Fair enough?

Noah William Starr

Well-Known Member
The locket that was given by Noah's parents was on his hand. He sat on the bench all alone in one cold Winter in UK. Not sure why he was there, Noah kept his head straight to the north and walk slowly trying to clean out his mind. He placed the locket in his pocket safely and frowned as he walk toward the crowds. Who said people were nice? Life was never fair to Noah, while everyone else get to grow up with their own parents, Noah had no one. And while everyone else get whatever they want from their parents, Noah had to work in order to get what he want. If only his sisters were there, he didn't even know if they were dead or alive. In his mind they were dead, but then again, he couldn't find their graves.

A small restaurant was located not too far from where Noah was standing. He walk toward the place and pushed the door as left it swung back. The place was simple, he couldn't afford eating in fancy restaurants, he wouldn't want to spend all his money to eat in those kind of place. Noah walk toward a chair and sat on it showing no emotion. His hyung-nim ((gang leader)) always told him to show no emotion so the enemies wont know what was on his mind. He took the menu in front of him and ordered a hamburger seeing that it was the cheapest. Not that Noah had never ate in a luxurious place, he wanted to save his money just like what his hyung-nim always told him.

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