Open Exploring The Outside

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Charming
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Nöel wanted to spend the first day on Hogwarts the best he could. After he had seen his bedroom and he got some food he was ready to explore to outside. Or at least try to find and remember where he had to go if he wanted to go outside. The castle was so big, but Noël wanted to see one thing badly and that was the Quidditch Pitch. Both Gabriel and Liam played for their house and Noël hoped that he could do once too. He had been a fan of Quidditch from young age already and went to different games. When the boy found the way outside after some while since the castle was so big he felt the sun on his skin, this was nice. Perhaps it was handy to hang out signs to which way something was. But perhaps you could find something for that with magic too, he was asking himself. Perhaps someone could help him with answering that. The brown haired boy walked further and saw a big lake and a lot of green around him. And far more further he saw the Quidditch Pitch and their towers. He decided to walk in that direction and hoped he could just enter to see what it looked like. But first he would look around some more, and he didn't seemed to be the only one.
Spring time in New Zealand was the best season. Birds chirping, flowers are blooming and mostly the weather was neutral. Ireland was ecstatic when she was sorted to one of her sibling's house. Although, her brother had just graduated, it felt like he was still there. Hunter mentions he was in the Quidditch team before quitting because of school work, she admire both of her siblings for their dedication to their future. But that doesn't mean she will not be having fun.

Packed her essentials on a Peppa Pig plush backpack; mostly snacks, lip gloss and perfume. Ireland head outside the castle grounds. Like her siblings used to tell her, it was magnificent. Big because she almost got lost the night before just for finding the restrooms. Enjoying the scenery of the green and blooming lawn and garden, the Quidditch pitch stood tall in the background. Ireland's big sister didn't approve of the game, she thinks it was cruel and Ireland thought the same thing.

The blonde girl entered the premises of the pitch, it was huge and it overwhelmed the little Hufflepuff.
"Sure is huge inside." She told to no one in particular. Then her gaze went upon the stands for students and school staff, she hope she could watch a sport like this but she's too against it. Rough wasn't in her blood.
Hattie's first day at Hogwarts was going quite fast for her. The girl was annoyed that her common room was so high up in the towers, but Ravenclaw really did seem like the best house and she was happy that the sorting hat did its best with her. As soon as the girl had a chance, she made her way out onto the grounds, eager to get lost in amongst everything there was to explore. She held Mr and Mrs Donkey in her arms as she looked up and admired the pleasant weather. She was sure Mr and Mrs Donkey liked Hogwarts so far as much as she did and she was happy to share this moment with them.

As a boy that she recognised from the sorting ceremony walked past her, Hattie quickly hid Mr and Mrs Donkey behind her back, suddenly insecure that she had brought soft toys along with her. She didn't know how people were going to react to that, but she wouldn't imagine going to Hogwarts without them. They had been with her ever since she could remember and she wasn't going to give them up just because she was taking on another chapter of her life. Hattie watched as the boy began to make his way to the quidditch pitch and suddenly the Ravenclaw thought it would be the perfect chance to make friends. With the soft toys still behind her back, Hattie approached him before speaking. "Do you like quidditch? Did you know we can't actually play it until our second year? It sucks." she said with a shrug, figuring this would be the perfect way to start a conversation. She knew lots about quidditch and really was disappointed that they had to wait before playing it.
Amy was a little overwhelmed by everything on her first day at Hogwarts. But the weather was nice, she had been sorted into a great house, and she had her book, so she decided to go sit outside and read too calm herself down a little. Sitting overlooking the Quidditch pitch, she opened the novel and immersed herself in it.
Noel had been really enjoying the time outside so far and it seemed there was a lot to explore. When he heard a girls voice and wasn't sure if she spoke to him or just to herself. She said it was huge inside and he agreed on that for sure. He than smiled towards the blonde girl and looked at her. '' It's huge right. How can we ever find the good classroom?'' he than asked her and hoped she didn't mind he talking to her. The girl had some interesting backpack with a pig or something it looked. He than heard another voice and was glad people were making contact. This was already different than he had with Eric. He didn't put effort in it at all to be nice. He than heard a girl talking about quidditch and smiled. That was a topic he liked to be talking about for sure. And he had heard the same thing as the girl said, so he had to wait another year. '' I love Quidditch! I know right. My brother plays it around here. I'm definitely gonna try out next year what about you?'' He than asked the Ravenclaw girl and looked at the hufflepuff girl so they could join a conversation with more.

OOCOut of Character:
So sorry this is very late

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