Open Faded Roses

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Margo Fox

daily prophet reporter 🌸 old soul 🌸 '62 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (20)
Margo wasn't feeling very romantic and she hated that. She hated that a boy could take the joy out of one of her favorite days. She wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed that there were no rose deliveries this year. She missed the distraction but she wouldn't know what she would do if she got one from Valerius, so for the moment she was glad not to deal with that burden. But she didn't want her worries of what if to keep her down, so she put on a pretty dress, tried to put make up, and went to the dance. The decorations did little to lighten her mood but she still found herself looking up at the petals falling from the ceiling. Margo leaned against one of the pillars off to the side not sure if she wanted to be seen or not. Hopefully one of her friends would save her, or maybe she could pretend to be a statue instead.
Veronique sulked into the Great Hall, extremely frustrated by her lack of a date. She didn't want to be going alone to these things, and it was embarassing that she was. She had hoped that maybe one of the boys on the team would be willing to go with her, but it seemed like there was never a right time to ask, and as much as she complained about it in front of them, she was having no luck on them actually picking up her hints. The Hufflepuff found herself by the snack table, finishing up a glass of whatever the punch was when she saw a somewhat friend nearby. "Enjoying yourself, Margo?" she asked with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. This really was a drag.
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Margo had been watching the petals falling above her when she heard someone call her name. "Oh, hi Veronique." she said turning her moody frown into what she hoped was a friendly smile. She was happy to see a friendly face even though she wasn't sure she had it in her to be totally social. She opened her mouth to answer before really figuring out the answer. "I am-" she started to say but hesitated. Was she enjoying herself? Not really. But she didn't wand to explain that to the younger girl. So she just let her half answer speak for itself. "How about you?" she asked quickly. Eager to get the attention off of her.
Veronique found something to lean against and looked down at her shoes as Margo responded. This Hufflepuff was definitely not having good time, but seeing as she got there, maybe she could make it better. "I mean, I feel like I'm not going to have much fun, but I'm here," she responded, looking up at her fellow Hufflepuff. "I like your vibe for tonight. Very moody," she added, suddenly realizing Margo might not take that as a compliment.
Margo smiled meekly as Veronique leaned next to her and her brow furrowed when the younger girl said she wasn't going to have much fun. "Why is that?" she asked genuinely. She knew she had her own reasons for being in a mood tonight, she just hoped her mood wasn't spreading. "You are, and you never know when things might turn around." Margo insisted optimistically. She wasn't sure how much she actually believed that but it was a nice thought at least. "Oh, thank you." she said after being complimented. She hadn't realized how worried she had been about looking alright until that moment and she felt herself relax ever so slightly. "I guess it is a bit different than my normal look." she sighed.
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