🌹 Rose Giving Familial Flowers

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
yellow for @Naveen Khatri

Sen was bend on continuing her shouting the names from her list until someone would actually make her stop. Like a professor, or even a prefect. As long as that didn't happen it felt like the best way to find whoever she was looking for without having to see the entire castle thrice in one single day. "NAVEEN KHATRI?" She called out as she walked into the entrance hall, glancing around to see if any heads turned her way.
Naveen had been doing his best to stay out of everyone's way. Which wasn't unusual for him on a normal day but now it was an even bigger goal as he quickly stepped aside as someone rushed past him with a basket full of roses. He paused along the wall of the entrance hall to catch his breath. He wasn't sure how everyone was doing it. The thought of having to go up to strangers all day to give them messages sounded mortifying. Even though he had sent his own roses to his family he was starting to question that decision. But before he could gather his courage and make his way to the great hall he heard someone shout his name. In an instant his heart was racing and he felt like everyone was looking at him even though in reality all eyes were on the girl who had just yelled his name. With shaky legs he stepped forward and tentatively raised his hand. "Th- that's me." he said weakly once he was close enough for her to hear him.
Senna shot the younger boy who headed her way an easy smile, already looking down at her roses to make sure she would be able to hand him the right one. It'd be a little awkward if she messed things up, especially with how personal roses could be. Even the yellow ones. "Great." She said when he reached her, holding out the yellow rose for him to take. "In that case this is for you."

Hey little cousin, happy Valentine's! Glad you're surviving Hogwarts so far.
Naveen tried to return her smile even though he was sure it came off more as a grimace. Still, he held out his hand and took the rose. He took in the yellow flower and was glad to be getting one he supposed. But he wasn't sure if the validation was worth the embarrassment as he looked around the hall self-consciously. "Thank you." he mumbled and quickly read the note. He smiled more genuinely this time as he read the note from his cousin. It wasn't signed by which one but if he had to guess it was probably Anisha.

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