
Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara wandered around "This place is amazing!" she shouted out the window. She wasn't sure what made her do it, but wasn't worried, because the lounge was empty. well she hoped it was. She was very nervous. In the muggle world she had friends she was sure of, she knew she wouldn't have too much trouble, but this world was strange and new to her and the fact that other people had already made alliances and friendships. Sara was beginning to panic and tried to calm herself down, but nothing would console her. She hugged herself and was close to tears. Rocking from side to side, she dried her eyes and took deep breaths. "What would they say at home if they saw me like this?" she said to herself or so she hoped......
Roze was sitting in a corner of the room pretty much completely hidden from sight because of a couch in front of her. She was reading a book when she heard someone walk in and shout.

Must be a first year... This'll be fun. She thought with a grin.

Roze marked her page and set the book down next to her. Then, she shouted,
"I know, right?" Just as she finished, she heard what sounded like someone mumbling to themselves. She froze and listened closely to see if she heard any more.
Willow was sitting near the window, she gazed outside - the sun was shining and it was warm. really warm, a bit to hot for her liking.

She looked at the pieces of parchment around her, She was trying to get her Herbology essay done, but was procrastinating by writing music instead. Sighing, she dipped her quill into the ink bottle and started to write, where she left off;
"...Mandragora plants have very unique roots..." distracted by a melody forming into her head, she tossed aside her assignment again and finished off the music score she was writing before;

"I know, right?" A voice boomed across the room which led Willow to jump from her seat, spilling the ink onto her sheet music.
"Shoot..." She muttered to herself and saw the inky mess on her piece of paper and was silently thankful to herself that it was her music that was ruined and not her essay.

She looked at the girl who shouted, it happened to be a Gryffindor.
"House Pride alright" She sighed under her breath and quickly tried to clean up the mess.
The room was not empty as Sara had thought. Someone shouted "I know right?" "Yeah," Sara replied, looking around to see a Gryffindor girl, a few years older than her. Then she heard someone mumbling and heard a crash. "hello?" she said and turned to see another Gryffindor, maybe her age this time. "I'm Sara, what are you're names?"
Roze stood up from behind the couch to see one girl, a Ravenclaw, looking around, and another girl, a Gryffindor, trying to clean up spilled ink off of a piece of parchment with a less-than-amused look on her face.

"Oops," she said towards the Gryffindor. "Is that my fault?" She asked. She didn't mean for anything like that to happen.

Roze looked at the other girl.
"I'm Roze." She stated with a smile.
Willow looked up, hastily rubbing the ink off her fingers on a spare bit of parchment and saw the older Gryffindor girl smile at her.
Letting her agitation drop and realizing the mess she created she laughed; "Hi Roze...yeah you gave me a bit of a fright, but I'm fine...I'm Willow..First year..obviously" Willow stood up and stared at the ink dripping off the table, it was making quite a mess.

"Umm...Yeahh. Paper towels...or something"
She scratched her head but still didn't do anything about it and just simply walked around it where she was near all the other girls

She saw another girl in the room, a Ravenclaw perhaps;
"Hi Sara, I'm Willow" She gave the girl a shy smile.
"Hey I'm in first year too" Sara exclaimed toward willow. "What year are you in Rose?" she asked smiling at the other girls. "So, what are you guys doing here?"she asked, then said "I'm just exploring."
Willow smiled towards Sara, glad to know that there was another first year in the room; "I'm just trying to do this Herbology Essay. it's interesting, but it's yeah. It just plants - nothing exciting." She picked up her ink soaked quill and sighed; "this'll need replacing" She placed it back down and looked over to Sara;

"Isn't Hogwarts amazing? Got lost outside. I never knew it was easy to get yourself lost in a place this huge" Willow laughed and started to pick up her ink soaked belongings, Being careful that not a drop of ink will fall onto her outfit.
"Yeah it is" she replied "That's what I was shouting about" she said laughing, while glancing at the other girls.
Kate was exploring the castle and passing the student lounge she heard a familiar voice she opened the door and saw her twin sister sara and two other girls "hi"she said
Ciel was exploring the castle, thinking about the friends that he had met at the hufflepuff common room, hearing a familiar voice at the student lounge, he had decide to enter the place.

"Hey Kate, . . " Ciel said greeting his fellow hufflepuff but stopping abruptly as he saw another student that looks just like her, " Are you twins?"
Vayne cannot believe it, he was actually sorted on his most favorite house. Without anything to do, he had decided to explore the castle. "Wow, this place is really cool" he said. looking for a place where he can meet possible friends, he had passed the student lounge where he saw a group of students of his age talking to each other. Building up the courage to speak, he had approached the small group.

"Uhmm, HI? My name is Vayne Rozeleouxe, first year, I'm sorry if I interrupted something." He said with a sheepish smile on his face. He was actually quite nervous, not knowing what the students would think about his sudden appearance.
Two boys came in just after Kate "Hey sis'" Sara said with a smile. First a hufflepuff boy came in and said hi to Kate. " Are you twins?" he asked. Sara was shocked "How did you guess?" she asked, her and Kate were not identical, so most people were shocked when they found out. "Yeah we are"
Then another boy came in. "Uhmm, HI? My name is Vayne Rozeleouxe, first year, I'm sorry if I interrupted something." he said. He seemed nervous so Sara smiled at him and said "No not at all, I'm Sara." "What's your name?" she directed at the first boy."
Willow blinked at the number of people starting to come through, she wished she knew a charm or a spell that would enable her to clean up the mess she made earlier a lot more quickly.
She decided the best thing to do was leave it alone and hopefully it'll come right itself.

"Hi Vayne" Willow gave a shy smile towards the boy; "Your in Gryffindor too? I think it's pretty awesome." She commented and she turned around to greet the other boy; "Hi there, your in Hufflepuff aren't you? That's pretty cool" Willow smiled at him as well.

It's nice to meet new people. I think I might like this place after all...
Kate turned around "Hi Ciel,ya shes my twin sister"Then another boy came in "Uhmm, HI? My name is Vayne Rozeleouxe, first year, I'm sorry if I interrupted something"The boy seemed nervous she smiled and said"Hi Vayne,my names Kate"She noticed the mess that one of the girls was covered in ink "here I'll help you,Anybody got some tissue"she asked
" Just my intuition perhaps, and by the way, My name is Ciel Michaelis, first year." Ciel said to Sara. "Thank you, yes it is pretty cool in hufflepuff, all the students are kind" Ciel smiled to the slightly older girl and turn to his fellow hufflepuff student, "Here Kate, I have some tissue, and do you need any help?" Ciel was enjoying the conversation that he is having with the other students.
"Thanks Ciel"Kate took the tissue and helped Willow clean up the ink its okay I think we have it covered."why don't we introduce ourselves properly""why don't you start Sara.??"
((OOC: Sorry guys! I've been realy busy lately, so I haven't been able to post. :o This will bring Roze back into the conversation with her little tid bits, though, and I'll try to post more promptly, now. :tut: ))

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! We need paper towels..." Roze bit her lip as she looked around for something to help clean up with.

"I'm a third year. I was just in here reading a book." She answered Sara absent-mindedly as she continued her search. She paused when she heard a new voice. Roze turned and smiled at the new girl. She was just about to continue her search when a boy came in.

"You are?" She asked, surprised that the girls were even related. They looked nothing alike. Then, yet another boy appeared. She smiled at him, too, and when he said his name she shouted, "I love your name! It's so cool!"

Then, a girl whose name Roze couldn't remember started helping Willow clean up.

"Yeah, proper introductions sound nice." She gave a smile and a slight laugh.

Then, it came to her, like an epiphany. She took out her wand, pointed it at Willow, and shouted,

Roze smiled. She had remembered the cleaning spell.
In a heartbeat the inky mess and the ink spots on the ground disappeared into thin air, blinking, Willow walked over to her parchment and noticed that her music sheet was the same as it was before the ink pot fell.

She turned around and looked at the group around her; "Thanks everyone" Willow packed up the various parchment and ink pots and quills and placed her satchel neatly on the windowsill. Her stomach grumbled and she noticed the time.

"Say, do you guys wanna head down to the Great Hall and grab something for lunch? Or go for a picnic outside, it would be nice to know you guys a bit better"
Willow smiled and pointed to the patch of grass underneath an oak tree at the great lawn.

OOCOut of Character:

If you guys want to, I can start a new topic down at the Lawn.
If not, we can just keep RP here. :)
"Yes, I am a gryffindor and i am very proud to be!.... uhmm... sure, i think it would be nice outside too.., then maybe we can start knowing each other better' Vayne exclaimed, too happy that he had found new friends. "Hi there! what did you just do? that is SO COOL! " Vayne then look in awe to the older girl as he saw that she had just done a spell.
"you're welcome Kate." Cile said, handing kate the tissue. then, he saw another girl bring out her wand and cast something like a cleaning spell."COOL...HOW DID YOU JUST DO THAT?!" He shouted then abruptly covered his mouth. "Sorry, I said it too loud." He said while looking at the ground, he was ashamed that he wasn't able to contain his amazement to the older girl. "And, I agree with you Vayne, I think that its better if we talked outside, for fresh air and a change of scenery perhaps?' He then turned to willow, smiling to the girl.
Willow stifled a laugh when she saw Ciel and Vayne exclaim the shock of seeing a spell at work.
She had to admit herself, it was pretty cool.

Grinning she spoke; "Yeah. Why not - let's have a picnic! We should meet by the big oak tree and make sure you guys bring along something to eat and drink" She winked and hoped they'll bring something nice - after all it was a nice day.

OOCOut of Character:

Here is the link to the Picnic topic:

"Uhm... yes.. let's go outside, and uhm... sorry again for shouting, I am just to amaze, it's my first time to actually see magic at work.." Ciel said, starting to fix himself.
"wow that was cool"kate said amazed"It would be nice to have a picnic haven't had one in ages and the weathers really nice"Kate said getting off her seat"Lets go"Kate said
Roze laughed at all the exclamations the spell had caused. She remembered thinking the very same thing the first time she'd seen magic done in person. "It's simple. You'll have these kinds of spells down in no time." She smiled.

"Yeah, a picnic sounds great! I'll meet you guys there!" She waved the temporary goodbye and headed to prepare for lunch.

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