Exams once again

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Meera Gupta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hi all,

I have my final exams of grade 12 coming up in February. They will start on 11th and continue up to the 20th-ish. They are important for my Uni and I need to start studying. I am absolutely addicted to HNZ but due to this very reason I have reduced Kyle's current topics. I will try to get some of his lessons done (Gryffindor has to win ^_^ ) but that will be pretty much it. I hope that he gets into the Qudditch team and I will make sure that if a match is fixed my sister will do the work for me so that won't be a problem. As for Meera, she is my weakness. I have three on going RPs and I will continue them but will be a bit slower. After those are done I wont be starting any new ones until after my exams. (I can't wait to get done. I have so much planned for my characters)

So thats that. I was trying to postpone posting this but its 10th January today and I have less than a month.

Until I am fully active again this is
Ciao :cool:
Hope your exams go really well :hug:
Don't worry about Meera's replies! I'm busy so am happy to wait as well! That reduces 1 you havet to do :p
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