Evil walks in the halls

While looking at the girl, she didn't expect who spoke behind them. "Its Andrew." She said quietly, she turned around and put a fake smile on her lips. "Nothing, where just on a conversation." Lexi said still smiling.
"Well, it didnt sound like a polite conversation to me" Andrew said raising his eyebrow at the girls. He didnt want any more arguments which mostly ended up in duels and unnecessary jinxes. Slytherin had lost many points this year and Andrew was doing his best in his lessons as well as gaining extra points to help Slytherin. Therefore he did not wish any event to happen that would make his effort useless.
"Its not my fault when this girl just shouted." She said pointing her finger on the girl name Emma. "Its not my fault, your always suspecting me." Lexis aid angrily.
Emma-Lily was a bit startled this person was a bit startled when yet another person joined them, but she saw a possible chance to get in trouble so she turned to the knew comer and said in a quvering voice, sudenly changing from hot tempered to sweet and innocent. "I w was going to the libary whe i accecedently bumbed into her and then she yelled at me and at some stage i think i fainted and and and !" Emma-Lily broke off not rembering other things that would make her inocent but making it sound like what had happend was too unbearable to speak off she then stood there quitly making it look like was all too much for her, and she might faint again trying without people noticing to get the mean girl in trobble even through she was sure the new comer wasn't a profeser.

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