Closed Familiar Ground

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Siobhan ) ( Lesbian)
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (56)
It had been a long time since Kahurangi had been back to the city she had called home for so many years while studying, but she had jumped at the chance as soon as it presented itself. Running into one of her former classmates in the magical world had been a pleasant surprise, and she was glad to have been able to reconnect with Quinn recently. Reminiscing about their years at university had brought back enough nostalgia that at some point the reminiscing had turned into planning a trip, and now here they were. Walking along the bank of the Leith with Quinn, Kahurangi breathed in the familiar air happily. "This is so weird." She laughed softly. "Feels like we never left, like we're just taking time out between lectures."
Quinn had always enjoyed visiting New Zealand, especially when she visited the university that she studied. She was surprised to see that her old classmate from university was part of the magical world. Quinn was glad that she got to see and reconnect with Kahurangi, as she had never really seen her old classmates after they graduated. Quinn nodded and smiled as Kahurangi mentioned how weird it was that they were back here. "It is weird isn't?" Quinn says with a small jump in her step, as her hands are stuffed in her jacket pockets. "It feels like it hasn't changed, but in some way it has? I'm not sure how to explain it" Quinn says with a nod and a smile as she looks around the campus.
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Kahurangi nodded in agreement with Quinn, smiling a little sadly as she looked around. "It's... just different enough to be uncanny." She agreed, peering down the river towards the center of campus. "The students look even younger than they did when we were studying, I feel like they should be in my classes at Hogwarts." She chuckled softly, brushing her short hair back as the wind ruffled it. "Want to go check out the library, see if that sandwich place is still there?" She asked, mind running back to the years she had spent studying here.
Quinn laughs a little when Kahurangi mentions that the students around the campus had looked like that could be one of her students. She smiled as Kahurangi had mentioned about the library and the sandwich place that was there. Quinn always remembered getting a bite to eat there every time she studied at the library, as she always seemed to forget to bring food of her own. "Sounds like a plan," Quinn says with a smile, as she agreed to go there.
Kahurangi smiled, setting off towards the library with Quinn. "Not sure if I want to get a sandwich while we're there, or if it'll make me regress into exam week panic." She joked, laughing softly. She looked around at the familiar buildings and trees as they walked, surprised at how little had changed in the over a decade now since she had started teaching at Hogwarts. "How's your work, by the way?" She asked as they walked glancing at Quinn. "Still teaching at high school?"
Quinn smiled as she walked with Kahurangi as they made their way towards the library. She laughs a little at Kahurangi's joke. She takes in the air that is around them, as she liked being in familiar surroundings. "Work's going okay, a little busy I must say. But it feels great to take a small break, you know?" Quinn says with a small laugh and smile. She liked her students, even though it was a heavy workload sometimes. "Yeah, still teaching high school students," Quinn says with a little giggle. She enjoyed teaching the high school students, even though they can be troublesome sometimes. "How bout you? How's your work?"
Kahurangi nodded, listening as Quinn talked about work. "Oh, I hear you." She laughed softly. "Teaching can feel so all-consuming, it's easy to forget you're a person." She nodded when Quinn confirmed she was still working at high school, and laughed softly when she asked about Hogwarts. "Oh, it's same-old. My classes aren't actually that big a workload since it's a small elective, but having a whole House to look after is... exhausting. I love it, for sure, but there's so much to do..." She smiled, looking around the buildings and greenery as they walked. "Makes me appreciate our professors from back in the day a lot more."
Quinn smiles and nods, as she agrees that it can be quite time-consuming being a teacher, with all the marking as well as always worrying about where your students are at with their learning and all. "Oh, that's right, you're the Head Of House. Which house was it again?" Quinn said curiously. She remembered that Kahurangi had mentioned about it a while ago, but she wasn't sure if she had mentioned about what house it was. Quinn didn't particularly know the New Zealand Hogwart's houses, her mother told her about it years ago. "What's it like? And what do you do?" Quinn said curiously about the woman's job. "Oh yeah defiantly, they worked really hard to try and get us where we are," Quinn said with a nod, as Kahurangi mentioned about the professors they had when they were here as students.
Kahurangi nodded when Quinn asked about being a head of house, smiling slightly. "I'm head of Ravenclaw, that's the house that's concerned with knowledge and wisdom." She added, not sure how familiar Quinn was with the Hogwarts system. "It's very rewarding, but tiring. I'm essentially the guardian for all the kids in my house, I make sure they're safe and settled and following all the rules. It's a lot of work, but I do really love it." She smiled warmly, thinking of her students. Although she still longed to become a mother, having an entire house full of kids under her care had gone some way to fill that loneliness. She nodded in agreement with Quinn's comment about their professors. "Makes me wish I had been a more considerate student." She joked, chuckling softly.

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