
Valery Matthias

Active Member
Straight 16 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Perhaps this was one of those days that had Valery in a tight spot. He was unsure what he wanted to do today. Valery Matthias made his way down to the lawns, and decided that today was a day that he wanted to see the gardens. He heard that some gardens are beautiful, and he wanted to see it for himself. He asked some older students were the garden was, and he was pointed into the right direction. Valery smiled to himself as his red eyes focused on the gardens ahead. The sun kind of hurt his light eyes, so he put on a pair of sunglasses to conceal his eyes from harm. The red in them made it a little difficult to see in the light, and caused headaches. It was just a minor problem he had, and he was going to make the best of it, to his trip to the gardens. So far, he had yet to be stopped by anyone, and a part of him wished that someone would stop him so that he could make some more friends. He wanted to have a lot of friends. Would he be loved one day, like others loved his uncles and aunts?

The Gryffindor arrived to the gardens, and he looked around at the plants and the flowers. They were all so pretty. Someone took great care of them. Was it the Wild Patch Club? Maybe he needed to join that club? Wait, Valery did not even like plants that much. He just admired the way they looked. They were gorgeous, so how could he not? Valery smiled to himself, and started to hum a song from one of his many CDs. He memorized all the songs, so he could hum them quite easily. His hand reached out to touch a rose, his fingertips hitting right on the thorns. He hissed in pain as he noticed that he started to bleed. Without a second thought, he placed his finger in his mouth to get rid of the blood. It did not hurt, but he did not like the sight of blood that much. He and Troxa shared that feeling. Both fainted at the sight of blood.
Emily had a free day for herself. She already did all her homework, because that is just what she does. She was a hard working student, because that was just in her nature. But a whole day free, and she already read all her books like five times, what would she be doing today? Emily already went to the great lawn and met Avery Marshall a girl from Slytherin. She wanted to see something else today, so she grabbed her bag and did put some books and parchment and a lot other things into it. Emily looked out of the window and saw that it was a beautiful day to be outside, so she decided that she wanted to go outside and from there she will see were she will go. On her way she saw some students from her own house and Emily waved at them, but almost fell from the stairs. Emily could laugh about it herself, but that would seem really clumsy. She was wondering if there was anyone in the school, who ever fell from the stairs. If you will be all to the top of the stairs nearby the towers, you would kill yourself, that was a scary thought.. '' Brr I hope that I never be that clumsy.'' It were moving stairs, so Emily must stand still and that was hard for her.

When Emily felt the sun on her face, she smiled. She was one of the happiest person alive, hogwarts was really the place for her, it felt like a home for her and her favorite place was the big library. If you had to create a heaven for Emily it would be a big library just as at Hogwarts. At home she did have a lot of books, but this was just thousand times more. Emily walked straight a head and after a while she entered a place with a lot of flowers. In a book about hogwarts she read that there was a big garden and she guessed that this was it. Emily never had been here, so it was cool too check out a new place. From a little a far she heared some humming a song. But besides that it was very quiet in the Garden. After she walked a little bit further she saw a boy standing with his finger in his mouth. Emily walked at him and saw him standing next to som roses. She guessed that the roses were the bad boys. '' Are you a vampire? You don't have to drink your own blood you know? I read that vampires also eat pasties strange huh?'' Emily smiled at the boy, ofcourse she was making a joke. She found it a little bit funny of herself, but she laughed a bit to hard on her own bad jokes. '' The roses are the bad boys right? But are you ok? Should i grab a rose for you? They are beautiful, but i warn ya i'm a little bit clumsy. So i don't now if i get hurt too.'' Emily looked at the roses, she liked the smell of them.
Valery really hoped that no one saw what he did, or what he continued to do. He could not help it. He wanted to have all the blood gone before he fainted. So, he would continue to hold his finger in his mouth until he no longer taste that metallic taste. He would need something to drink later to get rid of it. Wait, he had a soda in his bag! He reached around for it, which was much harder to do with one hand. That was when he heard a question, and from the statement, he knew that someone was talking to him. Just as he had his other hand on his soda. He looked up with his red eyes, which didn't help his case at all. "I don't think vampires go to magic school cause they can't do magic. I just faint at the sight of blood." He did not mind telling people that, which was different from his uncle, who wanted to keep that from everyone. Troxa had a huge fear of it, and Valery's dad told Valery that they shared that aspect. Terence was definitely not afraid of blood, but someone else had to be. The worst thing ever would be for him to feel even more alone in the family than he already was.

The first year smiled as he popped his finger out of his mouth, and wiped his hand on his robes. He opened a soda and took a drink to get the metal taste out of his mouth. He shook his head when she offered to grab a rose for him. She was clumsy, apparently, so he didn't want her to get hurt, like stuck in the rosebushes. "Nah, I just wanted a closer look at them. I'm all good on my rose fever now." He took another drink out of the bottle before he decided to change the subject, "I'm Valery, by the way. Valery Matthias." She was being nice to him, so he would be nice to her. Then again, even if someone was mean to him, he would be nice to them, or just run away. He was used to it, but he still seemed a little cowardly. No one could know that until that situation came forward. That was for certain. Valery was just glad that his finger stopped bleeding. The thought of blood alone made him feel a little faint.
Emily was in a mood that she could say anything stupid. For the vampire thing she once thought about it before she spoke and Emily found it very funny. But she was the only one laughing sadly. But it was not the end of the world, she hoped. When the boy looked at her she saw something like red eyes. *Ok Emily your not gonna say, you have the red eyes already.* Emily needed a zip for her mouth sometimes, her thought was very mean and she did not want to hurt the boy. He could not help it right? Emily was glad the boy started to talk, so Emily could focus on that.'' Yeah you are right, I knew that but it was just a joke.. but you knew that right? Besides you could never be a vampire, exactly as you say, you faint at the sight of blood.'' Emily smiled at the boy, and walked towards him.

When the boy refused a rose Emily started to play with her hair. '' OK that's totally fine sure!'' Emily looked around her for a second to enjoy the beautiful view. When the boy named Valery introduced himself she looked at him again. '' Nice to meet you Valery, I'm Emily Richardson.'' She put her hand out toward Valery and waited untill he should shake it.
Valery laughed as she said that he could never be a vampire. Mainly due to the fact that he faints at the sight of blood. That was true. He would make a really lousy vampire. Valery was exceedingly happy right now with the fact that he could really get along with people, and vice versa. Talking to people that were not family was a relief. They ignored him. These students did not! He was just one of the kids. "I suppose I did! But imagine the hilarity if there was a vampire that was afraid of blood. Or worse, allergic to it. They'd have to stick to the suckers down at Honeyduke's!" Valery could not resist laughing at the thought of it. He was having such a good time and all with this girl. He did not even know her name. But he said his, so within a few seconds, she said that her name was Emily. She put out her hand, and he shook it with the one that he did not slobber all over. "That's a pretty name. I'm in Gryffindor, if you can't tell. I think you are in Hufflepuff right? What is it like? I bet everyone is super sweet there." Except for that one kid, Chaos. But Valery was not going to mention that scary boy.

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