Expiry Date Closing In!!!!! Charries up for grabs!

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OOC First Name
Heyya Guys!

Well after the first one died, I decided to post my remending characters!

If you post here I'll PM you with all the details about them and their passwords.

Skylar Avalon - Member, undeveloped, in no current RPs

Phoenix Smith: Durmstrang, misunderstood no RPs

Charlie Willow: Durmstrang, dating Jake Storm, flirt, quite mean at times. No current RP

Kia Lee: Beauxbatons, Language barrier, knows basic english, no RPs

Zafrina Lockhart: Owner of a bookstore, toddler called Yvone, in no current RPs
Alecto Feanor: Undeveloped, 15, members, home-schooled, cousin to Jaedan Feanor

Dakota Howard: mean, alcoholic, possibly DE, PB: Emma Roberts

Scipio Massimo: Unsorted, Lives in foster home. Undeveloped. PB: Young Rollo Weeks

Nicole Crysin: 2nd Puff! Einstein smart! No current RPs! PB: Taylor Swift

There expiry date is closing in so PUH-LEEZE pick one!

If get one, you get a years supply of cyber cookies! :)

Can I have Skylar? ^_^
Justin Cliffeton said:
Can I have Skylar? ^_^
Yes. I'll PM with more details and the password
Gemini Sparks said:
I'll take Alecto?
Yes she is cousin to Jaden and Jaden is my character. Ill PM with more details and the password.
Liberty Corvus said:
ill take Kia but you can keep the cookies :o ?
Ha ha ok. I'll PM with details and password :)
You have been PM-ed
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