Closed Everything You Know

Sango Arai

charms mastery • making my own way • exacting
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Curved 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Sango had always known what she wanted to do after graduation. Charms had always been a subject of fascination since she'd started going to school, and so it was no wonder that her goal was to eventually work on Experimental Charms. But working in the Japanese Ministry hadn't been her goal straight after graduation. She wanted to make sure that she was well ahead in the field for her age before she started working for the ministry. And so she'd decided to work on her mastery. Her mentor, however, had given her a goal to find a study that she wanted to focus on and specialize in. Which was how she found herself traveling and eventually ending up in New Zealand.

Sango had chosen to work on studying incorporating certain charms into dragonhide materials. Dragonhide was well-known as heavily impervious to spells, which was why it was such a great material to make protective clothing with. It would, however, be useful if the charms could be spelled into the material such as growing or shrinking charms. Or perhaps adding layers of protective spells on the material. There are so many possibilities. Unfortunately, she didn't know nearly enough about dragonhide or dragons to start researching how to incorporate charms. Which is why she'd reached out to a research center and requested a meeting with one of their dragonologists over lunch. Now, she just had to wait at the table for the dragonologist in question to arrive at the restaurant as she sipped on her drink.
Preston Zhefarovich really loved his work. He studied dragons, for Merlin's sake. His father, Sergei, did not really like the fact that he was doing something so dangerous, but at least he knew what he was doing. He also did more things in the office versus out in the field. He loved going out in the field, but that was not his duty. Preston had to talk to someone today, and he looked over her name. Sango Arai. He knew that last name, as Sergei let him know a few of the pureblooded families - though she might not be. Who knew. Preston was not raised to be super prejudice. After all, he was named after his father's best friend, who was muggle-born. So, Preston did not really care about blood status.

He still liked knowing who he was going to talk to though. He looked at the time, and saw that if he left five minutes ago, he would have been on time. Preston sighed as he rushed out of his office, and made it to the restaurant after a quick apparation. He saw the woman sipping a drink, and power-walked over to her. He sat down across from her and said, a little out of breath, "Sorry I am late. Lost track of time." Preston was not lying, since he was raised better than that.
Suffice to say, Sango was not impressed. Growing up in Japan meant that she valued time very much. They were always expected to be punctual and to not waste time, and especially not waste others' time. She wasn't really early to the meeting she'd called. She'd arrived a respectable ten minutes prior. She had expected the dragonologist in question to at least arrive on time. They were wizards. What reason could there have been to not arrive on time when they could literally move from one place to another within a second? Could he have not sent a note? She'd just been about to give up on the whole thing when the man finally showed up. She hadn't really thought that she'd be meeting with someone who looked to be nearly her age. She'd though that she'd been speaking with someone older more experience in their field. "Sango Arai, I'm taking my Charms Mastery. You're the one the research center sent?" she said as she set her drink down. "Order what you wish and excuse me for asking but how long have you been working with dragons?" He would be of no use to her if she couldn't bounce ideas off with him because he didn't know much about dragons due to lack of experience.
Preston could instantly tell that he was not making the best first impression on her at all. She introduced herself as Sango Arai, and how she was taking her Charms mastery. So, that meant that she was smart. He doubted that she would get eaten within the first few minutes of being near dragons anyway. "Well, I'm Preston Zhefarovich. I am, which could be a good or bad thing for you, whichever way you want to look at it." Preston did not have a lot of experience behind him, since he was just in his early, early 20s, but that didn't mean that he was not good at what he did. He knew dragons. He loved them. Riding them was a lot harder than it looked and risky too. He had not tried that yet though. "Ever since I graduated a couple of years ago. I generally study them and spend time researching versus out in the field. But that doesn't mean that I don't know what happens out there." He didn't want to order anything yet. He needed to see if he would be here long enough to even order anything.

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