Fairy floss

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Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
It hadn't taken Archie very long to realize his optimism of having a good school year was in vain. Just as it hadn't taken him long to let every tiny word in the letters he received from home cut him to the core and drag his mood down even further than he thought it could go. The letters were happy. From an outsiders perspective seemed entirely normal. But Archie knew better. He knew that the letters were too happy, and felt like a cover up for the real problem. It only caused Archie to blame himself more for the problems going on because the happy facade his mother and sisters were forced to put up to keep him from worrying. He was sick of it all and would much rather hear his mum say that his father hated him instead of hearing a sugar-coated version of his home situation and half-hearted excuses to save his feelings from being hurt. The half-truths were hurting Archie more and that was why he had taken up even more antisocial habits when the distraction of the Gryffindor quidditch strike came to an end.

Halloween was usually a holiday Archie adored for the candy and the wacky costumes his classmates donned for the night but this year the idea of celebrating Halloween had his stomach turning in nauseating circles. He made a forlorn and out of character decision to avoid the Halloween feast altogether in favor of spending the night catching up on lost sleep in his dorm. But before he could recede into Gryffindor house for the night Orwell reminded him of the previous year's Halloween they spent planning the forbidden forest protest and the fairy costumes he promised to make up for it. It took a lot of convincing on Orwell's part, but eventually Archie gave in and decided to show up to the Halloween feast with half a costume in the form of a pink tutu around his hips on top of his regular muggle clothes because he had been too unprepared to get a fairy costume of his own. As he walked in the great hall with his hand wrapped in Orwell's he felt rather fabulous in the wavy pink tutu despite how stupid he knew he looked and how much the hot pink colour clashed with his blue hair. The pink mesh material flowed with movement his body made and every step forward and he strongly fought the urge to twirl and make the most of his half-costume before the night was over. He tightened the grip he had on Orwell's hand and leaned slightly towards him they stopped on one side of the dance floor. He smiled when their eyes met. "Thanks for convincing me to show up tonight." He whispered. "I love you." The gesture of convincing him to spend time at the Halloween feast cheered him up and made him feel like himself for the first time in weeks but he wasn't about to waste his time admitting it more as he wrapped his arms around Orwell and pulled him into a tight hug.

the worst post everrr​
It had taken a surprising amount of persuading to get Archie to want to go to the Halloween ball, Orwell was not blind the troubles plaguing his friend and he didn't know what he could do to help, he tried all that he could and he just wanted to spend all of his time with his best friend, but the fact they weren't in the same house at school made it difficult, he couldn't just go drag his friend out of bed and of the dorm to do something far more fun and it had taken a lot of persuading to get him to join him at the Halloween feast, and at that due to the lateness of this decision it had meant sharing the Halloween costume and Orwell hadn't minded at all, just as long as he got the fairy wings, which he was currently wearing over his normal muggle clothes, which were given where Orwell was from a little more worn than Archie's, but he thought they looked great and he was so much happier going to the Halloween and he could just see the smile on his friends face as they stepped into feast, he felt happy at how good Archie was feeling and wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around his best friend and show him all the love that he deserved.

Holding archie's hand and the pink wand in the other the currently red haired teen just smiled at him as he looked round at him, feeling so joyous at the fact his friend seemed happier and at ease with it all, Orwell was always at a loss with what he could do when his friend was like this and he just wanted to make all the bad things go away, so close to just offering Archie his home just so he would have some place to go if he wanted it, likely to be one of the few people ever to enter his community who didn't entirely believe what they believed. Orwell just grinned happily at him waving around the fake pink wand feeling just amazing until Arcie turned to face him at the edge of the dance floor and Orwell just nodded at his words, about to reply when Archie hugged him, and Orwell returned the hug with as much intensity as was shown to him, keeping his grip on his friend tight as he nestled his head in his best friends neck, "I love you too," he whispered to him, just so happy to be in this embrace, to be close to Archie like he was, his closest and best friend. He eventually pulled away and then met the taller boys gaze, "Come on," he said pulling Archie to the dance floor and twirled him under his arm to get them started on the dancing, it didn't matter that the costume was a mess or that they were sharing it, he was just so happy to be spending this time with his best friend.
Archie buried his face in Orwell's hair and sighed with contentment. Simply being by Orwell's side was enough to lift his spirits. The addition of hugging his best friend and being able to forget his troubles by spending his night at the Halloween feast in half a fairy costume was the cherry on top of it all. Archie was already beginning to feel like his usual self and wanted to dance the night away and stuff his face full of candy though that didn't stop him from pouting and still harboring a need to continue cuddling with Orwell instead of making the most of the Halloween festivities when the hug ended. His pout turned into a smile regardless of the hug he began to miss and Archie giggled and twirled as gracefully as he could given their height difference and his awkwardly long legs when Orwell lead him towards the dance floor.

The previous year's yule ball was a show of how awkward of a dancer Archie was and that fact still had not changed. Though he was happy he could blame his dancing skills, or lack thereof on the pink tutu he was wearing. He allowed his body to sway to the beat of the music to the best of his ability as his gaze eventually moved from Orwell's to the room surrounding him. He eventually spotted Jean and waved though he couldn't see Isaiah or any of his other friends in the sea of costume-clad people. With a shrug he turned back to his best friend and twirled on the spot, hoping his flowing yet slightly tatted tutu would capture more attention than his bad dancing. "C'mon. I want to get some candy." Archie reached forward and gently tugged on Orwell's shirt. If he couldn't find Isaiah now he was sure he would spot him sooner or later if he made his way towards where all the candy was kept. He still never intended to show up to the Halloween feast that night but he was glad Orwell convinced him otherwise. Dancing the night away and hopefully soon to be stuffing his face with candy certainly beat staying in his dorm doing nothing.
Dancing was very clearly not one of Orwell's gifts, he wasn't too coordinated in that manner, but at least compared with Archie he didn't have to worry about limbs being all over the place. Orwell just danced with ease, despite being terrible at it, and he smiled happily seeing the smile on the smile on his best friend's face, there was nothing quite like managing to make him happy. He wanted to do so much more for Archie, help him so much more but he had a limit to how much he could physically do. The boy glanced at his friend as he tugged on his t-shirt, Orwell was much enjoying the pair of wings he was wearing, they looked a little silly but he liked it, he liked the silly feeling of the wings, the fact they were likely for young children, but it made him feel more in the halloween spirit. At the tugging, he glanced more closely at his friend as he spoke of candy he needed to get, which was one of the better parts of this celebration.

Orwell didn't let go of Archie's hand as they made their way through the crowd and away from the dance floor where they had just been, dancing away, leading them all the way to the sweets table, or the nearest sweets table and handing a whole bunch of then to Archie. He on the other hand took greater care in picking out things that he could eat, he liked to keep as natural as he could with sweets which was pretty difficult given that they were magical, and that he mostly didn't mind. The teen ended up picking a bar of chocolate to eat, it technically wasn't vegan, but the boy did really love the taste of it. He munched happily on the bar holding the wand a little awkwardly as he ate, he glanced about the hall looking at the different people they knew leaning into Archie as he did so, "Oh hey, is that Isaiah, with one of the new transfers?" he commented point in the general direction unsure if it really was the two he was thinking of, it was always a little more difficult at Halloween to actually be able to pick people apart, the red haired boy definitely had more trouble with it now than on any other given day, but he figured that was half the fun of a day like this.
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