Facing Fears

Claude Harris

Well-Known Member
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Claude looked up at the bright blue sky and the clouds. It was such a nice day out, and for some reason, all of the brooms were laying on the ground near the wall. Were they defects? Did someone forget to put them away. Claude didn't really care, he just wanted to see why they were over there. He walked over to one of them, and called "Up!" The broom shot into his hand just fine, but he put it back down, since he didn't know how to fly. He swiftly turned his head around when he heard someone else's feet on the cobble stone.
Hiria walked onto the quidditch pitch. She heard a familiar voice yell "Up!" and she looked to see where the voice came from. It was her friend Claude. She walked towards him. He turned "Hi Claude." She said "What are you doing out here?" she asked.
"Oh hey Hiria," said Claude, "You scared me there! I could'e sworn you were a teacher or something. I was just practicing with my broomstick." Realizing how stupid that sounded, figuring that they didn't have flying lessons yet, nor did he actually own a broom. "Well actually I just found these broomsticks, and I was just trying them out. I don't know how to ride to well, so I'm probably just going to leave these here."
"Oh." Hiria answered. "I'm actually afraid of heights, so I was thinking I was going to try to conquer my fears and try to fly a little, b-but I don't think I can do it!" Hiria could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.
Claude figuring he knew enough about Broomsticks, decided to help Hiria. He summoned up another broom and put it between his legs. "Ok so from what my sisters taught me, you kick the broom gently and the-" as Claude kicked his broom while speaking this, the broomstick wiggled a little bit and shook Claude's head. "Ok new theory, maybe if we kick it so softly it'll move less vigorously." Claude tried this and only made the broomstick do the same but less intensely. "Oy gevalt," Claude said while shaking his head to bring him out of being dizzy.
Hiria said "Maybe I'll try?" a little unsurely. She summoned a broom in the way Claude had, and she got on it. She tried kicking off gently, but enough to get it to stop shaking. It started hovering in the air, to Hiria's surprise. She clung on tightly. "Help me!" she said her voice squeaking a little.
"Hiria!" Claude screamed out loudly as he grabbed his wand and lashed it out of his pocket. "Accio!" Claude yelled as he pointed his wand at Hiria's broom. Both objects began to glow purple, and the broom stopped shaking at it came slowly down to the ground. "Phew, that was a close one," said Claude wiping his forehead. "Hiria, you have to be more careful!"
Hiria got off the broom, still shaking. That had been a terrifying experience. "I'm SO sorry! I could have been seriously injured, what was I thinking?!" Hiria said.

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