Excuse me sir? -attitude-

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi was laying on her back in the courtyard. She knew that there would come a time when she was going to have to move because Hogwarts staff was going to come by and see her but until that time came Hoshi was going to stay here. She was still not one for class and it helped that Owl's training was going on. It meant that they didn't get exams until the very end of the year. By the time that came around Hoshi would be sliding along with her usual 'O' in every exam but an 'A' over all.

What Hoshi didn't really see was why people seemed to take this stuff so seriously. Her grandparents on her mother's side owned a hair salon and when she came of age she would join that so Hoshi could slide along school all she wanted. Hoshi crossed her longish legs and looked up at the summer sky. She laughed to herself. People in classes right now would be so hot right now. She laughed to herself as she started to think about what she could do to make it even hotter in the castle.
With having a stressful day as it already was for him so far, walking along the ground floor and taking sigh's a few times really got him thinking. Was his life boring so far? He really had no excitement in his life anymore, he was tired of being hated on, and was tired of people hating him. At first, he enjoyed it when he picked on Slytherin student's, but after a while, it got really boring and just backfired towards him in every situation. Entering towards the court yard, with his head down and his hands in his pockets, he walked slowly forward, not looking at who or what was in front of him. Continuing to walk, he came up to a someone, not noticing their face, but only their feet. Moving his head up slowly, he saw someone familiar, someone he disliked a lot. His facial expression instantly turned into angry face, and he said, "What are you doing here?" Darl rolled his eyes as he gazed upon Hoshi, someone he disliked very much. "Can't I go anywhere without having to see your face?" spoke Darl with an angry expression on his face.
Hoshi had her feet making the shape of 'V' so she saw the curly headed boy coming by. "If ya don't wanna see my face Ravendork ya can walk around with ya eyes closed." Hoshi said rolling her eyes. Her Japanese accent made her brake words but the moment she saw someone like Darl, who was so Housest, Hoshi couldn't help but start bringing out some of her least attractive features. Hoshi snapped her feet together so she didn't have to look at at Darl's face. There where some real sticks in the mud that came from Ravenclaw but some of her better friends came from that house too. The Raven's where smart and Knight especially helped her get away with her more epic pranks. It was really too bad that Darl couldn't be that cool.
Raising his one eyebrow, he was getting a little more irritated. Looking at Hoshi who was foolishly talking to him, it was getting to a point where he just couldn't take it anymore. Hearing those works from her mouth, he just either wanted to end just talking to her, or just do something else. "Ravendork? I thought you could do better. I guess not." said Darl with a calm expression. In this kind of situation, he just wanted to stay calm, but as time went on, it was getting harder and harder for him to do so. "Look, I getting sick of us fighting all the time. Can't we talk it over or something?" suggested Darl as he starred at Hoshi.
Hoshi couldn't believe that those words where coming out of his mouth. "Ey I can get mean but I'm feeling to lazy." Hoshi said spreading her arms wide and making it look like she was tired. She had been lazing around all day as a matter a fact. Hoshi turned it into an art form. Hoshi mustered up the energy to sit up and look at Darl properly. "You where the one that came at me sideways with all that 'Slytherins are nothing but future Death Eaters crap. If you wanna end it just say so." Hoshi said raising her shoulders. She only really hated people that hated her. Isabella Chaos being one person that hated her the most. Darl had been another person that hated her and this was only because of what house she was in.
Laziness was one of the words that Darl hated the most, even more than he disliked Hoshi. He wouldn't be feeling lazy at all when he had stuff to take care of, and even if he didn't have anything to do, he still would not be lazy because he would always find something to do. "Lazy? You always feel lazy, so no surprise there for me." said Darl rolling his eyes. "You know, pretending to tired is different from actually being tired." said Darl as he moved a few feet from Hoshi and sat down on the ground. "That's a stereotype that all slytherin's are said for, so don't blame it all on me." said Darl in response to Hoshi's statement. It was true, Slytherin's were stereotyped for this and because of that, many people believe bring in slytherin and for those who were in slytherin were all evil, but that wasn't always true.
Hoshi rolled her eyes then put her hand under her chin as she leaned forward. "So I like to conserve my energy for things that really matter to me. What's wrong with that?" Hoshi said flashing Darl her cheeky grin. Hoshi's specialty was to annoy people. It was fun to her and Hoshi was feeling bored with all the school stuff that she watched others do. She knew that eventually Hoshi would have to do some of it too but that time was a long time away and didn't really affect Hoshi. "Oh shut up kill joy. Most people don't have issues with green anymore and you know it. Your just have a stick up your ass." She said not caring if Darl got offended or not.
((OOC: Sirius isn't Darl. He has changed his name and will tell that to Hoshi. ))

Sirius looked away from Hoshi as she was being a little bit of an embarrassment to him for some reason. He felt as if he should just end it with her and never talk to her again, but then again, that wasn't like him at all. He had now gotten a new name for himself and he wanted to start it off with good friend's, not enemies. "Conserve your energy, waste it, it really doesn't matter to me. It's yours, you decide how to use it." said Sirius with a smile. For some reason, he felt like the need to smile if he wanted to make a changing impression on Hoshi. No matter what the case was between them, it was up to Sirius to fix the problem. "Alright, look, you wanted me to say sorry? Fine, I'm sorry. I'm just sick of having problems between the two of us." said Sirius as he moved closer to Hoshi. He really didn't want problems in his life anymore, he was just sick of it. "What I did and said was wrong and I deserve any given treatment from you." confessed Sirius. "And please, don't call me Darl anymore. I'm not Darl, my name is Sirius." said Sirius explaining to Hoshi.
Hoshi's grin got wide. This was the first bit of good news she had gotten a long time. First things with both her families where going down the tube then her used to be boyfriend just up and left without a word. If she had round housed her best friend because he left like that Hoshi was most definitely going to kill Sinclair for breaking her heart like this. "Finally someone who understands." Hoshi said as a joke. Darl seemed like he finally removed the stick from his behind.

Hoshi slipped off the bench she was laying on and walked over to Darl. "There was that so hard to say Darl-kun." She said punching him on the shoulder lightly. Hoshi had taken a lot of the violence out of her attitude but she still took swipes at her friends every once in a while. Even a few of her 'fans' got a few light shots. It took Hoshi a bit to notice that Darl has said he chained his name. "Sirius-kun then? Cool name Historical even." She said as she flicked a piece of purple tipped hair out of her face.
Not surprised to hear a semi-insult from Hoshi that his new name was a historical one, he knew that his new name would bring him joy and he wanted to start a new life, even if he had to fight to get a name for himself. "Call me anything you want, It really does not matter to me." said Sirius smiling. Sirius thought that him keeping his cool would be really beneficial to him because it would give the other person the impression that whatever they are trying to do to him, it wasn't going to work. He could feel new things being born inside him as a result from the name change and he was feeling more happy as the minutes passed. "So, instead of insulting me, why don't we start on a new slate? Perhaps be friend's?" suggested Sirius with a smile. As one of his goal's, he didn't want to have any enemies anymore. He was just tired of it, and having enemies didn't get him anywhere in life.
Hoshi wasn't insulting him. Hoshi loved the name Sirius and the person it was attached to. Now if the one who took on his name was that cool she would even consider flirting with him a little bit but if he wasn't Hoshi was going to mess with him like nothing else. "No problem Sirius-kun no insults then." She said with a broad and very sweet smile on her face. Sweet for Hoshi Watanuki that was which usually meant she was up to something. Her mind was already working on ways to get Sirius if he didn't live up to his name even a little bit. He didn't have to be a full blown prankster but he had to be cleaver enough to best Hoshi. Or at least this was how Hoshi's mind was working at the time.
Sirius felt as if Hoshi was up to something. Her showing a smile all of a sudden and then trying to be very sweet, she was up to something and it was up to him to figure out what. He would have to try to outsmart her in order to do this and Sirius knew how to take care of this situation, but it would require a lot of patience on his part, which would be a test for him as well. "I'm glad to hear a positive response from you." said Sirius with a smile. Sirius may be showing her something up front, but he certainly was cooking up something in the back of his mind and he would soon show her what he was made up of. "So tell me, what's on your mind?" asked Sirius.
Hoshi smiled wide and shook her head. "That's something that you will never be able to find out. But I do give you this." Hoshi said walking to the middle of the courtyard and standing on pointed toe. It was easy with her thick combat boots on but the way she was dressed she might as well have been a deranged ballerina. "Have you ever heard of Disturbed?" She asked. Hoshi took out a magical music device from her pocket and put on 'Devour'. Hoshi started to move as smoothly as the music as if she had been practicing for years.

It was a cover up of course because she knew that Sirius was a cleaver boy and would figure her out if she didn't do something. She moved a little more roboticly when the song said "I will devour you" but it was all part of the act. "This is one of the bands I listen to the most." She said with a wide grin on her face.
Sirius knew that he would be able to manipulate Hoshi if he tried hard enough, but then again, that would require a lot of work on his part. Sirius was thinking of figuring out what Hoshi was up to because of her attitude change and her smiling and now dancing was a bit obvious that she was trying to create a diversion for something she was planning. Little did she know that Sirius was able to detect all of this without her knowing and would be able to manipulate easily. "Yes, I have heard of Disturbed." said Sirius smiling. It was good for him to keep his cool and to give a message to Hoshi that whatever she was planning, it wasn't going to work on Sirius. Sirius was a newly born boy, with a few attitude and new thinking level and he knew that no one would be able to out smart him easily. "Good moves. Now, you wanna tell me what you are really after?" asked Sirius straight up. Sirius was now a straight shooter, he doesn't like any time to be wasted.
Hoshi's impromptu ballet continued even though Sirius asked her what she was really after. Hoshi laughed and danced right up to Sirius. Hoshi wasn't the best dancer out there but she knew how to use the moves she did have to hypnotize. Sirius was proving to be too smart for this but it didn't matter much. Hoshi wasn't looking to hypnotize she was looking to distract. She slipped a finger under Sirius' chin and looked right into his eyes. "Now what would make you think I'm after something?" She asked breathily then dropped a ball of compressed cloud powder that made it seem like Hoshi had turned into smoke.

Just as fast Hoshi was gone. The only thing that was left behind was a strand of green hair and her trail of laughter.
Seeing Hoshi dancing herself out there, Sirius looked to his right and then to his left to see if people were looking at them or not because this may turn out to be an embarrassing situation for him or rather for both of them if this doesn't stop soon. He could feel Hoshi being a little nervous that she couldn't break into him and that was the exact feeling he wanted everyone to understand and feel because he wasn't the same old person anymore. He was regenerated, new born and a better person overall with the smarts as well. Seeing Hoshi come up and lifting his chin, it was surprising to see that, but nonetheless, a trick as what Sirius had thought of it. "Perhaps because you are trying to create diversions?" replied Sirius with a smirk on his face.

As soon as she was done talking, she dropped some sort of cloud power ball that seemed to make an illusion that showed Hoshi disappearing and her being transformed into a cloud. To Sirius, this was a little new, but rather, it wasn't anything that he hadn't heard of before. Keeping his cool, he heard Hoshi's laughter's and saw a strand of her green hair. Looking up, he said, "Good trick I see. Too bad it's nothing new." said Sirius as he started to walk and concentrating his ears towards Hoshi's laughter. It may have seemed that Hoshi was trying to play mind games with him, but Sirius was planning a game of his own that Hoshi had no idea about.

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