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Bellatrix took the pie roughly out of Buzz's hands without any change in emotion other than disgust and hate. She gave no thank you, and didn't dare to look at it.
Estrella waited for Buzz's answer, sitting down at the table to devour her pie.
Buzz looked at the kinder girl[Not Bellatrix <_< J/k],"Name...My name is Buzz...Buzz the House-Elf." Buzz said in a low voice.
Estrella smiled back at the house elf. "Well, thank you very kindly, Buzz, for the delicious pie." She held out her hand for a handshake. "My name is Estrella Drage."
"Shouldin't you be leaving?!" Bellatrix barked in a dangerous tone towards Buzz.

ooc: Nice "the kinder girl" XDDDDDD Thats funny! :))
"You know, for a person that's trying to get on my good side, Bella, you are acting rather like a git," Estrella snapped at Bellatrix.
You're not sorry, Estrella wanted to say, but instead of causing more conflict, she kept her mouth shut. "So, Bella, what were you doing down here anyway?"
"Oh," Estrella replied, gazing at the cupboards. She really wished that she had gotten more practicing done, but it didn't seem like anywhere was private anymore. Everyone seemed to be using the Room of Requirement these days, and she didn't exactly want to publicize what she could do. "Why were you saying I was useful before, Bella? And don't give me any half-witted answers, either."
"Well...urm..." Bellatrix started unable to think of an idea at first. "Its just....like I have said before, your one of them....and....with this new gift of yours....if I happen to get into trouble...you could possibly...help me..." she said softly.
"That would depend entirely on what type of trouble you were in, Bella," Estrella replied, biting her lip, her expression turn. "I would help you out in mortal peril, say, but not if you were in trouble because of your actions." Her dark eyes narrowed. "And what do you mean, I'm one of them?"
"You keep insinuating that!" Estrella snapped. "I've never been loyal to anyone, truly."
Estrella was getting very angry with Bellatrix and her assumptions, and it was starting to show through the red tint that her face held. "I don't see what you have against prefects, Bella. You don't need to chastise me just because you aren't one." She knew that she must sound snotty, but at the moment, she didn't care.
Bellatrix looked at her in disbelief. "Y-You think I wanted to be a Prefect and thats why I am angry?!" she sputterd out in rage. "I would never want to be in your pitiful position no matter how much they tried to make me!"

ooc: I couldin't get that out right....
"No, if I insinuated that I apologize," Estrella replied, her expression flat. "But you are being a git about me being a prefect, do you realize that? You don't need to be angry at me because of it." She sat coolly through Bella's outburst, her arms crossed, having finished her pie.
"Why would you need a reason to be angry?" Estrella inquired, raising her eyebrow. "That's just silly."
Estrella was getting severely annoyed, visible by the way she was tapping her foot continously on the floor. "Being angry without a purpose is pointless. There's gotta be something behind it."
Estrella was now confused. She sat back, staring at the clean walls, and then back to Bella, shaking it off. "I'm confused..." she said quietly, her voice trailing off. "Look, sorry I got so snippy with you."
"Its alright..." Bellatrix said in a soft friendly tone. "I am sorry too...truly, deeply sorry....I don't mean to snap...well I guess I do....but I don't enjoy it...." she sighed, "...I dunno....I'm not making sense...."
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