Expanding Magical Law Enforcement

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
My interest in getting the Ministry more active has been on hyperdrive for a while, probably since the Minister for Magic elections planning began. Unfortunately, some of that interest waned when the elections weren’t quite as active as I, or any of the staff, would have wanted it to be. :( We are hopeful that this idea that we have been working on will springboard new activity in the Ministry area and throughout the site because it certainly has the potential to do just that. Are you sufficiently curious about it yet? :shifty:

We would like to begin the process of developing a Wizengamot on the site. For those of you who don’t know or remember what the Wizengamot was from our brief introduction in the books, it is the high court of wizarding law. Trials on the site have largely been run by the Minister of Magic with that individual being the sole voice in determining a person’s fate. We are hoping to alleviate this burden from one RPer while also encouraging participation and engagement from other RPers by accepting applications for Interrogators, the members of the Wizengamot.

How will this work?

We are hoping to have enough of a group that we can randomly choose several people to sit in on each trial to ask questions and interrogate each suspect. From canon, it seems the full Wizengamot only come together for HUGE trials (a la the King murder).

The Interrogators will work closely with the Minister of Magic and the admin.

Who can participate?

Here’s where things will get a bit tricky, so read on carefully:
1.The Minister of Magic and the Deputy Minister of Magic will have automatic seats on the Wizengamot as will former Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Magic.
2.The current Heads of Ministry Departments will also have a seat.
If you fall into one of these groups, you will have one week from today to PM either Donna or myself to accept your seat. If not, you will have to submit an application. Remember: We’re trying to up the activity, after all! ;)
Note: We will be asking the current MoM to hold off on accepting new department heads until the Wizengamot applications close.
If you don’t fit either of the conditions listed above, you have one more option:
3. Fill out the Ministry of Magic application! There currently is no option for Wizengamot, so we would like you to leave the ‘section of the Ministry’ area as it is when you enter the application “ - - .“

When can I apply?
Great question! Unlike other Ministry type applications, we will not be accepting Wizengamot applications on an on-going basis. Applications will only be accepted from today until one week from today. This is a strict deadline, and any applications sent in for the Wizengamot outside of that time will be automatically denied.

Applications will be re-opened periodically. It could be an IC year from now, a RL year from now, etc. Don’t miss the opportunity this time!

Speaking of opportunity…

Have I mentioned that we hope that this sparks activity? :cyndi: We are really serious about that though, so serious that Donna and I have decided that Wizengamot seats won’t be permanent. :o You can lose it for IC reasons (committing a crime, dying, demotion, resigning, etc.) and you can lose it for OOC reasons as well. Remember when I mentioned choosing a select group for each trial? If you are continuously unavailable when we offer you the opportunity to participate in a trial, if you are chosen and don’t participate in the RP, or if your character goes inactive for a long period of time (over 3 months), we will consider asking/forcing you to step down. Yes, we know this is harsh. But, we also know that in order for site-wide plots to be successful, we need to have active, site-wide participation.

With that said, we hope you are as excited about this new development as we are. It should bring about a lot of new opportunities for people – Interrogators and crime-doers alike. We need some people to go on trial, after all. :p Who knows? Maybe this will help the push for a new Daily Prophet again. Wouldn't it be great to read articles about trials? (If you’re interested, PM me ;) ).

Happy plotting! Get those applications in! ^_^

(On behalf of the site staff)
This is super cool, and I'm really excited and hoping to participate.

Can you give us an example of what kinds of backgrounds will be looked upon favourably in the third category of Wizengamot applicants?

I've been reading up on the Harry Potter wiki to see what kinds of people were on the tribunal, and apart from those who were known to be Ministry Officials, the rest of the chairs seemed to go towards miscellaneous citizens with variable backgrounds (eg. Griselda Marchbanks, 'Governor of the Wizarding Examinations Authority', and Elphias Doge who, apart from being a member of the Order of the Phoenix, is only listed Special Advisor to the Wizengamot between the First and Second Wizarding Wars). There is also supposedly a British Youth Representative for the tribunal, to represent wizards under the age of 17.

There appear to be those whose only job description is to assist the Wizengamot in various matters. So, whoever our characters are, so long as they have appropriately filled out the Ministry application with relevant details, they might be in for a chance? Please clarify!

I know that general applications are closing soon, and that you also mentioned that the Wizengamot apps are shut one week from today. Can you tell me exactly when regular apps close, and are the W.G. apps exempt from this if they close sooner than one week away?
Examples of backgrounds: If we didn't put any additional specifications, there was a reason for that. ;)

Apps are closing before the next BWU, as we indicated. BWUs are every two weeks, and you've only got one week to submit this app. I don't think an exemption is necessary. :)
Well, all I can say to that is awwww yiss. Thanks for clearing things up, Cyndi :3
This is so exciting!
I can't wait to see this in motion!
Me too! We're looking forward to see how trials go with some additional opinions involved. :)
I'm looking forward to all the trials that's gonna happen! :D
Me too, I'm super excited!
I can't wait for the start of the trails and seeing the diverse opinions coming through with the range of characters taking part ^_^
Just a reminder that there's only a few days left to apply to be apart of the Wizengamot!
Today is the day! Applications for the Wizengamot will shut down in about 12 hours! If you've been thinking about applying, and we hope you have :p , get that application in soon! ^_^
A couple of my characters are feeling a little nervous about this :r =))

Good luck to everyone who applied! ^_^
Thank you to everyone who applied and everyone who PMed to accept their positions. We will be reviewing applications and sending responses out soon. :)

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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