Open Eyes On You

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Eurydice Nightray

sweet • i want it, i'll have it • spoiled
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Open after Dan with William

Eurydice was pretty sure her clothes had exploded. She wasn't sure how. But they did. It was most definitely not her fault though. Okay, so maybe it was. A little. But only a little! She couldn't be blamed though! She'd almost had nothing to wear tonight! Next time, she was definitely going to manage to convince everyone that she definitely needed to bring her whole wardrobe to Hogwarts just so disasters like this could be avoided. She hadn't been expecting William to invite her to the Valentine's Dance. Hadn't even hoped for it. The Yule Ball a couple of months ago had been a dream, Eury sometimes thinks. She'd found a friend - a best friend - who gladly spent time with her and even took her to dance as much as she wanted. She didn't have to just follow him around while he spent time with his guy friends. It was so nice. Of course, the Nightray Ball was different because her cousins and other purebloods that attended weren't as nice as William. She hadn't asked if he wanted to go with her to the next dance because it was Valentine's and maybe he wanted to go with someone else. Someone special. And she certainly didn't want him to get tired of her. So she'd been so shocked when he'd asked her to go with him that she practically tackled him into a hug and agreed all too happily. Which brought her to now where she found out that she didn't have anything to wear when she wanted to look really nice. It was getting around to the time that William was meeting her, so she sighed and decided on a dress to put on and matching shoes. Her hair was at least a little easier to manage. And then she was off to leave the Hufflepuff Common Room. Hopefully, she wasn't late.
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William paced outside the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, he fidgeted with his suit as he waited for Eury to meet him so they could go to the valentine’s dance. They’d had a lot of fun together at the yule ball so when everyone started getting excited about the valentine’s dance it had made sense to him to ask her to go with him. He hadn’t worried too much about what it might look like, or what people might think, William just wanted to have fun at the dance and he always had fun with Eury. William stopped fidgeting just in time to see his date walk out of her common room, “Hey,” he beamed at her. “You look amazing,”
Eurydice’s smile was so large when she spotted William waiting for her and she bounded over to him, taking her spot next to him as she holds on to his arm - a habit she had developed by now whenever they were walking together. “Thanks, it was hard finding something nice to wear,” she admitted as she looked over at his own outfit. “You look quite handsome yourself,” she said as they walked towards the Great Hall. She’d been looking forward to the dance really, as she was with most parties. Especially ones that she could attend with friends, and William was one of the best. She chattered about the break because it hadn’t felt like they’d spent that much time together in the last few weeks so she talked about her mother being pregnant with twins and how she was quite looking forward to the new family additions. And she also told him about how her brothers were acting all weird since the break but she didn’t know why. And then she asked about his break and listened until they reached the Great Hall. It was certainly surprisingly more buzzling than the last ball.
William smiled at the compliment Eury gave him in return but even more so when she came over to him and began to cling onto his arm, a habit she had developed every time they hung out that seemed especially appropriate given they were attending a dance together, he liked the feeling of Eury hanging off his arm, it was almost comforting. ”You’d look good in anything, though you do have a knack for pulling off dresses,” He grinned and led her away from the common room and walked the short distance to the Great hall which had been decked out to fit the themes of Valentine’s Day. ”Pretty,” William said quietly, though he was mostly looking at Eury when he said it.
Eurydice couldn’t help but blush a little at that compliment. She didn’t think she would look good in anything but William seeming to think so made her feel all bubbly and nice. And it was really nice that he seemed to appreciate how she looked all dressed up. Maybe she would invite him to the next Nightray Ball where she would have help getting dolled up unlike here at school where she has to figure everything out herself. Or maybe Mr. Dak would be willing to help her out next time. She’ll ask him on their next tea session.

Eurydice looked at the Great Hall in wonder at all the decorations. It would probably always be amazing to her how it could change so dramatically for things like this. “It really is,” she sighed wistfully before turning to William with a smile. “Think we can go dance before Kael-nii finds us?” she asks hopefully. Her brother had been acting weird since Yule Ball. If she didn’t know any better, she would think he didn’t like William. But she was pretty sure he was a secret teddy bear so that just wasn’t possible. Still, she wanted to dance with William without Kael-nii hovering so she thinks they could maybe do that before her brother spots them.
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