🌹 Rose Giving Familiar Haunts

Sybil St. James

chess wiz ♟️ chatter box ♟️ always right
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 11 Inch Unyielding Elm Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
09/2050 (12)
Yellow rose for @Elijah Edogawa

Sybil was nearly done with her deliveries and she was grateful for that. She had been so tense today, carrying around the responsibility of all the messages she needed to deliver. At least the next name on her list was somewhat familiar. She had seen Elijah in class and she had a good idea where she might find him. He always seemed to be in the library, but then again so was she. She'd often see him around but was usually to shy to try and approach him. If he was anything like her he probably appreciated the silence. She ducked her head into the library and was instantly greeted by a comforting quiet. She couldn't help but let out a breath she had been holding all day, and thankfully she had been right about finding Elijah. Quietly she walked over to where he was sitting. "Hi." she said with a smile, keeping her voice low. "I have a rose for you."
Eli looked up from his homework on the sun - writing an essay about the sun felt silly, but he was actually learning a lot. He smiled lightly at Sybil, appreciating that she wasn't being loud as he'd seen some of the rose deliverers being earlier in the day. "Hey, thanks," he said, uncertain who the rose might have been from. He held his hand out for the rose, he hoped there was a note. Maybe he was about to be rejected in the form of a yellow rose. Well, it wouldn't really be a rejection, he supposed, since Lilith didn't even know he'd sent it, but still. He hoped it was from Lilith, it would be nice if she considered him a friend enough to send him a rose. It could have been from Sayuri too, maybe Jonah? He doubted that though.​
Sybil was happy to be in the library and got a little lost in the silence before remembering she had a job to do. "Right." she said quickly before pulling out the rose and the note that was attached. She handed it over and eyed the chair across from Elijah. "Do you mind if I sit for a little while?" she asked. "It's been a long day."

Never forget how bright you can shine, Meissa. And thank you for being my friend, I appreciate and value you!
- Lili ♡
He pushed the chair out with his foot, "No, go ahead, if you don't mind I won't be very conversational, I'm trying to get this out of the way," he said, smiling apologetically. He looked at the rose she handed him and nodded. Lili, of course. He sighed, it seemed funny almost, that she would send him this when he'd just decided he didn't need friends anymore.​

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