"Face-Claim" doesn't exist per se, because I am adamantly against "claiming" a celebrity for one account that nobody else can use.
However, we do have a list of character play-bys. You can view the list in our
Site Documentation page, or as a
Pinned Topic in the On-Topic Board.
You can submit your character and the person you're using to represent them to that list, but all it does is help people who care about such things, so they might not choose that person, or if there are already several people using one actor somebody might choose not to use that person and add to the list.
The reason we don't, and won't, have a stringent policy on such things is because of the nature of our site. There are a thousand roleplaying boards out there with rules like that, and roleplaying boards in general tend to be overwhelming for people unfamiliar to roleplaying and extremely strict. While we can't do much with the overwhelming nature of the concept, we can work with how strict we are about things. HNZ has always been rather lenient, open, and inviting. I have no intention to change that. If it hadn't been that way when I joined, completely new to roleplaying, I probably wouldn't have stayed - and I suspect others are the same way.
There is also the fact that enforcing such a strict "face-claim" policy would be ridiculous. Warning people for using a celebrity somebody else is? Honestly? Possibly banning somebody because the way they envisioned their character simply is most closely matched by a celebrity somebody else just happened to claim first? No thanks, I have no interest in that. While I know it works well on other boards, and I am fully aware that some people in this community would love that as well - I don't think it suits the type of community we want to be, or that we have been in the past.
I hope this makes sense.