Open Failing expectations

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Set after Ravenclaw v Gryffindor game (join at your own risk :r )

Lilith wasn't upset about the loss exactly, no. She was more so upset about failing expectations, those she hat set for herself and those she thought had been set for her. Partly she felt like she had robbed Savannah of her final game and in the end failed to deliver. Her captains had thought her good and ready for the pitch which had been a huge honour and she thought perhaps she was worthy of such trust, but throughout the game it became evident perhaps she wasn't cut out for it. She had tried her best, she really really had but it hadn't been enough. Honestly good for Gryffindor, but it just kind of sucked feeling like you failed. Perhaps that was the exact reason why the Ravenclaw had stayed behind to the pitch, pondering where she went wrong and what she could do better, if she ever had the nerve to return to try out for the team next year to hopefully get a permanent position. Sitting down on a rock Lilith felt tears prickling at her eyes, tears of frustration more so than anything else. She brought her knees up and buried her face in them, it had been a fun game but the pressure of her own expectations was now a crushing weight on her shoulders.
Jonah had been in the Stands to watch the Game, mostly just in case Rose was put into the Game. It was highly unlikely according to Sayuri, but he wanted to be there anyway just in case. He actually didn’t want to watch, mostly because his own team’s loss hadn’t been easy to swallow either and watching Gryffindor and Ravenclaw battle it out for a spot Hufflepuff had last year may be a bit of a sore point. Still, Jonah watched it all to the end. He’d been one of the last two leave the Stands though, not really willing to brave the crowd. He’d lost track of Lumos somewhere even as he walked down in search of him. Still, who he found was not the Slytherin but instead the Ravenclaw seeker. Jonah and Lilith weren’t on the best terms. He felt uncomfortable in her presence, knowing she was friends with both Tori and Elijah. She wasn’t someone he would at all consider a friend. Or even an acquaintance. But he thought he understood what it felt. He was no seeker, but he was a player. He wouldn’t pretend to know what it’s like to be a seeker just as he thought not just anyone should talk about what it’s like to be a chaser. He looked around and saw no one so he shuffled closer to her. Once she was within reach, he bent down to give her exactly three pats on the back, closer to her shoulder blade than her spine. And feeling as awkward as all hell, he stood back up and turned to go. That was just about as much comfort he was willing to give to someone who was closer to an enemy than a friend. No one should have to cry feeling like they were completely alone. Or that nobody understood.
Lilith wasn't sure how long she had sat there wallowing in her disappointment but it hadn't been too long when she felt someones hand patting her back. Albeit a little startling it was nice and somewhat comforting. The Ravenclaw brought her face back up, squinting at the light, just as the patter had stopped. To her ultimate surprise it had been Jonah. "Thank you Jonah." She whispered, wanting to make it known she appreciated the small act of kindness and comfort he had shown. She was tempted to hug him, but given how their current terms were probably less than friendly, no thanks to her, she doubted that was a wanted outcome of this for him so she took what she could get. "This game can be really frustrating and nerve grating, huh?" Lilith admitted before being able to fully stop herself.
Jonah had turned to leave when Lilith spoke. He didn't really want to speak with her. He wanted to find Lumos who he'd lost in the crowd. It felt embarrassing to be thanked for something he felt like he did so half-heartedly. He wouldn't say that the game was frustrating. He'd grown up with Quidditch almost his whole life. Had been on a broom for as long as he could remember. And though more often than not these days, being on a broom didn't bring him comfort as he did before, Quidditch was still something that was familiar. He was more frustrated with his own skills than anything. But it wasn't just up to him to win a game. Just as it wasn't just up to the seeker. "Seekers end the game," he said after lingering for a few more moments before biting his lip, "it's not up to them to win it. It's the team's." It wasn't Lilith's fault that Ravenclaw lost. Gryffindor was just the better team this year. And Hufflepuff was going to train to get out of the last spot they'd found themselves in. He was going to train for it, he hoped that one day he would make people see that chasers could win the game too.

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