Excuse Me?

Hikari Hitachiin

Well-Known Member
Hikari sat down quietly, placing her cup of tea in front of her. She did not know why, but she liked English tea more than Japanese tea, it was interesting to say the least, but after several years of not living in Japan, she had grown out of the tea and had now migrated to a more western point of view. Living with Noah had been fun, she had never lived with anyone but Emiko and her parents before, she had to admit, things had been going nicely. They respected each others space, there was plenty of room for the two oof them. Hikari would clean, read, practice magic and other such things, occasionally going out for some shopping, though it was rare to shop around here as she still disliked muggles, she would usually apparate to a magical part of the world, usually to New Zealand. It was quite nice there, in fact she had been considering moving there, but only if Noah was willing to leave, if he was not, she would stay, but if he was... she already had the house picked out.

Hikari sighed with content, flipping her combed black hair behind her shoulder and looked at her light brown tea with her honey brown eyes, a small smile creeping its way to her face. Things were so different, she was so happy right now, things were settled and simple, it was strange, she was usually agitated and annoyed, but not lately, she was quite pleased with the way things had panned out.
After being away from home for a while, Noah decided to give Hikari a surprise. He had prepared a ring in his pocket, he knew what he was doing and no he wasn't drunk. In fact, Noah was in love with the Japanese beauty, Hikari Hitachiin. She was a perfect match for him and he knew that she would complete him. Noah had never cling to the girl that he loved, he wanted her to be comfortable and he wanted to give her freedom. They were both very logical, they never depend on emotion only. That was the reason why he loved her, Hikari was different than Emiko. Hikari was the type of girl who didn't want to be controlled and she loved feeling the power, while Noah loved backing her up. Noah was always the second person type of guy, probably it was because he had always been on the field since he was young and he was tired of it. He loved being the mind of an action and backed up whoever was doing it.

Noah apparate to the room of his as he walked out of his room, looking at the apartment of his, well cleaned. He smiled as he touched the wall, it was far from dirty, the way he liked it. Noah bought this place to please his beloved Hikari, the apartment was pretty luxurious and Noah had to work hard to get it. After all his parents died when he was little and they spared no money for him. "Hikari" He said coldly as he show no emotion to her, she wasn't facing him. He walked toward her as he placed his arms on her shoulder, leaning forward and gave her a kiss on the lips.
Hikari was just about to sip her western tea when she heard Noah, she felt his hands on her shoulders and smiled as he kissed her, but not too much, she was not one to show too much emotion around others. She turned away and stood up, she was curious as to why Noah was here, she thought he would not be back for many weeks to come. So naturally she was sshocked, not that she was cheating on him or had any reason to not want him to return to her early, it was just a surprise. "Noah, you are back early.'' She said, plating her long black hair in happiness, though she was not smiling, plaitting her hair was enough to say that she was pleased, even if her tone of voice was almost robotic, she knew that Noah preferred logical thinking and not an over emotional idiot, which was why they fit together so well, they liked and wanted the same things. Together. Though they had never talked about starting a family, and Hika was not sure if she wanted to just yet, since they had already two children living with them, one of their own would just be premature, that was her thinking.

''Are you staying long? Do you want a cup of western tea? '' she asked, picking up her tea cup and sipping it happily, she really did like the lemon flavored tea, it was rather pleasant. She eyed off her handsome boyfriend, how gorgeous he was in the light of their beautiful apartment, the sun shone through the windows, though Hikari never really favored the sun, right now... she considered it her best friend, be use it made the sight oof her partner ten times better. ''Noah?"
Noah locked his eyes on Hikari as he listened to what she had to say, actually Noah didn't care much about tea especially if it was Western. Even though Noah was born and raised not in the land of his ancestors, he was traditional. "No" He muttered not being interested in the Western tea or what's so it called. Noah walked toward the huge window and looked at the people downstairs walking not caring about each other. The young man then turned himself and faced Hikari, walking toward her as he took a box which was tied tidily placed it on on his palm, showing it to Hikari. "I've spent too much time away from you and I apologize." He said as he untie the box opening it. There it sits a white gold Sakura ring. "Hikari Hitachiin" He said flatly and then looked at her in the eye. "I'd be happy if you marry me" He said meaning every word. At first he wanted to insist her to marry him, ordering her, but then he realize that it wasn't a good idea.
It would be a gross understatement to say that Hikari was shocked, she was in fact astounded that Noah was actually proposing to her, he had a ring aand everything, the ring was beautiful, the curve was wonderfully done and the flowers made it so pretty, but that did not stop the butterflies, the ones that came when something unexpected happened, when you loved someone so much that you coudn't be whole without them by your side. But... was she ready for engagement? Was she ready to accept the Start name as her own? Was she ready to release herself of the proud Hitachiin name for good? Marriage was a lifetime thing after all, was she ready to spend the rest of her days with Noah, would she kill him after ten years? Would he kill her after fifteen? Would they be running in the same direction when tthey were thirty? Hikari hoped so when she realized that her head had been nodding. ''Yes... Noah, I would love to marry you.'' She whispered, her eyes reflecting the emotion she felt in side, shock and happiness, this was rare for her, to allow her emotions to show through her eyes, but she allowed it this time, just so then she wouldn't have to speak her emotions, it would be easier to aallow Noah to see them through her eyes than hear them through her voice.
Silence invaded the room after the question came out of Noah's mouth. Actually Noah had no idea what the future would be, but being with Hikari, he was sure that they would be a great team. He knew that both of them would do great in doing missions. After hearing what the answer of Hikari's, Noah couldn't stop locking his eyes on the girl's beautiful brown eyes, it was filled with happiness. Even though both of them rarely show emotion but their eyes tells story and Hikari was pretty much an open book to Noah since he had similar personality with Hikari. "I love you" He said as he lean forward and planted a kiss on her lips, wrapping his arms on her waist. The young man was in love, for the very first time in his life he had never felt this way before toward any other girls. "I am still not sure why you're keeping the half blood kids" He said after pulling away. Noah didn't like having dirty blood in his house even though these kids were Emiko's.
Hikari smiled and looked at the ring that had migrated to her finger. In all honesty, she thought this day would nnever come, she thought she was going to die alone, but now such thoughts had escaped her mind. ''I love you too...'' she said, returning the kiss and wrapping her arms around Noah's shoulders, to her, he felt so strong and powerful, though he would often allow her to overpower him if they ggot into ffights, or if decisions had to be made, as she did for him. Hopefully the move she was planning for New Zealand would fall to her decision, though if he was dead against it, she wouldn't leave, but she might bring it up several times after to try and shift his mind in favour of the idea.

When he let her go and spoke once more, she nodded slightly. Hika did not like half-bloods, though she liked them a help of a lot more than muggle-borns, it was still the fact that they were not pure. But they were her sisters, which made them her niece and nephew, family. ''Noah, the only thing that stops them from being pure is my sisters weak heart and mind. I do not blame them for their defect, it is their non pure father who is to blame, as for my weak sister. But, I have been thinking aabout returning them to her, it has been a while, I am sure they would be safe now.'' She said, sipping her tea slightly. ''Oh, and I have a question.''
Noah had never been happier than he is, a smile appeared on his face as his brown eyes met Hikari's beautiful sparkling eyes. Both of them had a lot of things in common, they were both smart, speaks French, both heads to the same future. "Whatever the excuse or reason, they're not pureblood and I don't want them to be endanger. If you know what I mean" Noah had always been thinking about joining the dark side, he hated the idea of muggle being able to do magic. This disgust him, his friends too hated mugglesborns and blood traitors. "Like it or not, your sister is considered as a blood traitor. Now I'm not the one making the rule about this and you know that my friends hates blood traitors. Unless...." He stopped for a while thinking about a plan B before starting to speak " You're making these kids fight against their parents. But why put so much effort if we can have our own children?" A smirk appeared on his face. "Hm?" He tilted his head as he waited for Hikari to ask the question.
Hikari understood what Noah meant, they were both heading in the same direction, and it was not for aurors. The young ones would be in danger, and they were not their own. Sometimes it was difficukt tto explain to them, they saw Hika as their mother and Noah as their father, even though Noah and Hika would not allow them to use the terms 'mother and father' when speaking of them. She sighed slightly, but nnot from annoyence or anything like that, just for the sake of releasing air in a loud fashion. ''I know what Emiko is, I know what she has done and I know the problems we have faced raising the young ones.'' She said, holding Noah's hands and swininppging tthem playfully. ''But they are my relatives, even if they have problems when it comes to their... status.'' She said, looking at a photo of them that sat on the table.

"And the thought had crossed my mind, them refusing their heritage, if it were not for their father and my silly sister, they would not be burdened with such a horrible fate as to grow without having pure blood, it brings me pain every day, to think that my sister could do such a thing...'' she explained, shaking her head, but when Noah spoke again, she was shocked, first engagement and now... the talk of children? Noah had done some thinkg while he was absent, just like Hika, though their minds were thinking two very different things, obviously Noah had been thinking of familipy, while Hika had been thinking of moving, but there was no reason why they couldn't both have what they wanted. ''Noah... you have been doing some thinking over the time you were gone, havnt you?" She asked, shaking her head slightly and returning to her previously planned question. ''I was wowondering if you would like to move to New Ealand?"
Noah still couldn't get it why Hikari would take care of his sister's children. Perhaps it was because Noah shared love to no one all these days so he knew nothing about it but since he met Hikari, he started to learn how to love other people. "Emiko would be thankful to us if we return her kids back to her. Stop it will ya? They're better with their parents, these kids are not our style. And your sister is going to hate you even more when they find the twins dead bodies lying on the floor because one of our drunk friends came over and kill them" Noah was serious about it, he knew that this was one of the excuses but since these kids were relatives of Hikari, he didn't want them to be hurt just because his friends found out that their blood status was different and that their mother was a blood traitor.

"Why Ealand? I thought you like it here in Paris"
Not that Noah mind moving with Hikari but he wanted to know the logical reason, beside there must be a reason why Hikari didn't want to be in Paris. "Of course I've been thinking a lot dear, after all, we raise these kids together so..." He lean forward, planting a kiss on her soft lips as he picked her up a few centimeters from the ground. "Only if you're ready" He placed her on the ground and rested his forehead against hers. Hikari was the only one that Noah wanted to be with and he was sure that Hikari knew the feeling of his. He loved her more than anything else in the world.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry! xD I meant to say 'New Zealand' :r

Hikari nodded in agreement, it was not that she did not understand Nosh, and she didn't disagree with him at all, in fact, she had been thinking about pstching things up with her sister, to return the children, the happy, healthy children. What would have they been if they were with Emmiko? Last Hikari saw of her,she was an aggressive mess, verging on insanity. But what else was she going to get with the man she loved? He was a pig, a disgusting, non-pure weasel. ''I have actually been thinking about finding her, but that has been the problem. Finding her has nearly been impossible.'' It was true, finding Emiko had been very difficult, Hikari had searched everywhere, in Japan and France, they were the oonly two places Emiko would think of going.

She then nodded. ''New Zealand just seems... right, I cannot put my figure on it, I have never gone to New Zealand before and I think it would be interesting, besides, the French are very annoying lately.'' She added, a hint of play in her voice as she happily kept the closeness with her now fiance, she was excited for them both. ''And maybe a fresh start, without the young ones, will be better for the two of us?" She added, letting Noah know, she was ready for everything.
"I know where to find the father of the children, I've seen him with another youngster and I'm not sure if she's Emiko's or other girl's but the kid seems healthy" Noah said tilting his eyebrows "That's surprising" He had no idea that there would be another girl and that she would look healthy, Noah was actually expecting her to look miserable, at least that way he had a reason on why Emiko should not be with Kyouhei Watanuki. "I'm sure he knows where your sister is if he doesn't then we'll leave the kids with him and he'll figure it out. But logically, he should know" He said as he started to think a little more about the kids. Noah cared nothing about the children's future, after all they weren't Noah's.

Noah nodded his head in an agreement. Well why not? moving to New Zealand wasn't a bad thing to do after all Noah. "Sure... Just you... And me" He lean forward and kissed Hikari one more time before sitting on one of the seats, leaning back to the chair as he rest his ankle on his knee and his arms on the armrests. "How about young ones of our own?" A smirk appeared on his face looking at Hikari's beautiful face. She was beautiful, her hair, eyes, everything.
Hikari nodded slowly, that would acceptable, if one is healthy, chances are he will be able to keep them all healthy and find Emiko and deal with her wrath, it was a great plan. ''That sounds perfect, Noah, tomorrow I will tell them to pack their things and we will go.'' She said, though she was shocked that Kyouhei would be able to take care of anything besides himself, he was a half-blood pig, though... Emiko did marry him and has had three children with him, so that made her out to be worse since she tainted her children blood with his slime, it was tragic to say the least, Hikari had no idea why she would do that to her own children, it was rather bad parenting in her opinion.

She smirked, and shook her head slowly, rolling her eyes. Noah wanted children. In all honesty, the thought had been crossing her mind since she first got Nadeshiko and Nagihiko. But she was never sure if Noah would accept such a proposal but now? Anything seemed possible, she she nodded and sat down in her chair across from him, sipping her western tea once again. ''Only if you're ready, dear Noah.'' She said, pulling her hair behind her head.
Noah was happy knowing that Hikari would let the children go, he never liked having them around his place. Most of all it was because their blood weren't pure and this reminded him of the muggle idiots. He wasn't sure if Hikari knew the story of it or not, Noah hadn't tell anyone about his past but soon or later she would find out or perhaps she was pretending like she didn't know but actually she knew. "Thank you love" He nodded his head liking the idea of making the kids leave early. He was pretty tired of them.

"I'm always ready for anything" Noah smirked as he looked at Hikari. He felt like he was the luckiest man on earth, they match really well. "Well...?" He wait for Hikari to continue the conversation or perhaps surprise him with something. Noah kept sitting on his seat comfortably as he saw Hikari sipping on her tea. There was a time when they hated each other back then but then they ended up falling in love.
Hikari smiled, she would do anything for her Noah. She trusted him completely and she knew he knew her expectations and rules of their relationship, he also knew the punishments if he hurt her in any way, shape or form. But the good thing was that her sister quite liked Noah, as Noah did her, even if she was a blood traitor, Noah understood that she was weak and never said anything against her, which Hikari apprieciated, he could have easily destroyed her, but he didn't. When the kids came zooming into the dining room, Hika frowned, she had been hoping a nice, quiet day, the kids asleep and her and Noah being able to talk more and decide on their house, the house that was to be in New Zealand, the house that was not to include them. She looked at the children sternly, they were lovely children, but she did not want them here, not right now. She stood up and walked towards them. "Come." She said, ushering them to her, she held their hands and looked at Noah, a smile coming to her usually calm face. "I will be back, I will drop these two off at a magical orphanage and they can contact Kyouhei, I will be back." She promised, smiling down at the two young ones and apparating away.

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