wanting to press that he didn't need to stay where he was. That if she had ideas and plans then he would follow her. "I can go, wherever you want to go," he then added, making it a little more explicit.
Renata, surprisingly, relaxed. This would have been a slightly more awkward topic to bring up, but she had put some thought in to what she hoped would be an ideal solution for both of them. "Oh, that's wonderful," she started, unable to stop a grin from crossing her lips. "Because it would have been a little embarrassing to tell you that I got some tryouts with some north American Quidditch teams lined up if you didn't like being over there." She turned her head, leaning in to place a swift kiss to Eugene's cheek. "I thought that if I could get into a team over there, then you wouldn't have anything to worry about. You waited for me, so it was the least I could do for you." Of course, she still had to actually make a team, but she thought she had a pretty good chance.
Eugene was a little nervous about what she might say, what she might want, but in fact it seemed pretty easy. If she was willing to go to a north american team, if he was willing to stay then they wouldn't have to remain in New Zealand. He leaned into the kiss, unable to help the wideness of his smile. "God, I love you," he told her with ease. It would be perfect and they wouldn't have to stay out there for all of time, just enough to help them get established, for him to follow his musical passions. "You'll make a team out there, and we can say, stay for two, three years and then decide what and where we want to be?" he suggested. "In case by that point we both really want to come back to New Zealand or go somewhere else?" he offered. He thought it would be a good compromise. That they would talk about it again, and decide together whether or not to remain.

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