Open Falling Downtime

Solomon Tofilau

'Sully' | Life of the Party | Experimental Charms
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Bi (Chloë))
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Chloë)
12/2036 (24)
Open after Jarica

Without tv or video games, Sully was finding he had to get a bit more creative with ways to keep busy while he was at school. He had a rugby ball upstairs, but it seemed like a lot of work right now to get enough kids together and Sully kinda just wanted to enjoy the sun for now. He couldn't wait for summer to hit proper, but for now the springtime weather was good enough for him. He'd been practicing headstands for awhile back at his old school during lunch time, and now he'd decided to move onto seeing if he could walk on his hands. So far he'd had limited success, but it'd be a super cool trick to show off if he could manage it.

Getting up onto his hands was still pretty unstable, and Sully wobbled cautiously, trying to keep his arms at the right angle. Just as he lifted his right arm to take a "step" though, he completely lost his balance, landing in a heap at another kid's feet. "Ahhah, sorry, I didn't kick you did I?" Sully asked, grinning up a little dizzily from the ground.
Today was dull, far more boring than she could imagine. A little bored looked at everything around her. Jarica tried to figure out what she could do today. Maybe, go to the library to find a new book that would bring her away in new adventures. She longed for new stories, to see some new paintings in a school she hadn't seen yet. Anything, anything that would replace this boredom.All of sudden she got a kick. Where it came from? I guess from a boy who tried to render something. But there was nothing wrong with her, and nothing wrong had happened, she smiled at the boy and said “I'm alright, I suppose!” she said.
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Sully hopped onto his feet, grinning at the girl when she confirmed she was alright. That was lucky, he'd have felt awful if he'd accidentally kicked a girl. "Ah good, I'm trying to walk on my hands and it's not as easy as with your feet, aye," He said knowingly. "Do you wanna see? I'm pretty good at it," Without waiting for an answer, Sully motioned the girl over, crouching down again to try a wobbly headstand. It'd be nice to have an audience for some of his tricks, girls though acrobatics were cool right? He was able to straight his legs in the air for a good 3 seconds before he over balanced, letting his back hit the grass with a solid thump that knocked some of the wind out of him. "Pretty mean, aye?" He asked once he'd caught his breathe, smiling up at the new girl.
She didn't understand the young man's fears because nothing terrible had happened. So the first introduction was successful. Of course, I want to see it! Jarica smiled amiably at his tower mate. He was a little dark-skinned, but it didn't bother her to make friends. The girl herself had come from the Sheisel Islands and had become friends.Maybe, her past was a little bleak, but it didn't keep on living forward. It was pretty cool, but how do you do it? “Isn't akrobatics so complicated to learn?” She asked and maybe she wanted something to try, but she certainly wouldn't be as good and moving as he was. Jarica smiled at the young man, so freely in conversation, she had never felt so. Maybe, it was a new start for a great friendship.
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Always happy for a chance to show off, Sully was glad when his showboating was met with excitement, sitting up and brushing some stray grass off. "Yeah, it's complicated, but not for me," He said with a grin. It had taken him almost a whole year of practicing, but he'd still managed to learn before any of his friends back at primary had anyway. "I can try to teach you if you like, or maybe something a little easier like cartwheels or forward rolls to start? They're are awesome for racing, first one to get too dizzy to move loses," Sully didn't want to start the girl off too hard, he knew handstands were hard enough, but he was happy to show off some other things to girl too. "I'm Sully by the way, you're in Gryffindor too, right?"
I'm glad to hear it when you get it so easy and it's amazing! She smiled at the stranger and hoped she would soon find out his name. She liked to listen to people and find out more about them. She listened patiently to Gryffindor and hoped when she could meet as well as him in time. I'd be glad if you taught me a couple of moves. Chief, I hope I don't hurt you with my clumsiness at first. I hope you are right! Jarica sighed to herself and looked at the boy with a broad smile on his lips. I'm glad to meet you Sully, My name is Jarica Ashley and I'm from the Gryffindors to. She smiled at the boy
"Alright, cool, Jarica, let's do a forward roll race," He said, patting the grass next to him. He felt like forward rolls were a lot easier to figure out if Jarica was worried about being clumsy, and he loved getting stupidly dizzy when you did a bunch in a row. "Just kinda brace your hands on the ground and push forward with your legs, oh and make sure you tuck in your head when you roll forward-" Sully tried not to talk too fast as he walked (rolled) through it, grinning back at Jarica after he rolled forward once "Once you push off with your legs you should be able to roll straight back onto your feet, but try not to wind yourself. "He knew not everyone got things as fast as he did, but he hoped Jarica could figure it out soon so he could have someone to play around with.
-I hope that you really dont hurt you and then you are going to talk to me, but there is one thing I skill and I can show you. - She smiled at the Sully and listen what he says, what she needs to do. Jarica was realy hoped she not be fully at the boy. Jarica was doing once time at home and that was be a long time a go. - I think i got it, how to do that! -Jarica was very smart girl and somtimes she vas wery lucky at the moment. Jarica put your hands on the ground and push forward with legs.How Jarica made the movies -Do you think that was good?- She asked Sully and hoped that was a good think and she smiled, becouse Sully dont get a hurt. It was very difficult at the moment and Jarica hairs was now looked offul.
"Oh wow cool," Sully said, watching Jarica kick her legs in the air, begrudgingly impressed. It was pretty cool that she could do that, but Sully had been looking forward to being able to show off a bit more. Well maybe they could do something a bit tricker then. "Can you do cartwheels too?" Sully's cartwheels weren't always great, usually going a bit crooked before he got back onto his feet, but he hoped maybe Jarica wasn't as good at them either and they could mess around doing them. He couldn't continue his laugh when Jarica righted herself, her hair all over the place. "Looking good." he managed between giggles.
She was smiling to Sully, he was a very friendly with Jarica, and she was grateful to him. Jarica was a little be shock when she didit to Sully. Am, what do you mean cartwheels? Can you show me? Girl was looked at the boy with the nice smile, she was today a realy happy spend time with him. But now it was a moment when Jarica had found it harder to hang on her arms while her legs hung in the air. Jarica stared at Sully, her eyes gleaming, trying to understand him, and he was squatting to himself. Her cheeks, her hair slightly relaxed by the wind, made her blush in the pinkof roses flowers. She sparkled at Sully, then laughed with her appearance.Jarica was not the man who would be angry about her looks. She could laugh at herself, too. Am, Sully please help me, a little bit? Jarica was a little bit nervous and giggling to, but her leg was cramp.
Sully perked up when Jarica asked about cartwheels, excited to show off something she didn't know how to do yet. "Sure, check it out!" Giving a little bit of a run up, Sully tried for the smoothest cartwheel he could, lifting and planting his hands confidently like he'd always watched his big sister do. It was a bit wobbly, cartwheels not being his forte, but he managed to get back onto his feet without falling over, which Sully counted as a win. "Pretty slick, right?" He said happily, trying to ignore the slight wave of dizziness from all the movement. Shuffling back to Jarica, she seemed to be struggling a bit. "Do you need help?" He offered a hand, unsure how she wanted him to help out.

OOC: Thanks for being so patient!!
It was a relatively pleasant day. It was really interesting for her to bewith this strange and young man she had met. Sully made her smile,even when she was in no better position. For example, by hanging in the air in a variety of movements. Jarica threw her hair back with one hand, as it was possible to look at Sully. He was really a lovely guy coming from her tower and Jarica hoped there would be a chance to meet him later. Good Jub, Sully! I think i can to do this! Mayby we can do this together? She asked Sully and Jarica hoped, to her plan was great. Yes! If the whole thing hadn't been so tired, kicking her hands against the ground, she would certainly feel a lot better. And Jarica, for the first time,really enjoyed the feeling when she felt a touch of grass on every step under her arms. The smile on her face hadn't disappeared, although she couldn't see it for a moment. Yes, please! Im stuck! Jarica laughed at herself and in what condition she was, but it was nothing wrong. She was able to find some joy in life even in an uncomfortable situation.

ooc: No vories Sully, i can wait you. I realy like posting with you :)
Sully laughed when Jarica admitted she was actually stuck, trying to carefully help her back down onto the grass. He collapsed on the grass once she was safely settled and stretched, happily tired out from all the acrobatics. Jarica had been super impressive already, even if she got stuck, and Sully decided the two of them definitely needed to practice together regularly, if only so Sully had some healthy competition to encourage him. Spreading his legs, Sully stretched out to touch his toes, both to ease some of the soreness in his legs and to show off that he could a bit, looking over at Jarica. "You're pretty cool you know, considering you claimed you'd never done this stuff before," He looked at Jarica a beat longer before laughing. "Also you have grass in your hair."
-You're the first person, who say to me a good words!- She sayed to the Sully and Jarica was a smiling. She never met first time before the collest person she have a met. I hear that Sully. I hope you didn't say the next time when we did again to do this! Jarica was to laughing with Sully, and now finaly she hope when I stand on my feet. She carefully lowered them to the ground and tried to get to her feet with her hands. She stumbled a little as she got to her feet, then she pushed her hair back. Her hands looked a little dirty, I hope, when her face wasn't dirty. Jarica was at first cleaned her hands and then tried to remove the grass from her hair. It was horrible,but nothing and tonight she could go into the shower. When her hair was cleaned and she asked Sully about her face. How i look, nothing dirty in my face? She smiled to the Sully.
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Sully shrugged off Jarica's statement about him being the first person to compliment her. "I'm just being honest, besides us Gryffindor's gotta stick together, aye?" He said, hopping to his feet, feeling restless again. He laughed again as Jarica straightened out and fixed her hair, he couldn't imagine what it was like trying to do stuff with so much long hair, running a hand over his own short hair. Sully made a point of taking his time looking over Jarica's face, leaning down left and right and making exaggerated faces to see if he could make her laugh. "Nope, you're good. You wanna go get something to eat?" He said, offering her a hand to pull her to her feet. "All those sweet tricks made me hungry."
-Thank you, I appreciate it very much on your part. So, Friends?- She asked to the Sully about the question. As she sorted her hair, Sully laughed. The girl had a diabolical idea, to smear Sully with dirty earth, with her hands. At least the day would haves tarted with a fun idea, wouldn't it? But, she refrained from this idea because she hadn't been accustomed to too much. -Thanks, it's grate idea to go something eat-! She agry with the Sully. Me to, Can i see you next time? She smiling at the Sully, she began to walk toward the school, purging her handsome and lovely hair on the way.

*Thanks for the post.

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