Family Reunion

Kyle Alcott-Ward

french | theatre dad scrivenshafts asst manager
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Matt ) ( Gay
Apple, 13 1/2 inches, Essence of Belladonna
8/2011 (52)
Kyle ruffled October's hair as they headed towards his favourite cafe to meet Matt and April. He hadn't realised just how drastically different his life would feel with her away at Hogwarts, and even though she was quiet as ever, the house just felt so much fuller and more alive with his daughter back in it. He was beginning to understand why his parents had been so delighted when he took time away from Hogwarts during his own years there, even under the circumstances.

"Now remember, Matt and April are muggles, so no talk of Hogwarts with them. What do we tell them about your new school?" He asked, though he already knew October had their explanation memorised perfectly. Nothing wrong with a little extra last minute practice. It was such a balancing act, being in a long term relationship with a muggle, and Kyle had been too nervous to even suggest the idea of moving in together, worried he would let a little practical magic slip, worried he wouldn't know when was the right time to finally explain the existence of magic to Matt and April, when things would be serious enough to let them in. Right now was probably not the time though, so he and October had settled on an explanation to give his partner for her long absences.

Heading in to the cafe with October, Kyle quickly found them a sunny table in the outdoor seating, and passed October a menu. "Order whatever you like." Kyle smiled fondly, enjoying being able to speak his native tongue again with his daughter. She had grown up so much already in her time at Hogwarts, and realising how much of her life he was missing broke his heart all over again.
October couldn't help but be a little nervous about seeing April and Matt again. She knew that dad and Matt had been getting close before she left for Hogwarts, but they had to have been together for almost a year by now, did that make them her stepfamily? It was a confusing situation, after eleven years of just her and dad, and she didn't quite know how to feel about her... somewhat annoying friend from ballet becoming her sister. Being away only added to the tension she felt... these new people were becoming a part of her family without her even being involved, and she couldn't say or do anything about it.

October rolled her eyes when dad asked her about the excuse for what felt like the hundredth time. "I've been away at a private ballet school, up in the north island, it's a boarding school, I'm having fun and learning a lot." October said a little sullenly, wondering to herself what she would do if April asked to see any of the new things she was supposedly learning. The reality was, October could feel herself stagnating with no ballet or music classes at Hogwarts, and she felt lost, with no way to improve the skills she had spent years on. The more she thought about it, the more depressing it was, and she couldn't help but be somewhat annoyed at dad for the excuse he had chosen.

Taking her seat at the table dad picked, October barely skimmed the menu. "A hot chocolate, please." It was nice to visit a cafe with dad again, she had missed their hot drinks and chats together about anything and everything. It felt weird to be sharing one with Matt and April, but at least dad wouldn't be able to grill her about everything going on at Hogwarts, when it felt like other than the mountain of unfamiliar schoolwork, there didn't really seem to be anything to do at all.
Matt was eager to see his boyfriend again, the two of them had been getting closer and closer and Matt was happy with their relationship. It had all started when they were dropping off their kids at ballet and realized both girls were named after months of the year. After this, Matt had been guilty of dropping April off a little bit early so he could talk to Kyle more and more. It soon became clear that Kyle also liked him and they had gone on a date. Breaking the news to their kids had been odd, but April really liked October and Matt was sure it was mutual. What was better than to have kids that liked the same things and were already friends? He also thought October could be a good influence on April, she seemed a lot more mature and disciplined than his excitable daughter. Though he also had to admit he adored how carefree and childlike April still was. He wasn't sure how he was going to deal with her being a teenager.

He looked at her now with a rueful smile on his face as she jumped on a nearby bench and struck a pose. She giggled and looked at him and he gave her a thumbs up before beckoning her to get closer. "April, we're nearly at the café now and I want to go over what we have to say one more time. Remember, Kyle and October don't know about magic, so we can't reveal it." April had been getting more and more accidental magic outbursts and Matt really hoped nothing would happen today. She had also been very pleased by them and been eager to talk about it, but she would need to hold it in for now. "So remember that."

He put an arm around her as they entered the café. He instantly saw Kyle through the back window at an outside table and his face lit up, he waved and lead April over to the others. "Kyle!" He said happily, letting go of April to give him a quick kiss before taking a seat on the opposite side of him. "It's lovely of you to invite us, April was so excited." He smiled fondly at his daughter, who beamed back.
April was excited for today! She was finally going to see October again. It had been aaaaaaages since they had last seen each other. Every since she left for that fancy ballet school... It was so sad! April was eager to see how much October had learned, though she had also worked really hard just so she could still compete with the other girl. She didn't like not being the best at things, and even though October was older, they had been somewhat close in skill level before the other girl left. She was also really pretty and nice and April was looking forward to taking a few selfies with her, they would get lots of likes.

She was busy trying to make her dad laugh, her favorite thing, when he gestured for her to come closer. She sighed and hopped off the bench, she had just been about to do something really funny... as soon as she had thought of something. Oh well, she would think of something soon enough. When she moved to his side he started to talk about how they had to keep their magic a secret. again. "Daaad." She whined. "I know this! I won't say ANYTHING. I promise." She wouldn't, though it did bug her a little. Magic was so fun and special and she wanted to show October just how special she was! Last time she had made sparks fly from her fingertips and they had been so pretty! At least they had been until they had set the curtains on fire, but she couldn't really help that.

They entered the café April bounced a little as she walked next to her dad, she was so excited. What was she going to order? Something nice and sweet! Maybe her dad would let her get ice cream, was that something you got at a café? It was something she wanted though and if she wanted it she knew her dad would get it. He had noticed Kyle and October before she had and she grinned when he pointed them out, waving excitedly. Kyle was so nice! She was glad that if her dad had to date anyone it was someone like him. He was so funny and had the nicest accent and April really liked him. They made her way outside and April got into the seat opposite of October and waved at her again. "October! Hi! Did your hair get longer? Did you get taller? How's school! I miss you! I mean, we all totally do at the ballet school. They keep asking me about you but I don't know a lot more than they do! I wish you were allowed your phone at school I'd love to get texts or see pictures or anything, how do you not die without it anyway? I'd probably DIE." She put her hand over her forehead dramatically and sagged in her seat as if she was dying before sitting up straight again. "Do you think they have ice cream?"
Kyle beamed when he saw Matt and April approaching, waving happily to his partner. It felt good to finally be with someone so relaxed and genuine, and every time they were together it just felt more and more right. And April was a sweet girl, though she could be... a lot at times. He was always happy around them though, and only as Matt gave him a kiss in greeting did Kyle realise that October hadn't really had any chance to be part of this growing bond, since things had still been so new when she left. He felt a new worry grow in the back of his mind, hoping she wouldn't feel left out or abandoned, with this new relationship growing.

"Hi Matt, hi April. It's good to see you, sorry we've been so busy these holidays. It's been good to just catch up, I've missed October a lot." He gave a slightly nervous smile, hoping Matt would pick up on his worries about his daughter. "How's your holiday been? Did you go anywhere nice?" Kyle glanced at April, addressing the question to both of them. Though she could be a lot, a conversation with April was never one with awkward pauses.
No matter how much she braced for it, October was still startled by the explosion of energy from April. The girl was so loud and so excited all at once, it was somewhat startling. "Hi April..." She said a little awkwardly, trying and failing to match her friend's cheerfulness. The onslaught of questions took her aback somewhat, and October fumbled a little in trying to answer them. "Um... My hair probably got longer, I didn't get it cut... I'm not really taller though. School is fine, though it's really hard... I miss ballet with you guys too, I miss it a lot, it's hard not having..." She hesitated, trying to think of the words. "Not having classes with people I know, everyone is a stranger, it's hard to make new friends."

Glancing down at the menu, October nodded. "There's ice cream on the kids menu..." She said a little awkwardly. It felt strange, even looking at a kids menu. After only a few months on her own, with no dad, October felt independent and grown up in a way she never had before. She had gone from having dad watching over her every second, making all the decisions and telling her what to do, to having essentially total freedom, and responsibility over all her own time. She didn't really feel like a kid anymore, and flipped the menu over to look at the adult's side.
Matt smiled in amusement at his own daughter. April had been excited before they entered the café but seeing October seemed to only have increased it. She was so happy to see the other girl that it made Matt feel better about dragging these girls into his romance with Kyle. They got along so well, he was sure they both enjoyed being closer, maybe even sisters one day. He hoped so, anyway.

"I imagine you must have missed her a ton." Matt said to Kyle, giving him a sympathetic look. He himself had missed the girl's company as well whenever they had gotten together. "But you must be proud of her as well." He smiled at October kindly. "You must be learning a lot, are you enjoying your new school?" April was going to Hogwarts next year, and Matt didn't know how he was going to deal with that yet. He'd be so proud of her, but he would also miss her so much. He was glad to have Kyle, but it wouldn't be the same. He also wasn't sure what he was going to tell Kyle about where April was going to school. A ballet school would have been a good cover, but it wouldn't do now October was really going to one.

it amused him to see October turn over to the adult menu, obviously feeling like she was no longer a child. He knew April well enough to know she still didn't care about that stuff, but it was funny to see how a semester at school made October feel more mature. It was natural, he supposed. "You can have ice cream, darling." He told his daughter. "I think I'll just take a tea. What about you, Kyle?"
April bounced in her seat as she looked around. This place was so nice! There were so many people and nice food and drinks. Her attention was turned back to October when she spoke. "Is it hard? Did you learn many new things? You should show me! I'd love to learn fancy ballet moves and show the others at school. It'll impress everyone." She giggled. " And I bet you made new friends already, you're so nice! How could you not?" It didn't seem to make sense to April that someone would have trouble making friends. Unless other people were mean, why wouldn't you be friends with them? Surely October was being modest.

October helpfully pointed out where the ice cream was located. "Thanks!" April picked the one she wanted and then looked at drinks as well, because why not get both? She knew her dad would let her. "We have a new girl in our class now and she's really pretty but not as good as you were. But she does bring sweets for all the girls which is sooo nice of her, don't you think? I may do that when I go to my new school, it makes people remember you and like you a LOT." She grinned. "I also gained like six more followers on instagram, but we should totally post a selfie together so maybe I gain more. You're so pretty! It will surely work."
Kyle nodded in response to Matt's question, sighing. "It's so good to have her back. I knew I missed her, but I didn't even realise how much until she was home. The house feels like home again..." He glanced down at October, sighing softly. Other than a couple of foolish months in his youth, Kyle had never lived completely alone until now, and it felt so empty, having nobody around to talk to, noone who needed him or wanted to chat. Just seeing her again was such an immense relief, he didn't know how he was going to cope with saying goodbye again.

"I'll be having a tea too." Kyle smiled, not even looking at the menu. Years ago he had tried to acquire a taste for coffee, to seem more cultured, but the bitterness had always been too much. He had taken both October and Matt to this cafe on separate occasions before, and knew the menu well enough to know that tea was all he was interested in.
October faltered, stumped once again by April's onslaught of questions, along with one from Matt. Amazing how just a few months of quiet and not socialising had completely taken away October's ability to keep up with April's rapid speech. "It's a really nice school, I... learned a lot, the classes are really hard." She said hesitantly, conviction wavering. The lie felt so wrong when she knew the opposite was happening, her ballet could only be getting worse with no teachers nearby. "I don't know what I could teach you though... I'm, uh... I'm starting pre-pointe, you're still too young for that." The too young part was at least true enough for now to stop April asking any more questions. April would get her pointe shoes when she was thirteen or fourteen, an honour October should have already had by that time were things normal, but she would never dance pointe now, magic was more important.

October nodded quietly, listening to April talk about the new girl with a sense of sadness. October wondered if she would have been friends with the new girl if she had stayed home. Maybe October should be bribing people to be her friends, since nothing else seemed to be working so far. But she didn't have any lollies at Hogwarts, and any she brought would likely run out fast. She nodded awkwardly to April's questions about selfies. "Sure, we can take a picture..."
Matt could tell how much Kyle missed October during the school year and wondered if he minded spending some of the little time he had with her these weeks with him and April. He hoped not. He put his hand on top of Kyle's on the table, very aware of how April would start to giggle and gasp about it if she were to notice. But she didn't seem to be paying attention to the adults, she was throwing question after question at poor October. "I'm sure time will fly by until the next semester is over and you get to see her again." He said softly, smiling encouragingly. He didn't really know what else to say. He would be in the same position Kyle would be in soon and he really wasn't sure how to handle that.

Matt smiled when Kyle ordered tea as well, he was predictable like that. "So, how's work?" He asked. It was always a risky question because he knew he would get it in return and have to lie about his own job, but he also didn't want Kyle to think he wasn't interested in his life.
April could tell October wasn't replying to her as quickly as she used to and she wondered what was wrong. Sometimes people told her she was talking too fast or too much but she knew they just weren't listening fast enough. October wasn't like that though, she was smart and could listen really well. At least, she used to. The fact that she couldn't teach April anything new was disappointing, though. "Aww... that's too bad. You could show me though, right?" She asked eagerly, her eyes lighting up.

April jumped up at the chance to take a picture with October, literally. She jumped up out of her chair and rushed to the other side of the table, putting the phone in front of October's face. "Say cheese!" She almost yelled in her enthusiasm as she pulled a silly face while still looking cute. She took a few pictures. "Awesome!" She cheered, jumping up and down. "Thanks so much!"
Kyle smiled gratefully and squeezed Matt's hand in response, appreciative of the support. "Yeah. But I didn't realise how difficult it would be to be apart. Or just how long it's going to be. She'll be an adult when she's finished, and off to... university, or work. It sort of feels like I've lost her already." He spoke softly, careful not to let October hear his worries. It wasn't her problem, Kyle's loneliness. But he was beginning to realise it was a bigger problem for him than he had previously thought.

Kyle shrugged. "Same as usual, nothing exciting ever happens when you're waiting tables. How's your work? Surely the chemistry lab is a much more exciting place." He smiled warmly. It was almost a shame Matt was a muggle, he would find potions fascinating. Kyle almost felt drawn to tell him about magic for that reason alone... he would doubtless find it so interesting. He was distracted from his thoughts by the waiter arriving though, and ordered his tea and October's hot chocolate.
October hesitated. It had hopefully been just long enough that April would have forgotten exactly how October usually danced, but not long enough that her lack of improvement would be suspiciously noticeable. "Maybe I can... dance for you a little later." She said uncertainly. She had at least stayed in practice whenever she found time at Hogwarts, so she wouldn't be rusty at all. It was nerve-wracking though, there was no way this excuse would hold forever.

October wasn't expecting the sudden assailing with a camera and yelped, looking thoroughly startled in the first couple of pictures. After getting her bearings though, October managed a shaky smile, and hoped she hadn't ruined all of April's pictures. "Are they any good?" She asked a little nervously. It was still strange, seeing technology around everywhere again after so many months without so much as a regular old telephone or tv.
Matt sighed. "It will be hard for me as well." He said, thinking of next year when April left for Hogwarts. Then, realizing his mistake he quickly added. "I mean, when April moves out in the future. I just... I love having her around." He looked down but then up again shyly. "You do have me, though. To keep you company."

The work question got turned around on him even faster than he thought and he sighed inwardly. "I'm sure you see plenty of interesting stuff." He said with a small smile. "At least you get to see different people every day, and some of them could do weird and unexpected stuff. The lab is the same every day, so its not that interesting..." He shrugged, eager to change the subject away from the nonexistent lab he worked at. He didn't know enough about muggle chemistry to really keep this talk going for long. Thankfully, the waiter came at just the right time. He ordered his own tea and then April's ice cream and the kind of juice she liked. She seemed to distracted to choose at the moment so he hoped it was what she wanted.
The promise of seeing October dance made April laugh in delight. She loved watching her friend dance, she was so elegant and beautiful, it made April want to work harder and harder to be more like her.

The pictures were really cute as well, and it was sweet of October to worry about them. "They look fine! You're too cute for anything else." April said reassuringly. She didn't understand why October was so quiet and unsure sometimes, she was the best. "You should come visit our ballet school." She frowned. "Oh right, its hoildays. But still! They all miss you, I bet we could get a meetup organized and you can woo them all with stories of your new school, they'd love that!" She beamed, hoping October would agree. Before she even said anything, April opened her texting app, ready to start organizing this as soon as October gave her the go ahead.
Kyle nodded, though he couldn't help wonder if April would ever be far even after moving out. He could definitely see her coming back home all the time to visit her father. He doubted Matt would have an empty nest like he had for a long, long time. Matt's next statement was awfully sweet though and he couldn't help but smile, squeezing Matt's hand. "I do have you, and it's much appreciated. I may need your company more than usual once October leaves again, I can already tell it's... going to be the first time I realise just how lonely this really is."

The topic of Matt's work was a nice distraction, and Kyle chuckled. "But surely you must be working on all sorts of interesting things, even if it gets a little samey." He sighed, thinking of his own job. "I just deal with people who have apparently never even heard of manners. I really need to figure out a way to get rid of my accent, at least for work. So many people think a French waiter is hilarious..."
October was relieved the pictures seemed fine, though she balked somewhat at April's next suggestion. "Um, I don't know..." She said nervously, glancing at dad for help, but he was busy talking to Matt. "I don't want to seem like... la, la, here I come, back from fancy ballet school to go to my silly old school..." She said nervously, trying to think of an excuse on the spot. "Like, I don't want to seem like a snob because I went off somewhere posher..."

Searching around, October desperately tried to think of a change of topic. "Um... what sort of things have you been working on this term anyway? I... want to know if I'm doing the same kind of things, it's weird not... knowing what the usual class is doing..." She said quickly, hoping to distract April by giving her something to talk about herself.
Matt nodded at Kyle's words. "I'll keep you company until you're absolutely sick of me." He said, giving him a small grin. "You'll be begging me to leave." He hoped making jokes would lighten the mood a little bit, it was sort of hard for him to talk about real emotions. This wasn't the time and place anyway, they were both in immediate danger of being photographed by his overeager daughter. He sometimes regretted giving her that phone, but she did seem awfully happy with it. Matt had a hard time not giving his daughter what she wanted.

Matt brushed aside Kyle's comments about his job and eagerly continued about Kyle's job instead. At some point, Kyle would notice that Matt didn't talk about it as much as he should, but until that time came he would avoid the subject as much as he could. "Please don't get rid of your accent, I love your accent!" He grinned. "Don't let annoying people ruin it for me."
April frowned. "Why would you seem like that? You don't think that, do you? We wouldn't think you were thinking that. We just want to see you. We know you're not a snob!" What a silly thing to worry about. "You don't have to do it, of course, but we wouldn't think so badly of you."

"We've been doing LOADS of tendus, and working on our port de bras!" She said happily, twirling in place. "I can't wait to learn more and more and be just as good as you. Even better! Maybe I will be one day." She grinned at October.
Kyle chuckled, appreciating Matt's care. "Oh, I could never beg you to leave." He smiled, relaxing slightly. It was such a comfort to be with someone who genuinely seemed to care so much for him and his happiness. It still felt fresh and new, after so many years without relationships. "I'll always want more of your company."

Matt's comment about his accent made him chuckle. "Only for work, my love..." Kyle smiled. "I know you love my accent, but customers think it's just so hilarious..." His smile twisted a little, thinking of the comments people made all the time. Kyle had probably spent more of his life in New Zealand than France at this point, but the accent still clung.
October shrugged uncertainly, trying to figure out how to explain things to April when she was so excited. "I just mean... I've been away at a fancy ballet school for so long, I don't want to seem like... I think I'm special or anything... I don't know. I would feel weird." October said nervously, though at the same time she did really miss all her friends from class, and part of her thought the catchup sounded wonderful. It would be too hard to maintain their excuse for her absence with so many other dancers though.

October smiled, storing what April had said in her memory for future practice. She wanted to keep working on the same things her former class was. The next thing April said did sting slightly though. "I'm sure you will be one day..." She said, trying not to let the sadness taint her voice.

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