Open Exceedingly Early Icy Sunrises

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
It had been a lonely break with Ava, he had kept waiting for Ava to come back, to say something to him, to open that conversation between them, but it hadn’t happened. Instead he’d just spent most of his holiday holed up in his room. Vader certainly hadn’t at any point intentionally saught out those boys and enticed them into picking on his several times. It had just been on the path he’d decided to go on some of the days when he’d been out to get some pictures. Vader hadn’t managed to sleep much since the fight with Ava, the few hours he got were a new norm, and a new low for what he would call a good night. He had thought about reaching out, but he knew he wouldn’t stop lying and this would just happen again. Especially since even at school, he had to worry about Vegeta. It was that that woke him up in the early hours. Vader had managed to get to sleep when the sound of someone coming late into the dorm woke him. Vader couldn’t get back to sleep. Instead he lay for a bit and then eventually got up. Eventually deciding that due to the clear night that he might catch a good sunrise, and the cold fresh air was better than just sitting on his dorm bed waiting for it to rise. So he put on his thickest winter jumper, his hat, scarf and everything else that would keep him warm. He could tell the night had been cold, there was a light frost on the ground.Vader eventually head out with all of his equipment. He got some coffee from the elves and found the usual spot that he knew he’d get the best sunrise. Vader set himself up and took a few shots of the slowly lightening sky. In all of what had happened, he just felt sad. A great emptiness in his heart, photography always made him happiest but even it struggled at times. But, he deserved it, he didn’t deserve a friend like Ava.
Isabelle had been having a terrible break. She was sad that Vader ending stuff and started doubting everything about herself. So afr that she decided to do things different. She would become more confident and girly and more grown up. She still liked fairytales, perhaps people could think it was childish but she believed in a happy ending for herself as well. Although Vader didn't seemed to be her prince. The blonde had dyed her hair blonde and felt her blye eyes came more out now. She wanted things differently. She was not really happy being now on Hogwarts. She felt alone and wanted people around her. She could not sleep and felt like she could not breath inside she needed fresh air. So the blonde took her jacket and figured she could take a walk outside. It had no point in trying to sleep because she didn't slept good the past few weeks as well. Isabelle had really liked Vader and was heartbroken. But also she didn't exactly knew who she was and what she wanted to do with her life. She felt a bit lost, and especially alone. And going outside would perhaps did not help in the part of being alone, to not being alone. But fresh air was welcome. And it was really cold indeed. So the blonde had put her cap up as well. She walked over the hard grass towards the lake. She could just watch the beautiful view and perhaps that would cheer her up a bit. The blonde didn't saw a person taking pics and didn't noticed she walked through his shot.
Vader was looking through his camera, going between looking through the lens and then back out towards what he was taking pictures of as the sun was beginning to rise. He was therefore someone frustrated when someone stepped out right to the middle of his shot. Vader sighed heavily, and looked through the lens. It actually looked quite nice, he took a few shots of the person looking out over the grounds as the sun was rising, it seemed to contrast the colours that were present. He wasn’t even paying attention to who it was, just that it worked. He took a few more picture and then after a long yawn grabbed the coffee and took a long drink. He took another few pictures of the girl still standing there. The sun was slowly coming up and he was setting his camera to take pictures at a certain interval, he wouldn’t need to stand by it. He grabbed the spare cup he had for the flask with the coffee and then headed over to who it was. It was only when he got close that he realise who it was. And of course, because nothing was going right for him, ”isabelle,” he said, he attempted to smile at her, but it was weak and certainly didn’t reach his eyes. He was too tired to try any harder to smile at her or at anything. ”Do you want some coffee?” he asked her, looking at her and then avoiding her gaze. God she probably hated him, she was going to freak out at him, he would deserve it too, he was realising that they hadn’t worked not because she wasn’t right but because of him. He was tensing, his hands were beginning to shake lightly, nervous for her reaction.

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