Exchanging Words

Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Pumped up and ready to go, Lawrence Andrew Cavell or also known as Enzo, made his way into their training pitch. It's much bigger that what they had in Durmstrang, as a matter of fact triple the size of their pitch and the equivalent would be this one. Every day or perhaps every other day, Enzo was busy preparing for their upcoming game. Practicing, blocking some hoops and going to the gym thrice a week. Every muscle of his body seems to be awaken, buffing up and showing up. He loves his careers, even though it means juggling two careers in one day. Whenever he's free you'll find him either in the Ministry hanging around, being an Auror and if not on the pitch guarding some hoops during practice. Everything seems to be perfect, but nothing last too long to be perfect. As he ended his practice for today, Enzo decided to stay behind. Inside the locker room, the smell of sweat and dirt mixed together. He didn't want to leave just yet, since the stench of his smell was killing him and second he wanted to linger this moment. Enduring the smell of the whole locker room, including his. Enzo sat there on the long benches and removed his swear soaked shirt away from him, throwing it in his shoulder. Leaving it to hang there, his hair messed up.

Still a gorgeous mess, Enzo stayed there half naked, just mostly thinking about some things. Things like, Raffelo, who haven't replied to his letters yet, Cocoa, in which he needed to know if their date was still up. Faxen if their friendship will continue furthermore, Ashe, if she's doing good in Durmstrang and lastly Maiden if she's enjoying her meal. A lot of things, mostly people. There was never a day that Enzo wouldn't think about them, these people just really means a lot to him. Always. He sat there, as his sweat slowly faded, it dried off. Making his way into the shower cubicles, Enzo took off all his clothes and took a shower. Once he was finished he dried himself with a towel and wrapping it around his waist. Returning back to his locker, until he heard some footsteps. It just meant that he wasn't alone, that someone's inside the lockers too. Strange. Stopping for a while, Enzo waited for the footsteps to continue on further and when it did he saw a familiar face in front of him. It was one of his team mates, he isn't sure what exactly what his name was. Since he haven't really interacted much with his fellow team mates, the only one being Dannii. "This is not the way I imagine how to say hello." he stated, looking down at himself. He was only wearing a towel around his waist, half naked in front of a guy. How he hoped he isn't gay by chance, or else it would really be heck of an awkward conversation.
Dietrich Cavanaugh was loving his life. He was now staying with his brother, which gave him the opportunity to annoy him every minute of his life. Trix had pulled so many childish pranks on his brother, and Patrick just hated it. He had been very kind to Camilia, and he always helped her whenever he could. Dieitrich could never imagine pranking Camilia. He would surely be out of the house then. Dee liked being in a huge house with servants. It was all he had ever wanted. There was Quidditch practice today, so Dee was pretty happy. He loved flying more than his brother ever could. It helped him get away from all of his problems. During practice, Dietrich flew hard. His team was very competitive, even during practice. They liked to win games, especially against those Harpies. He never knew women could get so aggressive, but there was a particular short seeker on their team that he had his eyes on. He did not know if she had goblin blood in her because if she did then he would eraser her from his mind like nothing. Goblins really disgusted him. He had got attacked by one when he was younger, and that had ruined everything about goblins for him. After practice, Dietrich took a shower with the rest of the guys. He quickly changed clothes. He had a to get some mixes ready for the club he was performing at tonight. Dietrich was out the door within 20 minutes. He reached for his headphones that were usually around his neck, but the chaser felt nothing. He groaned in annoyance. He left his bag in his locker. Dietrich had two bags. Bag number one contained sweaty clothes, his wand and his broom that he shrunk. Bag number two contained his computer, some blank discs, music, cords and, most importantly, his headphones. Dietrich ran back to the building. He was not a fan of appartating. It made him want to vomit more than goblins did. He ran back up to the locker room and entered. He dropped his first bag on the floor and ran to his locker. He opened it and started to look for his bag. Trix frowned. It was not there. Where could it be? He slammed his locker closed and was getting ready to look somewhere else before someone spoke to him. Dietrich scoffed. "Do you have something I don't, bro?" he asked. It was one of his teammates, the keeper to be exact. He knew all of his teammates names. It was only common courtesy to memorize the names of the people he worked with. "You go by Enzo right? Well, have you seen a bright blue drawstring bag around anywhere?" he asked him. He wanted a quick answer because it always took Dietrich a long time to create half of a mix. He was very musical, and he did not believe in just throwing things together.
The smell of sweat finally disappear from his body, in exchange a sent of citrus and deodorant. It's such an amazing feeling, refresh and ready to continue his day with a smile on his face. As he approached was gonna approach his locker and instead saw his team mates, he stood there feeling awkward. While waiting for him to answer, Enzo shook his hair and dried it off with another towel. "We should continue this conversation back to my locker if that's fine with you." He didn't need to answer him, as Enzo made his way through his locker and getting a dry shirt. Wearing it and next his pants, of course he already had his underwear before leaving the shower. The Auror then face the guy, still not sure how to address him, as his name remains a mystery. "What? he grew confused, it's like the guy was interrogating him for something he haven't done.

At first he wanted to leave the guy alone in the shower room, but then he heard him speak once more. Over all he was rude to not say hey, hello or anything, rude for suspecting he stole his bag, especially when it would be their first time to talk to teach other. Plain Rude. Which made him annoyed, even by just the tone of his voice. "Right and no haven't seen any blue bag around here. he replied as he wore his jacket and combed his hair. Enzo was ready to leave, and end this conversation. "Now excuse me but I need to go." Enzo stated, it was obvious he was irked by him. He didn't want to sound rude like what the other guy did, and to avoid any misunderstanding, he decided it was best to leave. Throwing in his bag into his back, the twenty year old made his way out of the lockers. Hopefully the guy wouldn't stop him and check his back, because he didn't stole anything and never will he.

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